So I am going to be playing in a game where the Autumn court exists. The idea is that the spring and autumn courts are stronger in places with strong ties to the season but nearly nonexistent elsewhere. So temperate places is where they operate. As to their goals or purpose I do not know yet. I am play what is functionally the Autumn knight, though its worded as "Hunter" so there could very well be others. What has happened in my characters background is that he is a hunter within the region it takes place. Hunters in this region are very common. The unusual thing about him is he is highly intelligent using more knowledge of science and behavior to hunt then most the other "hicks" of the area. This catches the eye of the fey court in the region. They approach my character and make an offer. Thinking he is dreaming he accepts(creating his trouble of "what did I get myself into).
I have yet to have much interaction with the court and no almost nothing of the supernatural other then the dresden files books(which have been made as a dracula esque in purpose within this world). The trouble is that a wizard in the area cause a huge release of contained magic(in the form of artifacts) magic, once uncommon and hidden is coming to light all over the area and I was chosen to help in the situation(though the concept of help might be interesting given that I am called a hunter)My gm has declared that what falls under Autumn(abseelie) magic is fear, rest, cold, the hunt, revelry, decay, air/storms. I may be facing a spring court counter part later on.
My issue is I am looking for ideas for magic mainly idea for current or future rotes. I have a lore of 2 a conviction of 2 and a discipline of 3(waist deep level) My character over all is focused on Guns, Survival and scholarship.