Author Topic: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]  (Read 28775 times)

Offline Serack

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Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« on: November 13, 2013, 02:35:44 AM »
This is an old topic that I thought I had lost but I found a copy of it on my hard drive.  I still need to redo all the forum code formatting, but I'll post it in raw form to start.  I thought I remembered that someone else actually generated it, but my backup didn't include that information.
P.S.  Other curators are welcome to edit this to their heart's content.-Serack

Here, I'm going to try and post all quotes regarding what people see in a soulgaze with harry, and a list of people who have soulgazed with Harry.

People that have soulgazed with Harry:

  • Denton
  • Ebenezar
  • Elaine
  • Evelyn Derek
  • Helen Beckitt
  • Marcone
  • Martin
  • Michael
  • Molly
  • Monica Sells
  • Morgan
  • Parker
  • Rasmussen
  • Susan
  • Thomas

Soulgazing Harry quotes:

Storm Front page 35 & 56 &144 & 242:
Quote from: SF Ch. ?
(explanation of soulgaze, after having soulgazed John Marcone)
Most people who did that got really pale, at least. One woman had passed out entirely. I didn't know what they saw when they looked in there -- it wasn't a place I poked around much, myself
John Marcone wasn't like the other people who had seen my soul. He didn't even blink an eye. He just looked and assessed, and after the moment had passed, he nodded at me as though he understood something

Quote from: SF Ch. ?
She[Susan] was the one who had fainted after we'd soulgazed.

Quote from: SF Ch. ?
"Wizard!" he trumpeted. "Wizard! I see you! I see you, wizard! I see the things that follow, those who walk before and He Who Walks Behind! They come, they come for you!"
He whispered in a mad little voice, all the way down the hall. "See you, see you, wizard. See He Who Walks Behind."

Quote from: SF Ch. ?
She was staring at my face her eyes wide with shock from the meeting of our gazes"

Fool moon page 84 & 304
Quote from: FM Ch. ?
And then the moment was past, the soulgaze over.
Parker's face was stunned. He had seen me in much the same way I had seen him.

Quote from: FM Ch. ?
Denton stared at me as the soulgaze broke and we were released. He wasn't reacting well to whatever it was he had seen inside of me. His face had gone white, and his hand was trembling, the barrel of the gun wavering every which way. He lifted his other hand to mop beads of cold sweat away from his face.
 "No," Denton said, white showing all around the grey irises of his eyes. "No, wizard." HHe raised his gun. "I don't believe in hell. I won't let you." He screamed then, at the top of his lungs. "I won't let you!"

Grave Peril page 17 & 342:
Quote from: GP Ch. ?
"And neither will you, Harry Dresden, There is too much good in your heart to let these children die."
I returned his stare, uncertain. Michael had insisted that I look him in the eyes on our first meeting.

Quote from: GP Ch. ?
Susan and I had soulgazed more than two years before. She'd tricked me into it. It was just after that she began pursuing me for stories more closely.
   Lea couldn't have taken memories around a soulgaze. But she could have covered them up, somehow, misted them over. No practical difference, for the average person.

Blood Rites page 171-173
Thomas and Harry, Thomas see their mother telling him to tell Harry she loved him

Proven Guilty page 408 & 465
Quote from: PG Ch. ?
The gaze ended, and the various images in the windows behind Molly vanished. The girl herself trembled like a frightened doe, staring up at me with her eyes wide and huge.
 "My God," she whispered. "I never knew ..."

Quote from: PG Ch. ?
She shivered. "I saw what kind of man you are. Kind. Gentle." She looked up and met my eyes. "Lonely. And.."
She flushed a shade pinker. "And hungry, No one has touched you in a very long time."

Turn Coat page 162 hardback:
Quote from: TC Ch. ?
Her eyes were wide, her expression a mixture of terror and awe as she stared up at me.
I've never had anyone soulgaze me who didn't seem ... disconcerted by the experience.
She blinked slowly and said, her voice dazed, "She ran from you."

Martin soulgaze needed
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 11:01:04 AM by Serack »
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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2013, 02:36:51 AM »
Reserved for other soulgaze quotes that show what Harry saw in other people when soulgazing, or that Harry saw as a 3rd party.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 02:50:01 AM by Serack »
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2013, 02:48:30 AM »
Old archived comments on the subject:-Serack

Quote from: Snowleopard on January 20, 2011, 01:40:30 PM
It sounds like whatever the other person "sees" in Harry might be directly tied into what or who they are.
Michael trusts Harry but Denton is scared out of his mind by what he sees.

Quote from: jimbutcher
What it shows you is /true/.  But it isn't necessarily /all/.

