Author Topic: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?  (Read 4906 times)

Offline Ghsdkgb

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Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« on: July 11, 2013, 01:38:52 PM »
Our wizard is going to be working in the names of both Hecate and Hades simultaneously, so we're looking for something that fits both of them, or just the Greek pantheon as a whole (what few are left of them, Hecate and Hades being plot relevant for us and thus the only two we're sure of).

Book benefits include +1 to spells of a certain element or in certain situations or just downgrading Toughness of a certain class of creature. Another thing I considered was Blackstaff-style protection from the First Law. Or maybe there's some other benefits we haven't thought of.

For reference, our campaign is going to be taking us around the world, facing down  creatures from several different mythologies.

(Sponsor agendas will be much easier for us to come up with, but suggestions are welcomed there, as well.)
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Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 02:02:01 PM »
If the power is provided by the Pantheon as a whole, I might go with something along the lines of:

The Greek Pantheon is powerful and diverse; those Sponsored by them may gain access to nearly any form of ritual magic for the price of one point of Debt for each ritual that would not otherwise be available.
The Greek Pantheon abides by its own laws; those Sponsored by them may take a point of Debt to avoid any deleterious effects of Lawbreaking for one spell.
The will of the Greek Pantheon is powerful indeed, even as expressed through their proxies; downgrade the Toughness abilities of any supernatural creature by one step when applying them to spells cast using this Sponsored Magic.

(the first two are basically just additional ways to spend Debt, and so are worth very little: you pay for them as you use them, or at least shortly thereafter)
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Offline cold_breaker

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Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 02:55:26 PM »
Downgrading toughness would be very powerful. From my memory of greek myth though, there was always a catch to every tale. Maybe it grants a +2 to attempts to identify a catch?

Offline Ghsdkgb

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Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2013, 07:56:26 PM »
Here's what we came up with, using some of your ideas as well as a Sponsored Magic document we found online (

BRIDE OF HADES [-4] (More in-game lore relevant to our campaign)

Description:  Drawing on the power of Hecate as the bride of Hades, you are able to cast spells that fit into her nature as the consort of the death god.

Sponsor: Hades and Hecate

Agenda: Convert mortals to Hades' or Hecate’s worship.  Stop the other gods of death.  Pursuit and execution of Necromancers and mortals made immortal (Vampires, Denarians, even ghosts, zombies and other undead raised against their will)

Evocation: Evocations that involve this sponsor involve killing things, or causing them to end.

Thaumaturgy: Ectomancy, sending souls to Tartarus or Asphodel, contacting the recent dead.

Evothaum: Ectomancy

Extra Benefits: The positive benefits of Lawbreaker (First) as well as insulation from the effects of continued use. 
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Offline InFerrumVeritas

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Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2013, 09:26:48 PM »
I used this for my Olympian Hero

Olympian Magic [-4]
You are able to cast spells of a deep and true nature, drawing upon the magics of the Olympian Gods. Due to the nature of this power source, it is less flexible in some areas than mortal spellcasting and is therefore subject to limitations.
You may cast spells in line with the domains of those deities.  These are old and subtle magics, manipulating the fates of mortals and granting boons for their service.  The gods are willing to impart a lot of power to their mortal servants, but their fickle nature makes them just as likely to harshly remind mortals of their place at their feet. 
Costs:  4 refresh for the package (subject to the standard discounts for evocation and thaumaturgy), in addition to sponsorship from one of the Olympian gods.  The fact that it potentially provides a wide range of thaumaturgic effects is offset by the very limited evocation capabilities, namely that it isn’t able to make attacks.
Standard Sponsored Magic benefits (YS183, YS288).  The Olympians use items to throw around the raw elements of nature and are known for granting magic treasures as boons to mortals who serve them.  Enchanted items gain +1 Strength, in addition to any specializations you may have. 
The old, subtle magics lend themselves to manipulation of perception, such as illusions altering the caster’s appearance and veils.  The caster may also use Cursing and Fating with evocation’s methods and speed, granting easy maneuvers and subtle blocks.  These magics do not lend themselves to direct attacks, which the gods prefer their servants to perform through physical skill (albeit with enchanted weapons as often as not).

EDIT: Which is apparently on that linked page.  I don't think I gave permission for that (it should be on the resources board though).

Offline ReaderAt2046

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Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2013, 02:25:24 PM »

Let's see. If I remember my Lore correctly, Hecate is the goddess of magic, so I'd have her magic give a +1 complexity on any form of Thaumaturgy. Hades, I'd probably use the same bonuses as Kemmlerian Necromancy.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2013, 11:25:02 AM »
BRIDE OF HADES [-4] (More in-game lore relevant to our campaign)

Description:  Drawing on the power of Hecate as the bride of Hades, you are able to cast spells that fit into her nature as the consort of the death god.

Sponsor: Hades and Hecate

Agenda: Convert mortals to Hades' or Hecate’s worship.  Stop the other gods of death.  Pursuit and execution of Necromancers and mortals made immortal (Vampires, Denarians, even ghosts, zombies and other undead raised against their will)

Evocation: Evocations that involve this sponsor involve killing things, or causing them to end.

Thaumaturgy: Ectomancy, sending souls to Tartarus or Asphodel, contacting the recent dead.

Evothaum: Ectomancy

Extra Benefits: The positive benefits of Lawbreaker (First) as well as insulation from the effects of continued use.

Looks good, assuming that the Lawbreaker Power granted is the 1 Refresh version.

I'll add this to the list (on the wiki, the Resources board, and the text document) if you give me permission.

EDIT: Which is apparently on that linked page.  I don't think I gave permission for that (it should be on the resources board though).

The list on the linked page is the same as the one on the Resources board. I assumed that permission to add things to the list included permission to copy those things (along with the rest of the list) to the wiki.

If I was wrong, I'm sorry. I can remove your entries from the wiki if you want me to.

Offline Arjan

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Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2013, 01:05:40 PM »

I bought the book more or less by accident browsing through a store but it is pretty good. Lead tablets for writing curses are a must have in antique wizardry :-)

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Offline sqlcowboy

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Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2013, 08:53:38 PM »

I bought the book more or less by accident browsing through a store but it is pretty good. Lead tablets for writing curses are a must have in antique wizardry :-)

Curse tablets (katadesmoi) make for a good flavor of "potions" in my opinion.

Offline Ghsdkgb

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Re: Possible benefits for Sponsored Magic: Greek?
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2013, 04:10:50 PM »
The wizard who took that power actually has a katedesmoi as one of his enchanted items.

Sanctaphrax, go ahead, though it seems awfully situational to me
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