Sometimes we Mods redact spoilers in Subject lines, because even though it is the spoilers section, you see those titles in "Show unread posts since last visit" and many people don't want even clues, so it is only polite.
I think I will move this thread to Site Suggestions and Support! It will get better attention there.
The move certainly got it on my radar
Thanks Blaze
Here's something I posted in response to the link Dina gave. It probably belongs here too:
Do you what you feel.
I didn't know posts disappear on there own, so I tried to get rid of some of the posts I made that weren't active. Only after I tried to clean them up people started to say something. If I see a post with them I will bring them back. I won't be changing future posts. Since someone was kind enough to let me know that it wasn't necessary.
Hi b4utoo, leme provide some history. (someone else might have done similar, but I haven't combed through possible responses for such info.
Way back in 2010 (heh) the forums were getting really bloated and the server running them was getting incredibly bogged down. Iago, the site owner (he created the Jim Butcher forums before Jim was even published!!! can you believe it?!?) did several things to address this problem, one of which was to autolock pretty much every topic after at the most about 3 months, and after a full year, these topics would be autodeleted.
I call this function the autodelete monster which nomnom's on old posts. More recently (2012ish I believe), it was brought to the administrations attention that lots of old posts that were of considerable value to many of the posters here for discussion purposes were being eaten by the autodelete monster and lost for all eternity. To combat this travesty, the DFRC (Dresden Files Resource Center) was created, and a few notable members were promoted to "curators" to preserve notable posts within it's archives. The DFRC is not susceptible to the autodelete monsters appetites.
We curators are bookish types who
cherish impressive and novel theories and put a lot of effort into keeping track of these things in an effort to preserve the awesomeness that blossoms within these halls.
Your contributions to the theorizing here are valued, and there is no need to minimalize anything you post