Author Topic: Perfect Casting Part Three  (Read 321159 times)

Offline Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad

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Perfect Casting Part Three
« on: September 29, 2013, 04:30:12 AM »
You're probably all gonna say "Oh no, not THIS again" as soon as you see it, but got a couple ideas that I'd like to bounce off folks, and it seems nobody's reading "Part 2" anymore, where I originally posted 'em.  Since I missed out on the fun I'll try to resurrect it somewhat.

My recommendation for Thomas Raith is Michael Wincott--as he appeared in the first "Crow" movie.  Didn't see anyone else make this choice, but I'm not trying to be "different"--I voted with the majority in casting Nathan Fillion (in elevator shoes) as Harry.  It's just that's how I've always pictured Thomas from the very beginning.  Thomas is not just "pretty", he's dangerous.

Same goes for my choice of Robert Loggia (as he appeared as the General in "Independence Day") as Baron John Marcone.  Always pictured him in that role.  Imagine him sitting at a table in Burger King with his fingers steepled while he listens to Harry lip off...

This "automatic" visualization of certain characters has caused problems for me, too--I simply CAN'T help but picture the Naagloshii as Jim Carey in yellow "grinch" makeup and claws!  No matter how hard I try.  I KNOW the Naagloshii is terrifyingly evil, but whenever I think of him I see the image of a yellow Jim Carey/Grinch.  Can't get it out of my head!

Hmmm...guess "perfect soundtrack" would fit in here as well (mentioned this in another post to Dina):

If they ever make a movie out of "Dead Beat", the PERFECT soundtrack for Suzannasaurus Rex's last ride would be the last approx. 25 seconds of Mastodon's "Siberian Divide" (from "Blood Mountain").  Listen to it an tell me you don't agree!



The first edition of this post can be found here
Part 2 may be found here -Serack
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 11:44:33 PM by Serack »
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Offline Griffyn612

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2013, 01:48:26 PM »
Re: Perfect Soundtrack

Scene Background Music:
Hurt (Instrumental) by Johnny Cash
 - Scenes at the end of TURN COAT, including the scene with Thomas and Harry at the zoo.
Stay (Instrumental) by Rihanna
 - Scene in DEAD BEAT when Murphy swings by Harry's apartment before going on vacation.

Character Theme Music:
Michael - Halo by Beyonce
 - Featuring highlights from all of Michael's appearances in the series.

Book Music Videos
CHANGES - Iridescent by Linkin Park
 - There are so many parallels between the lyrics in this song and the events of CHANGES that its perfect in my head.
GHOST STORY - Waiting for the End by Linkin Park
 - Same for this one.  I can see a full music video featuring parallels between the lyrics and the book scenes.

Teaser Trailer for Book Release
COLD DAYS - First 31 seconds of Coming Home by P Diddy
 - Trailer would feature dark, cold, vacant snow-covered landscapes of the Carpenter house, the Murphy house, Harry's burnt out house and office, his grave, Chicago, and then a glimpse of Arctis Tor through a blizzard...
 - I wish the song itself were more fitting, because I'd love to fit in that line at the beginning by Diddy:  "If you ever lost your life before... this one's for you"

Offline Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2013, 06:16:12 PM »
As a "theme song" or "credit-song" for at least one of the movies:

"The Wizard", an instrumental by Al DeMeola
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 11:31:50 PM by Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad »
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Offline Mr. Ghostbuster

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2013, 04:45:58 AM »
Hells Bells by AC/DC needs to be used.
DV Warden of Iowa City 1.0 YR4 FR(M)1 BK+++ RP JB++ TH+ WG++ CL+ SW BC+ MC---- FF+ SH++[Murphy+++ Lara+ Gard+ Molly-]

Hi. I'm the future director of The Dresden Files movie. Wink.

Offline Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2013, 08:26:10 AM »
OF COURSE!!!  Goes without saying!

