You know, i'd be willing to writeup a Blackstaff sponsored magic. An interesting idea for a BBEG is a former Blackstaff who retained the staff's power and is now training a group of wizardly assassins called The Blackstaffs. And they become their own power under the Unseelie Accords, and try to steal the original Blackstaff from the White Council. Actually, that's not a terrible character concept for a wizard- an escaped apprentice of that Order, who wields this magic that gives him such a leg up on other wizards.
anyway, here's the Sponsored Magic
Description:You wield the fell power of the Blackstaff, the black ops man of the White Council.
Sponsor:The Blackstaff itself.
Agenda:To break the Laws of Magic- namely to kill, to transform, to invade the thoughts of others, to enthrall, to use necromancy, to swim against the flow of time, and to look Outside the Outer Gates.
Evocation: Any evocation that breaks one of the Seven Laws.
Thaumaturgy:Any ritual that breaks one of the Seven Laws.
Evothaum:Any ritual that breaks one of the Laws can be used at evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits:If you possess Blackstaff Magic, you cannot gain a Lawbreaker power. Instead, you can spend a Fate Point and gain a +2 bonus to control and complexity/power to spells that break a specific Law for that scene.