Author Topic: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders  (Read 4546 times)

Offline Mr. Death

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Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« on: August 12, 2013, 04:10:32 PM »
So I need a little help putting together a couple sponsored magics that two of my players want to look into.

First one, his character has a bond with a Valkyrie (long story short, the wizard was supposed to die, the Valkyrie started going through the soul-collecting motions, and the wizard woke up mid-way through), and he wants to look into using that bond to get Rune Magic. Partly to keep from duplicating a niche, and partly because the player wants to do something like Winter Ice or Soulfire that can be used to modify spells on the fly, I don't want to just use the Rune Magic write-up I helped make here.

So here's what I'm thinking: Lose the extra item slots, keep the ability to create runic items as in that write up, and have the rune magic create some structure/permanence to evocation spells (represented by a +1 to control of runic constructs). As for Evothaum, I'm not sure what kind of spells would be appropriate, besides wards. Thoughts?

The other player's a little trickier--he's looking to get his reckless young mage some kind of Outsider sponsored magic, preferably without breaking the laws of magic (so getting it will probably be somewhat involuntary). I figure the sponsor debt can more or less replace the aspect the character would get from the lawbreaker stunt. As for effects, probably a +1 in power to destroy, and some kind of bonus when used against magical defenses, either reducing toughness powers of certain creatures by a step, or a +2 to get through evocation blocks. I'm not sure what kind of evothaum there'd be (opening ways and destruction/transformation spring to mind).
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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2013, 06:37:36 PM »
Oh this is so me. *cracks knuckles*

Description:A long time ago, Odin stabbed himself with a spear and hanged himself from The World Tree as a sacrifice to himself. By doing so, he acquired the power of Rune Magic. Now Odin gives some of that runic power to his Valkyries, making them able to serve him better.
Sponsor:Rune Magic comes from Odin, greatest of the Aesir and master of runes.
Agenda:The agenda of Odin is not entirely clear, but it definitely includes making preparations for Ragnarok. Users of Rune Magic might be called upon to find new Einherjar for Odin's armies or to gather weapons for the final battle.
Evocation:Runic evocations are more structured, better controlled than other types of evocation. They also utilize the specific effects of each of the Eighteen Runes.
Thaumaturgy:Runic rituals utilize the effects of the Eighteen Runes.
Evothaum:You can utilize any ritual that can be used with Rune Magic at Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits:You gain a +1 to control Rune Magic evocations.  A user of Rune Magic may create special Rune Items. Creating a Rune Item requires a ritual much like an ordinary thaumaturgical ritual, except that the caster spends an Enchanted Item slot for each exchange he spends casting the spell. If the ritual succeeds, the resulting Rune Item functions identically to a single-use potion containing the ritual's effect. In addition, Rune Magic users get a free specialization in Rune Magic complexity and gain the ability to read and write the secret language of runes.

I was considering using Kemmlerian Necromancy's "use your Thaumaturgy control bonus for evocation" there. This may be a -5 Sponsored Magic. A brief summary of each of the Eighteen Runes is below, in the spoiler. I have no idea if these are what they're actually used for in runecrafting.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2013, 06:54:57 PM »
Okay, so in Our World, it's reccomended that you use reflavored Hellfire for Outsider magic, but you want some different stuff so i'll do that.

Description: This is the raw, ruinous power granted and wielded by Those Who Walk Outside.
Sponsor:The Outsiders. Generally granted by a Walker or an Old One.
Agenda:The Outer Gates should be opened, reality should be destroyed.
Evocation:Outsider magic evocations use normal evocation elements that are wrong in some way: fire burns icy cold, water is a billowing gel that ignores gravity, earth has the consistency of water, air becomes hard vacuum.
Thaumaturgy:Outsider Magic rituals involve summoning energy or creatures from Outside, almost always to disrupt and destroy.
Evothaum:You can use Outsider-themed diabolism at Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Spells that involve disruption or destruction gain an automatic +1 power/complexity. In addition, Outsider Magic evocations reduce the Toughness and Recovery Powers of immortal creatures by one step.