For instance, a 'gaze could show you that a man was self-disciplined, sober, highly organized, dedicated to his principles, and that he loved dogs, and all of that would be /true/.  But it /doesn't/ tell you /everything/ about Adolf Hitler.

Granted, a soulgaze of Hitler would probably have given off a big vibe of either "crazy" or "ruthless" too.  They tend to give you a pretty good core sample of the individual in question.  However, every wizard gets things a little bit differently than any other, in terms of how the soulgaze is perceived.  Not every wizard sees things in symbols and allegory, the way Harry does.  There's a whole spectrum of different "filters," I suppose, of how the basic natures of others are perceived.

As for misinterpreting what they perceive, or putting their own preconceptions on their interpretations?  Please.  EVERYONE does that, wizard or not.  It's part of being human.


Quote from: jimbutcher
Not only would the Western-raised wizard and Eastern-raised wizard perceive things according to the cultural biases and subjective experiences, they might not even perceive them with the same /senses/.

The Third Sight is different for everyone, subjective, and inherently slanted towards ones own experiences and background.  So while two wizards might look on some totally-gone, bloodthirsty warlock and see a bloodthirsty warlock, they might see it in very different ways. 

Maybe Harry looks on him and sees some Hannibal-Lectery figure crouched on the floor grinning and soaked in blood.  But maybe Ancient Mai looks on him and sees a bare, twisted white tree in the center of an unbroken field of white snow, representative of the individual's loss of spirit and humanity.  And maybe Rodriguez looks at him and hears some kind of hideous music that accompanies the individual and makes the hair on the back of Carlos' neck stand up.  Maybe Klaus the Toymaker looks at them and sees that his head is covered in cracks and flaws, and that underneath the parts where the flesh looks chipped away, something rotten and horrible is underneath.  Maybe Listens-to-Wind looks on the warlock and smells something rotted and vile.

It's way different for each wizard, and it's why even though soulgazes and third sight can be used as evidence in, for example, warlock trials, there is also room for argument and interpretation--that's how Ebenezar defended Dresden, for example.  He claimed that he Saw more than just "murdering warlock."

Plus, it isn't flawless.  I mean, if a wizard looks at someone who has just suffered some kind of horrible physical or emotional injury, he gets a much different picture of that person than if he sees them a week sooner, or a year later.  If a wizard looks on someone who is in a towering rage at the moment, it's going to have an effect on what is Seen.  Maybe not an enormous effect, true, but at times even a little bit of difference in shading can change the overall picture.  Oh, plus if the /Wizard/ is in a radically altered state of mind, it can shade things differently, too.

Ultimately, the Sight is something that is best relied upon for making one's own decisions, for supporting one's intuitions and observations--as long as one remembers that while it is always true, it isn't always completely correct.  Circumstance can, at tmes, effect what is Seen.


Since Serack thinks the sight and soulgaze is the same thing, I think he will like this quote from GP page 342 paperback version:
"When a mortal looks on something with the Sight, really looks, as a wizard may, the memories of what he sees are indelibly imprinted on hi,. And when a wizard looks into a person's eyes, it's just another way of using the Sight. A two-way use of it, because the person you look at gets to peer back at you, too.

Ah, but is it a process of pressure and change, or is it a process of polish and refinement?  One could argue that the events that "changed" you in actuality only revealed a truer facet of your soul than had previously been perceiveable--that those events only changed you inasmuch as a rough diamond is changed by a master jeweler's tools.  The diamond doesn't become an emerald--it just becomes a more beautiful and quinessential diamond.

(Just Devil's Advocating here, for the most part, and throwing that thought out.)

In any case, it may just be possible for a person to change enough for a soulgaze to reveal something else--but it would have to be an utterly incredible kind of change.  Something along the lines of the billionaire executive who, after a near-death experience, gives all his worldly goods to charity, leaves home in his pajamas, and takes up a life of underwater basket-weaving and meditation.  And even that seems a little mild to me, thinking of it.

Anyway, it'd take a truly epic change of heart and mind--to the point where you would practically *be* a whole different person, and not just a person who happens to be you with a lot more life experience to inform his outlook.

(And, in fact, there's all sorts of theories about people who this happens to after a near-death experience, regarding "walk-in" souls who come and inhabit a person near death, changing them and becoming a kind of inner Yoda to the "native" soul.)

All of the above, of course, is more or less a discussion of angels dancing on the heads of pins, but it's fun. Smiley

Quote from: Magnus
Hmm, Harry and Thomas Mom, might have figured out how to affect a soulgaze considering, she appears to them both in their soulgaze in Blood Rites.

Quote from: Heartsonycgr on January 20, 2011, 02:57:57 PM
I like the way Murph characterizes Harry in ....never really thought before how this would effect his social interactions on a day to day basis, since not looking someone in the eye while talking to them is a major social no no.  Maybe he's gotten good at looking at the bridge of their noses, the space between their eyebrows, etc., but one can really tell when there is direct eye contact or not.  He must be very disconcerting to socialize with for people who don't know about the soulgaze...

