Finished my initial web site design ideas last night. It's been months in the mind hopper and scribbled on napkins, phone message pads, and spiral ring stenographer's pad (my preferred hand note method.) Pretty f-ing cool. Now it's a matter of money and finding the right talent to take my stuff and tell me what will work, what won't, what they think will enhance, and then... can't wait. Won't be live until Dec 1st or so. Plenty of time. Not sure when my cover art will be finalized for Book I anyway, but from the other imprint authors, I'm getting comments that it will be later than I wish, but I'm at the point that I want it all now. Not a good publishing hat position. Months to go, Meg, months.
Writing front, book II needed more boost before the ride begins. So time well spent yesterday. Cranking up the tension on all fronts for ascending higher rocky mountain peaks before the ride down. So #amwriting. :-)
Best writing everyone!