I wasn't sure what to do with the Extra Benefits, so that probably needs tweaking. Oh, and the diabolism evothaum covers both of the things you mentioned.
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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2013, 01:55:01 AM »
Oh this is so me. *cracks knuckles*

Description:A long time ago, Odin stabbed himself with a spear and hanged himself from The World Tree as a sacrifice to himself. By doing so, he acquired the power of Rune Magic. Now Odin gives some of that runic power to his Valkyries, making them able to serve him better.
Sponsor:Rune Magic comes from Odin, greatest of the Aesir and master of runes.
Agenda:The agenda of Odin is not entirely clear, but it definitely includes making preparations for Ragnarok. Users of Rune Magic might be called upon to find new Einherjar for Odin's armies or to gather weapons for the final battle.
Evocation:Runic evocations are more structured, better controlled than other types of evocation. They also utilize the specific effects of each of the Eighteen Runes.
Thaumaturgy:Runic rituals utilize the effects of the Eighteen Runes.
Evothaum:You can utilize any ritual that can be used with Rune Magic at Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits:You gain a +1 to control Rune Magic evocations.  A user of Rune Magic may create special Rune Items. Creating a Rune Item requires a ritual much like an ordinary thaumaturgical ritual, except that the caster spends an Enchanted Item slot for each exchange he spends casting the spell. If the ritual succeeds, the resulting Rune Item functions identically to a single-use potion containing the ritual's effect. In addition, Rune Magic users get a free specialization in Rune Magic complexity and gain the ability to read and write the secret language of runes.

I was considering using Kemmlerian Necromancy's "use your Thaumaturgy control bonus for evocation" there. This may be a -5 Sponsored Magic. A brief summary of each of the Eighteen Runes is below, in the spoiler. I have no idea if these are what they're actually used for in runecrafting.

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Ooh, I like it. Is there some place that has descriptions or pictures of the 18 runes?

Okay, so in Our World, it's reccomended that you use reflavored Hellfire for Outsider magic, but you want some different stuff so i'll do that.

Description: This is the raw, ruinous power granted and wielded by Those Who Walk Outside.
Sponsor:The Outsiders. Generally granted by a Walker or an Old One.
Agenda:The Outer Gates should be opened, reality should be destroyed.
Evocation:Outsider magic evocations use normal evocation elements that are wrong in some way: fire burns icy cold, water is a billowing gel that ignores gravity, earth has the consistency of water, air becomes hard vacuum.
Thaumaturgy:Outsider Magic rituals involve summoning energy or creatures from Outside, almost always to disrupt and destroy.
Evothaum:You can use Outsider-themed diabolism at Evocation's speed and methods.
Extra Benefits: Spells that involve disruption or destruction gain an automatic +1 power/complexity. In addition, Outsider Magic evocations reduce the Toughness and Recovery Powers of immortal creatures by one step.

I wasn't sure what to do with the Extra Benefits, so that probably needs tweaking. Oh, and the diabolism evothaum covers both of the things you mentioned.
Interesting, but I'm not sure about the Evocation effects. Then again, we don't really see much Outsider magic in the series to judge it by, except the Entropy curse.
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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2013, 02:28:34 AM »
Ooh, I like it. Is there some place that has descriptions or pictures of the 18 runes?
If I'm not mistaken, those are the 18 Runes Odin receives in the Edda, specifically a part of it called the Hávamál. The runes in order are the runes of the Futhorc, you can find the pictures on the wikipedia page. I think they correspond to the poem in order, though it might be some are left out. At least the first 6 symbols (where the name of the alphabet comes from) should fit, but I believe the internet has plenty of interpretations ready.

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Offline Hick Jr

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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2013, 02:37:11 AM »
Yep, Haru's got it right. They're in order. Really feel free to do your own interpretations. Some are really cut-and-dried and some are a little weird.

(If I was the GM here, I would make the player hang himself on the World Tree to gain this. Just me.)

