The Dresden Files > DF Books

dresden trivia

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Re: number 20--I don't think it killed the Blampire, just messed him or her up very very badly.


--- Quote ---14.   What characters have appeared in every Dresden Files story so far?

14.   Harry, Bob, and Murphy (Mister was not in the short story from My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding)
--- End quote ---

Bob was not in the prequel story on line.  maybe rephrase the question to 14.   What characters have appeared in every published Dresden Files story so far?

just a thought


--- Quote from: Abstruse on August 25, 2007, 04:19:04 PM ---1.   What is the name of Harry’s car?
2.   Where did Harry get his staff?........

Please make me aware of any errors that might be contained within because otherwise I'll drive myself friggin' insane.

The Abstruse One

--- End quote ---

You rock!

These are excellent questions!  Thanks so much for posting them.

As for the Mavra question, however, I don't think she's necessarily the leader of the Black Court.  She's a very powerful member, but I don't think she's whatever passes for their Queen.


--- Quote from: Priscellie on August 24, 2007, 01:46:11 PM ---Tak, there are actually four Regional Commanders in the US, though we only know the names of two.  From Dead Beat:

--- Quote ---She nodded again, more sharply. "Then I'm conscripting you into the Wardens as a regional commander."

I blinked.

"You'll be in charge of security and operations in this region, and coordinate with the other three American regional commanders."
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

Question - I was re-reading DB and came across this (p392 (?) hardback) from when Morgan gives Harry his first check.  Morgan says:

--- Quote ---But you may be required to participate in missions from time to time, and I will expect you to work with the other regional commander in America.  He operates out of Los Angeles.
--- End quote ---

This seems to imply that they're down to Harry and one other (Carlos).  As I thought about this, it occurred to me that when Harry first became a Warden, Morgan was one of the 4.  Then when Morgan took over the role of leading the wardens (due to Luccio's injuries), he was no longer a regional commander?  I also thought that in the battles, another one got killed.  But I skimmed back through DB and searched PG, and I can't find anything to back up either of these recollections specifically.

Are there other references to the regional commanders?  I don't have White Night, so I can't look there.

- Confused, BL


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