(Do check out "Siberian Divide" by Mastodon, though--listen in particular to last 25 seconds.  Tell me if it don't make you think of Sue tromping on cars right up to where she eats Xian Li...)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 02:51:01 PM by Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad »
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Offline Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2013, 02:57:45 PM »
Ah well...might as well move the rest of my picks up here too:

Christopher Lee--Arthur Langtry (of course!)
Ernie Hudson--Rawlins
Lani Tupu--(as he appeared in "Farscape") would work equally well as Donald Morgan or as Nicodemus
Gigi Edgely--would work equally well as Queen Mab or as Molly Carpenter
Anna Paquin--second choice for Molly
Jack Black--Will Borden (I've never envisioned anyone else)
Michael Wincott--Thomas Raith (ditto)
Robert Loggia--Baron Marcone (ditto)
Morena Baccarin--Susan Rodriguez (yeah, I know she's Portuguese)
Nichelle Nicoles--Martha Liberty
Kate Mulgrew--Anastasia Luccio (in her original body)
Samantha Mumba--Tera West (juzzzz becuzzzz...)
Sean Connery--Sir Stuart Winchester
Kris Kristofferson--Vadderung/Odin/Santa (second choice Jeff Bridges)
Michael Dorne--Lord Hern/the Erlking
Wynona Ryder--Marci the Werewolf
Morgan Freeman--Uriel in his "janitor disguise"
Benjamin Bratt--Warden Carlos Ramirez (relax guys' Bratt's Peruvian)
Michael Shannon--either Agent Tilly or Father Roarke Douglas
Takayo Fischer--Ancient Mai (played Mistress Ching in POC/World's End)
Mark Sheppard--Binder (he played "Badger" in Firefly)
Paul Giamatti--Waldo Butters ME (unless I can think of someone better)
Kim Kardashian--Lara Raith, IF (big if), she could act
The Leanansidhe--gotta go with Angelina Jolie on that one, unless I find someone better
Jim Carey--the Naagloshii (can't help it!  Get the image out of my head!)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 09:49:26 PM by Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad »
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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 04:24:50 AM »
I know it's been over a month, but I figured I'd take a stab at this.  I only have a few.

Christopher Lee would have to be the Merlin, props to those who said that.
Michael Wincott would make a good Thomas, but it'd be strange not to see him as a bad guy.
Eric Roberts (from The Dark Knight) is my number one for Marcone, Liam Neeson would be a number two, although he's probably too tall for the role being six four.

Offline Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2013, 05:13:01 AM »
I know it's been over a month, but I figured I'd take a stab at this.  I only have a few.

Christopher Lee would have to be the Merlin, props to those who said that.
Michael Wincott would make a good Thomas, but it'd be strange not to see him as a bad guy.
Eric Roberts (from The Dark Knight) is my number one for Marcone, Liam Neeson would be a number two, although he's probably too tall for the role being six four.

Good on ya!  Michael Wincott, as he appeared in The Crow (the original) and in one of the Three Muskateers movies is idea for Thomas.  I see no problem with him being cast "less villianous" role--there are significantly dark aspects to Thomas' character that TW could still get some "bad guy" in there...
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Offline DeeluvsMouse

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2013, 06:32:49 PM »
Never read the original thread.... I'll though my $.02 in...

Harry.. Jared Padelecki (sp) tall dark slightly dorky..and he could rock a duster..
Thomas.. Ian Somerholder.  just too pretty.
Marcone.  Daniel Craig.
Lara Raith.  Penelope Cruz
Karrin   - really stuck here.. not sure.
Susan. Sara Ramirez.. Callie torez from Grey's
Lea..  Angelina Joilie
Molly  Miley Cyrus.. that's right.. she's young and crazy and all.. but really quite perfect.
Odin/Vaderung   Liam Neison
Butters   Simon Helberg  - Walowitz from Big Bang Theory
Kincade   Alexander Skarsgard. 

Offline Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2013, 09:43:57 AM »
Never read the original thread.... I'll though my $.02 in...

Harry.. Jared Padelecki (sp) tall dark slightly dorky..and he could rock a duster..
Thomas.. Ian Somerholder.  just too pretty.
Marcone.  Daniel Craig.
Lara Raith.  Penelope Cruz
Karrin   - really stuck here.. not sure.
Susan. Sara Ramirez.. Callie torez from Grey's
Lea..  Angelina Joilie
Molly  Miley Cyrus.. that's right.. she's young and crazy and all.. but really quite perfect.
Odin/Vaderung   Liam Neison
Butters   Simon Helberg  - Walowitz from Big Bang Theory
Kincade   Alexander Skarsgard.

