Other Jimness > Episode Archive

BB010 - Short and Bittersweet

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Ah. I see what you're saying. But to me: Brutus = Earthcrafting, Earthcrafting = Brutus.  Brutus is simply a manifistation of Bernard's ability to earthcraft.

My interpretation has always been that one can either furycraft (and thus be able to 'summon' one's named fury), or one can't. Being in the air denies him all of his earthcrafting ability. That's my understanding of it.

Engolfing characters in an opposing element has been used many times throughout the books to deny crafting ability.

Besides. I think I recall a scene similar to the one you described. I believe that he woodcrafted the bow, instead of earthcrafting himself.

( I'm beginning to feel obligated to call in. Bugger. It was a trap! )

Well, that's a very "country Aleran" view on the world, but I don't think it covers the entire span of what furycrafting entails.  Suffice it to say my idea of it *includes* yours... but maybe you can call in to geek about your own vision of furycrafting. ;)

Mickey Finn:
I'm just curious what can be done with "nerdfury crafting."

Sorry to come late to the geeking out battle, but I have to agree with David on Bernard's crafting. Bernard is a strong guy on his own: he big and beefy. But to use fury-crafted strength he has to be on the ground. He is strong enough to draw the bow without access to it, but not fully. He can still shoot, but as we saw in CuF the shots were not as powerful as normal because she couldn't get the full draw. In the areal battle, the only fury-crafting Bernard could use was his woodcrafting. He was still accurate, but the shots were not hitting like a ton of bricks.

BTW: good podcast, as always.


--- Quote ---We know that all furycrafters start out with a certain amount of "internal furycrafting".  This is where they turn their talents in upon themselves to get some rudimentary "buff" type effects -- greater strength and durability for earthcrafters, for example.
--- End quote ---

This makes me wonder how strong these internal buffs are cause in the very first book in the second chapter we see that Air and earth counter each other with Amara buried and Fidelias unable to break free cause he is hung 10 inches above the ground. Is that so say that he's still strong just not enought to break his cage or that he finds himself weakend with out contact with the earth...  and in the second Book where Isana is unable to use any of her fury crafting do to the lack of water around her.

P.S. going back to the quote isn't durability more a metalcrafting "buff"?


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