What we did in my group with Cassandras' Tears is that my character (who started as a focused practioner with speciliiazation in divination, but is now a full wizard), often would get weird cryptic visions of something (usually bad) that was about to happen. Not often though I get the FP* for it, but her having those visions (and often falling unconscious from them or bleeding from her eyes etc) fit the theme of the character well, and made a good contribution to the campaign.
And yes there has been a lot of roleplaying from some of the other chars that they don't quite believe her visions. Of course once weird stuff start happening, the others have come around and acted on those weird things. And no, I don't get visions for everything, as sometimes the powers that be deliberately hide their doings from scrying eyes.
* We are generally bad in using compels. Most notably esceptions though have been to get some characters to do stupid things that would endanger themselves. If you have the trouble "What could possibly go wrong?" you kind of deserve to put yourself in trouble.