Is Alexander Skarsgard the same as Stellan Skarsgard?  Not sure.

I could go with Liam Neison as Odin, but still think KK or JB would beat him out for the role hands down.

Depending on how good Jessica Alba looked with black hair, I could see her as Lara Raith.  Still looking for someone who can ACT that that has a phenotype close to Kim Kardashian, because I think in terms of LOOKS (nothing else), she comes as close to my image of LR as any real-life person.  J-Lo might could pull it off (she can act a little).

Although I initially picked Gigi Edgley for it, Anna Paquin might be good as Molly, too--which would free up GE for Mab (my original pick was that she would be good for either role).

LOL, I've never been able to come up with anyone to play Karrin either...

« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 09:45:56 AM by Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad »
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Offline Rasins

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2013, 04:31:06 PM »
Okay, I keep going over it and over it ... and I'm sure I'll change my mind more and more, but ... here's my list as of today...

Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden   ...Billy Burke
Bob the Skull...(If we can’t get Jim Butcher to do it) James Marsters
Karrin Murphy...Katee Sackhoff
Michael Carpenter...Dunno.  Still thinking about this one   
Charity Carpenter   Elizabeth Mitchell
Molly Carpenter... Thought I had her, but .... I might agree with Miley Cyrus
Susan Rodriguez...Jessica Alba
The Leannsidhe...Rebecca Romijin
Mab, Queen of Air and Darkness...Helena Bonham Carter
Waldo Butters...DJ Qualls
Douglas Morgan...Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
Ebenezer McCoy...Fred Dalton Thomas
Thomas Raith...Thomas Bomer
Lara Raith...Haven't figured her out, but I'd like an actual porn star
Bianca...Angelina Jolie
John Marcone...Eric Roberts
Hendricks...Considered Dolph Lungren, but just not right.
Sonya...Michael Dorn
Arthur Langtry...Gary Oldham
Old Capitan Luccio...Kate Mulgrew
Young Captain Luccio...Jennifer Morrison
Mac...Bruce Willis
At times I wish I had a clone, but then I realize, I could never live with that a-hole.

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Offline DeeluvsMouse

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2013, 04:47:10 PM »

Mac...Bruce Willis

THIS!@!@!! omG    PERFECT.   good call.

Offline jomaxc

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2013, 08:12:12 PM »
I always liked the idea of Toby Kebbell rockin Harry's look and speaking with James Marsters' inflections. He's tall, can do the beat up look, and has snark written all over his face.

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2013, 01:44:13 AM »
Never read the original thread.... I'll though my $.02 in...

Harry.. Jared Padelecki (sp) tall dark slightly dorky..and he could rock a duster..
Thomas.. Ian Somerholder.  just too pretty.
Marcone.  Daniel Craig.
Lara Raith.  Penelope Cruz
Karrin   - really stuck here.. not sure.
Susan. Sara Ramirez.. Callie torez from Grey's
Lea..  Angelina Joilie
Molly  Miley Cyrus.. that's right.. she's young and crazy and all.. but really quite perfect.
Odin/Vaderung   Liam Neison
Butters   Simon Helberg  - Walowitz from Big Bang Theory
Kincade   Alexander Skarsgard.
Padalecki can also rock the snark, but I don't think I could see him as anything other than Sam Winchester.   I do like Neeson for Odin, though.  I like that a lot.  We'd never get it, of course, but that's why they call it perfect casting! 

I don't know whether I'd want Craig as Marcone or as Nicodemus.  I think he could do an excellent affably creepy.

Offline Al-Hajj Bilal Ammar Jihad

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Re: Perfect Casting Part Three
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2013, 09:29:20 AM »
Hendricks...Considered Dolph Lungren, but just not right.

Picture Lou Ferigno with his hair dyed red.  And Hendrick's ain't much of a "speaking role".  Even Mac talks more than him.
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