Feel free to just do "blasts of chaotic energy" as Outsider evocation. I just figured that it would be Reality As Normal perverted in some way by the energies of some alien realm. Actually, breaking reality would probably be a good theme for Outside Evocation. An offensive block would have the sidewalk abruptly flowing upwards like water and encasing you, things like that.
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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2013, 02:43:19 AM »
(If I was the GM here, I would make the player hang himself on the World Tree to gain this. Just me.)
Or, if you are a wizard private eye on a budget, from the ficus in the foyer? :P
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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2013, 03:03:37 AM »
Ah, but the actual trek to the Yggdrasil would be a whole session in and of itself!

"Listen, Odin. I'm on a case and stuff like that takes time. So this is Biggdrasil, the World Ficus."
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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2013, 04:04:31 AM »
If you can bind a raging werewolf with a snoopy doll and summon a Loa with a cabbage patch doll, I'm sure a Ficus would be more than enough for Harry.

But in all seriousness, I agree, finding the World Tree and all that should probably be a session in itself. Unless maybe it is part of the backstory, or you find another shortcut. Like tricking old one-eye into giving the runes to you for free.

I just remembered, if you can get your hand on the 7th Sea Players Guide, they have their own version of rune magic, which is pretty cool, too.

For example, they make a distinction between invoking, inscribing and becoming a rune. If you invoke a rune, you draw it while casting a spell that is linked to the rune, the effect happens, but it is short lived. Inscribing a rune means you imbue an item with the power of the rune. Becoming a rune means you brand or carve it into your flesh, and it becomes a sort of "always on" effect that can not be removed short of killing the person. Plus they've got their own set of runes.
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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2013, 03:22:40 PM »
Hm, yeah, I hadn't thought much yet about how she'd get the Rune Magic yet, aside from it having to do with the bond she already has with the Valkyrie (who, in turn, has the knowledge through the Item of Power, Gram). If it helps, though, I've already had it said that among the reasons Odin's interested in the wizard is because she's blind and he understands the idea behind trading sight for power.

(And right now, the Valkyrie is herself trapped in what appears to be a massive tree in Faerie somewhere...)

Edit: I think I'll remove the bonus to rune magic complexity if I keep the +1 to evocations with rune magic, to try and keep it balanced.

And yeah, the 'unraveling' chaotic aspect of Outsider Magic sounds interesting.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 03:45:38 PM by Mr. Death »
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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2013, 03:32:54 AM »
The Second:Leech
Not incredibly sure about this one? The verse regarding it makes a reference to "men who wish to be leeches". This one might have to do with shapechange, or vampires.

I'm pretty sure this is for healing. "Leech" in this case is an archaic term for a doctor, this must be an old translation.

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Re: Sponsored Magic Help: Runes and Outsiders
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2013, 03:38:08 AM »
I posted this on the "Outsider Stats" thread on the GS/CD spoiler board, but here's my version --

Outsider Magic
Description: Drawing upon the power of the Outside (or a powerful Outsider patron), you're able to cast spells that destroy, distort, ruin, or harm aspects of reality (time, space, energy or matter) and induce fear, despair, and horror.
Cost: 4 refresh, 3 if you have Evocation or Thaumaturgy, 2 if you have both. You also need to either be an Outsider, or have an Outsider patron.
Benefits: Standard sponsored magic benefits.
Evocation - Outsider magic may be used as an element for evocation; when used this way, it produces effects similar to the entropy aspect of water evocation, and can also produce veils (as per spirit evocation). Outsider evocation effects are always obviously and profoundly weird, warping and twisting aspects of reality.
Thaumaturgy - Outsider magic can produce the effects of entropomancy, as well as psychomancy and transportation/worldwalking effects appropriate to the themes of this magic (psychomancy cannot produce beneficial or calming effects, transportation creates teleport effects, etc). It also may produce limited chronomantic effects.
Evothaum  - Outsider magic can produce Outsider-appropriate psychomancy effects with evocation's methods and speed.
Other Benefits - Outsider magic provides a +1 power bonus on evocations (not evothaum) which directly cause destruction or harm.