McAnally's (The Community Pub) > Author Craft
On-line writers groups
It's been mentioned already, but Kelly Armstrong's writing group is great. I've gotten more out of it than any RL writing group.
The way it's organized allows for each person to get critiqueing time. Then there's the fact that in teaching someone something, you often learn it better yourself.
I think I joined Critters a LONG time ago, or something similar. Like ... 8 years ago? I was a late-teens writer, thought I was pretty hot stuff, had torn up the local and regional contests for short fiction and poetry. All I remember was there was a very strict system in place for reciprocal critting and you had to critique X other works before your work could be submitted for critique, etc etc.
I didn't write a single complete page of fantasy/sci-fi fiction from the time I quit attending until a few weeks ago.
Between that and alot of Doom! and Gloom! in the writings I was uncovering on the industry, I decided that a career as fantasy novelist wasn't going to happen. The way I read it, if my first book wasn't a break-out best seller I'd end up blacklisted and my second book would be unpublishable.
I'm back (with a few degrees and some experience), but I'm still wary of online critique groups. Some published authors swear by them ... some of the best out there think they're crap. I figure it depends on who you are and what kind of group it is. I might try one again. I don't know.
--- Quote from: pathele on June 26, 2006, 03:52:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: Mickey Finn on June 26, 2006, 03:19:25 PM ---*waiting for someone to suggest a writer's group being formed from these boards*
--- End quote ---
Now that is a REALLY great idea.
Would anyone be interested in something like that? ;D
--- End quote ---
*raises hand and waves* Me!
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the Cherries. The email critique list is closed and has a waiting list, but there's a lot of good writing chat & advice on the BB:
Mickey Finn:
Ok, if I set up an invite-only BB for the authors here to write stories and post for each other, would people be interested?
This is nothing Jim-Official, just us getting together.
Phil Boswell has given us an unintentional challenge:
" How much mileage could you realistically get out of a protagonist who is good at reducing themselves to dripping goo?"
While the board would be open to helping anyone with any story, I was thinking about having writing assignments, to push people...that could be the first one ;)
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