Not sure if it's relevent to the thread, but I don't belong to any writer's groups. I tried a few times...and it just doesn't work for me. Mostly because I feel an obligation to crit something of the people who crit me, and I'm a hard critic, and I focus and write a lot when I sit down to crit someone's work. I don't just blow it over, I go, literally, line-by-line and note down what I see as both a reader and as a writer. It takes so much energy out of me, I end up "burning out" because I don't have the energy to keep the crits coming and also work on my stuff at the same time. I can do one or the other, but not both. Since I have a choice, I put the energy into my work most of the time, and stay away from circles where I am expected to critique things frequently, unless the person is a personal friend.
I do have people who read my stuff, but they do it because they like my stuff, not because they need to be critiqued in turn.
I'm just mentioning this because writer's groups are pushed very hard as Something To Do. And it's not mentioned very frequently that there are people who just don't get anything out of them, or can't do them. So I'm just throwing out an alternate viewpoint. It does seem that a lot of people do get something out of them. I'm just not one of them.