Author Topic: Release Date?  (Read 25300 times)

Offline Quantus

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2014, 10:19:57 PM »
Having no actual personal knowledge of the publishing industry or Jim's habits, I would have to assume that the timeline is going to be longer than usual after the initial manuscript is done simply because it's the first of the new series
<(o)> <(o)>
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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #31 on: November 14, 2014, 01:02:47 PM »
Not by fire but by ice.

Offline Quantus

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2014, 01:47:27 PM »
<(o)> <(o)>
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Offline finiteHP

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #33 on: November 15, 2014, 12:33:07 AM »
Yay!  Unfortunately the time between an author finishing a book and it being published is the hardest for me.   :(

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #34 on: November 17, 2014, 11:36:39 AM »
The book is finished ^^ Now just to wait a couple of months and then there will hopefully be much activity in this part of the forum ;)
Full assed FTW! :)

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #35 on: November 18, 2014, 03:38:00 PM »
Super exited for this now!

PS. I hope Jim has used the word 'Dirigible' at some point in the book, it's one of my favorite words and you don't get much chance in life to use it in context.

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #36 on: November 18, 2014, 07:57:08 PM »
I had to look up what Dirigible meant but I like it after understanding what it meant.
Full assed FTW! :)

"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library." -Jorge Luis Borges

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #37 on: November 18, 2014, 08:17:00 PM »
There must be aeronauts and Jim said there will definitely be goggles so I wouldn't be at all surprised if there were dirigibles, zeppelins and blimps.
How do you know you have a good book?  It's 3am and you think "Just one more chapter!"

Offline Gilesth

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2014, 01:28:10 PM »
I'm excited! I've been enjoying a few steampunk books over the past couple years, and I love pretty much everything Jim has written (with a few exception that I only like a lot). Can't wait!

Too bad it's not a Wheel of Time situation where everything stops at the publisher to turn the book around in a few weeks when the manuscript is done.
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Offline PilgrimDan

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #39 on: November 21, 2014, 11:17:28 PM »
I'm excited too! I hope to get a copy before EasterCon so Jim can sign "StormFront", "Furies of Calderon" and "Aeronaut's Windlass" for me. *bounces*

Offline Sydna

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #40 on: November 25, 2014, 03:20:47 AM »

Cleanup complete, 700 pages of Cinder Spires manuscript sent off to the editor.  Phew! Jim Butcher

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Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #41 on: November 25, 2014, 04:40:49 PM »
Aw, man... only 700 pages?  I was totally hoping for 701.  ugh.  so disappointed.  maybe they'll put an extra page in with a map or something.  something by Priscilla maybe.  can we even do a map of two spires? 

                                          - The Cinder Spires -
                                               - World Map -
                             |                                                        | <----- Super Important Crystal
Bad Guy -------> /|                                                      /|
                            \|                                                      \|
                             |\                                                      |\                                    ^     
                             |/                                                      |/                               ^
                            /|                                                      /|                                          ^
                            \|                                                      \|                             
                             |\                                                      |\               
                             |/                                                      |/         
 ~~                    /|||  <---- Wise Old Man                   /|||                                   
~~~                   \|||                                                   \|||
 ~~                     |||\                                                   |||\
                           |||/                                                   |||/
                          /|||                        ^                        /|||
                          \|||                    ^                            \||| <------- Good Guy         
                           |||\                                                   |||\
                           |||/                                                   |||/
                          /|||                                                   /|||
                          \||| <----Good Girl                           \|||
                          |||||\                                                |||||\                         ~~~
                          |||||/                                                |||||/                       ~~~~~
                         /|||||                                                /|||||                          ~~~                                     Mysterious Island --------->
                         \|||||                                                \|||||
                          |||||\                                                |||||\
   Bad Cats ---> |||||/                                                |||||/
                         /|||||                                                /|||||  <--------Ambiguously Aligned Guy
                         \|||||                  ~~~~~                  \|||||
                          |||||\               ~~~~~~~                |||||\  <---Super Important Iron Ore
 ~~            ~~~|||||/~~~          ~~~~~              ~~|||||/~~~        ~~~

Offline Quantus

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #42 on: November 25, 2014, 04:49:25 PM »
Aw, man... only 700 pages?  I was totally hoping for 701.  ugh.  so disappointed.  maybe they'll put an extra page in with a map or something.  something by Priscilla maybe.  can we even do a map of two spires? 

                                          - The Cinder Spires -
                                               - World Map -
                             |                                                        | <----- Super Important Crystal
Bad Guy -------> /|                                                      /|
                            \|                                                      \|
                             |\                                                      |\                                    ^     
                             |/                                                      |/                               ^
                            /|                                                      /|                                          ^
                            \|                                                      \|                             
                             |\                                                      |\               
                             |/                                                      |/         
 ~~                    /|||  <---- Wise Old Man                   /|||                                   
~~~                   \|||                                                   \|||
 ~~                     |||\                                                   |||\
                           |||/                                                   |||/
                          /|||                        ^                        /|||
                          \|||                    ^                            \||| <------- Good Guy         
                           |||\                                                   |||\
                           |||/                                                   |||/
                          /|||                                                   /|||
                          \||| <----Good Girl                           \|||
                          |||||\                                                |||||\                         ~~~
                          |||||/                                                |||||/                       ~~~~~
                         /|||||                                                /|||||                          ~~~                                     Mysterious Island --------->
                         \|||||                                                \|||||
                          |||||\                                                |||||\
   Bad Cats ---> |||||/                                                |||||/
                         /|||||                                                /|||||  <--------Ambiguously Aligned Guy
                         \|||||                  ~~~~~                  \|||||
                          |||||\               ~~~~~~~                |||||\  <---Super Important Iron Ore
 ~~            ~~~|||||/~~~          ~~~~~              ~~|||||/~~~        ~~~

That's Foolish!  Do you really think the Cats would allow themselves to live in only one place, and at the bottom at that?   ;)
<(o)> <(o)>
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Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #43 on: November 25, 2014, 08:49:48 PM »

That's Foolish!  Do you really think the Cats would allow themselves to live in only one place, and at the bottom at that?   ;)
No, that's where the Bad Cats are.  Cats are all over the place, but the Bad Cats (with the understanding that all cats are bad, thus Bad Cats are particularly bad) are lower, down where the clouds are, but still well above the bottom.  Same level as the Marcone-type ambiguous character.  They like the clouds, because they help hide their bad or ambiguous operations.

Offline Quantus

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Re: Release Date?
« Reply #44 on: November 25, 2014, 08:55:30 PM »
No, that's where the Bad Cats are.  Cats are all over the place, but the Bad Cats (with the understanding that all cats are bad, thus Bad Cats are particularly bad) are lower, down where the clouds are, but still well above the bottom.  Same level as the Marcone-type ambiguous character.  They like the clouds, because they help hide their bad or ambiguous operations.
Nah, they'd be curled possessively around the Super Important Crystal, and looking down with derision on the Bad Guy's palace in the clouds
<(o)> <(o)>
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“We’re all imaginary friends to one another."

"An entire life, an entire personality, can be permanently altered by just one sentence." -An Accidental Villain