As I said the rifle is new technology introduced in to the 1632 story cycle. It has the advantage of being reloadable in the prone position, this changes 17th century warfare dramatically.
One of our rules is that tech for the "New time line" has to work, there were question raised, so we made one. Grin.
This was not the first thing made, in the past we have hand made an aviation propeller, a two pound to the HP wooden block steam engine (bolt on iron cylinders), and a lead screw for a lathe starting with a drawn rod and wire.
Back to our writing (my wife and I), we just received the contract for "Murder and Chocolate" that comes out in Grantville Gazette vol. 55 Sept 1.
The work was actually written three years ago, publishing lead times are fun!
Oh, that's a lovely piece of hardware you're working on there. Never big on blackpowder myself, but I respect and appreciate the craftsmanship there. Gorgeous work.