Other Jimness > Episode Archive

BB010 - Short and Bittersweet

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Thanks, Fred and Mickey.  It still stings to hear about the show's cancellation, even though we assumed as such months ago.  I look forward to the Alera Love episode!  (And hopefully then I'll have some real news to report!)

I'm definitely looking forward to the Alera Love podcast. Athough I don't feel comfortable calling in myself.

I would like to point out, though, that your description of Bernard riding an air-borne chariot and calling upon the strength of Brutus is technically impossible. He'd need to be in contact with the ground to call upon Brutus.  ;)

Sure, but I didn't say anything about Brutus.  He *was* using a bow that could only be drawn by someone with "furycrafted" strength, IIRC, in that scene.

But dude!  Call in, please!  I'm dyin' here!

No. But you did say "strength of the earth." i.e. Brutus. :P


--- Quote from: David Houk on August 07, 2007, 11:54:47 PM ---No. But you did say "strength of the earth." i.e. Brutus. :P
--- End quote ---

Dude.  Not true.  If I meant Brutus, I'd say Brutus.

We know that all furycrafters start out with a certain amount of "internal furycrafting".  This is where they turn their talents in upon themselves to get some rudimentary "buff" type effects -- greater strength and durability for earthcrafters, for example.  That's strength of the earth.  A pile of bricks with an attitude and a desire to turn your face into pulp -- that's Brutus. :)


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