Quote from: Darkshore on January 20, 2011, 05:10:51 PM
I'm sure that whatever they do see inside Harry would be pretty dang intense. It mean hells bells look what he has gone through, not to mention the taint left on him from using Magic to kill someone. Harry is a lot like Thomas in my eyes with the fact that he has a "demon" with him always. It's came out in a few choice scenes but so far Harry's darker side has been dormant for awhile
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 02:50:57 AM by Serack »
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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2013, 03:26:08 AM »
Anyone else find it intriguing that Harry has never had a soulgaze with Karrin? ... yet?

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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2013, 04:38:26 AM »
Color me intrigued...but not surprised.  I think that one is being sat upon for a reason.  Hopefully, if/when it does happen, it will come with a complete description of what she sees.

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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2013, 04:50:45 AM »
Shame that a soulgaze from Murphy's POV would occur in a short.

Plus, from her description of how Harry behaves at crime scenes, likening his eye-contact avoidance as a near autistic quirk, would she even know what is going on at first when it happens?

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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2013, 10:25:37 AM »
I think it is confirmed that Harry and Morgan soulgazed in TC. Ebenezar says something to Harry along the lines of "I reckon you would know , you 'gazed him Hoss"

Edit: Found it on page 100 of TC - hardcover version when Harry goes to the council HQ and talks with Eb. I can't be bothered typing out the actual thing.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 10:29:12 AM by Icecream »

Offline Serack

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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2013, 11:00:47 AM »
I think it is confirmed that Harry and Morgan soulgazed in TC. Ebenezar says something to Harry along the lines of "I reckon you would know , you 'gazed him Hoss"

Edit: Found it on page 100 of TC - hardcover version when Harry goes to the council HQ and talks with Eb. I can't be bothered typing out the actual thing.

Thanks, this post is actually 3 years old, and I can't remember where it came from. 
DF WoJ Compilation
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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2013, 02:50:11 PM »
If it helps, I remember Ramirez remarking that he gets his soulgaze info in the form of music. I believe that's in TC.

We also know there have been Ramirez/Luccio and Ramirez/Molly soulgazes.

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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2013, 03:26:55 PM »
If it helps, I remember Ramirez remarking that he gets his soulgaze info in the form of music. I believe that's in TC.

We also know there have been Ramirez/Luccio and Ramirez/Molly soulgazes.

The music thing was a WoJ, IIRC.

I wonder if Harry and Justin Soulgazed, you'd kind of expect that they would have even if there is no evidence of it right now.

Harry almost Soulgazed an angel in Ghost Story.

He tried to Soulgaze Tera West, without success.

As far as Soulgazes Harry has seen from the outside, the only two I know of is Ramirez/Lara and Molly/Thomas. I don't remember Ramirez soulgazing Molly.
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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2013, 04:01:18 PM »
I don't remember Ramirez soulgazing Molly.
Yeah, I was about to ask about this.  I don't recall an occasion that they did.
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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2013, 06:52:12 PM »
I should be able to confirm whether it happened or not sometime next week, when I wrap up listening to PG, but I'm pretty sure it's referenced that it happened as part of the buildup to Molly's trial.

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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2013, 07:02:37 PM »
I now know to what you alluded to.  Ramirez soulgazed or at least examined Molly's victims, not necessarily herself.
“That’s her,” I confirmed. “Did you get a chance to examine the victims?”
“Yeah.” He frowned and watched me for a moment before he said, “She’s
someone you know.”
I nodded.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 07:07:00 PM by raidem »
"That's it???  It's really that simple? 
LIES!  Damn lies!  It's a cover up!

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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2013, 07:11:08 PM »
I should be able to confirm whether it happened or not sometime next week, when I wrap up listening to PG, but I'm pretty sure it's referenced that it happened as part of the buildup to Molly's trial.

I now know to what you alluded to.  Ramirez soulgazed or at least examined Molly's victims, not necessarily herself.

in Ch. 45, The Merlin asked if another Warden had confirmed the condition of the "victims" and Ramirez confirmed that "the psychic trauma was serious, but it is my belief that both will recover."
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Re: Soulgazes with Harry *Reference Topic* [Series Spoilers]
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2013, 02:24:19 AM »
I could be wrong, but I thought Ramirez got his third eye info in music form - we don't know about his soulgaze perceptions.
Last night I had a vision. The World in flames. Terror and death spreading across the globe in an unstoppable wave, destroying anything resembling order or civilization. At the center of it – I saw Mister. Sitting there grooming himself, looking disinterested.