Author Topic: Jim Butcher's daily writing goals  (Read 4751 times)

Offline hallowedthings

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Jim Butcher's daily writing goals
« on: November 20, 2013, 01:23:40 PM »
Does anyone know the daily word count Jim usually goes for, or if he even does aim for a word count? The closest I've come to finding out is a Twitter post where he'd had a tough night and had only got out 3.5k in 9 hours. He's also done a couple of posts where he's said 1600 words per Scott Pilgrim and 2000 words per Army of Darkness, though I can't tell if that's
  • per hour or
  • during the course of the films, since I know he likes to watch things while he writes. Or at least have them going as white noise in the background.

I can see why he'd be reluctant to tell anyone (but you should've written 70k by now!). I'd still like to know, though ^^

Somehow I get the feeling that I read an interview somewhere where he said that he wrote by chapters and not word count, but I've read so much stuff lately that I can't really untangle it in my head.

Anyway it's cool if nobody has a clue xD

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Re: Jim Butcher's daily writing goals
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2013, 04:15:58 PM »
Does anyone know the daily word count Jim usually goes for, or if he even does aim for a word count? The closest I've come to finding out is a Twitter post where he'd had a tough night and had only got out 3.5k in 9 hours. He's also done a couple of posts where he's said 1600 words per Scott Pilgrim and 2000 words per Army of Darkness, though I can't tell if that's
  • per hour or
  • during the course of the films, since I know he likes to watch things while he writes. Or at least have them going as white noise in the background.

I can see why he'd be reluctant to tell anyone (but you should've written 70k by now!). I'd still like to know, though ^^

Somehow I get the feeling that I read an interview somewhere where he said that he wrote by chapters and not word count, but I've read so much stuff lately that I can't really untangle it in my head.

Anyway it's cool if nobody has a clue xD
He mentioned in a Q&A from a while back that he started keeping a tracking spreadsheet, mostly to scientifically prove to his wife that a few hours of video games before writing time actually increases his productivity.  But I dont recall him sharing any actual statistics.  I would imagine it depends on the which stage of the novel he is working on at the time. 
<(o)> <(o)>
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      (o o)

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Offline hallowedthings

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Re: Jim Butcher's daily writing goals
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2013, 12:07:49 PM »