Looks okay to me. Hard to say for sure since the Lords get very little screentime, though.
I'd consider some custom upgrades for the Incite Emotion. Aren't they able to awe-strike multiple people at once?
Well, on re-reading, one does indeed use it to create a sort of 'barrier' against Harry and Sanya (it doesn't block Murphy because she has the Sword) on the steps of the pyramid.
Interestingly, one is also described as using its will to help out its warriors, so it's not really just a terror/awe thing. Maybe Incite Emotion isn't even the best way to model that ability -- it doesn't really seem to be different from a spirit evocation (which Harry often describes as using his will as force etc.) except that the Lords don't say a word (or use a focus item) to activate it -- and we know from Harry in FM that you CAN do magic without a spoken word, it's just more dangerous.
So on further thought, the 'force of will' bit might just be a highly refined aspect of evocation - what do you think?
EDIT: So maybe I should swap out the Incite Emotion for Evocation, Refinement, and some way to do mental attacks with it?
EDIT x2: This interpretation would also have the benefit of making Odin's stat block a little less messy, since I already
have him down as a very powerful wizard.
Might buff the Sponsored Magic a little. Half a Refinement is rather weak for an extra benefit. Maybe give blood sacrifices some extra effectiveness when used with Chichen Itza Magic?
Yeah, good idea... have to think about exactly how that would work.