Author Topic: Dresden Files MUSH  (Read 50464 times)

Offline derek

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #90 on: July 20, 2011, 05:47:54 PM »
Thinking the main code you'd need would be something for the magic. Stuff like circles could just add to the difficulty, which you'd have to plug in manually in too many cases to be worth the headache of trying to automate a guessing system. Item code and rote spells would just be shortcuts that give the spell code values for you.

It's really not that bad. It'd just be a system or room/char flags that affect how much latent energy is available to work with and how effective a spell is. It's not trivial but it's not that bad to code, either.

There wouldn't be much point in it for purely roleplay purposes, though.

Scent would be a bit troublesome to really do right. Best you could get would be a generic system that works but doesn't tell you much or a more detailed, realistic system that was very patchy. Well sketched out in some places, virtually absent or extremely generic in others. Scent would also need to be on locations and would give you clues about some things if you go more realistic.

What I had planned to do (and should be simple enough in theory) is just adapt the introduction code that was already in the codebase I was working from to identify people by scent. That codebase already had a fairly extensive tracking system so it'd mostly just be a matter of tying it together than then deciding how you wanted it displayed on the map (assuming you were using one).

It would be fairly easy to apply a 'scent' description on rooms or objects if the builder wanted to use those for clues about an area.  Making that kinda dynamic would be an interesting problem but you might be able to hack something together with mob/room progs.

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #91 on: July 21, 2011, 05:00:37 PM »
It's really not that bad. It'd just be a system or room/char flags that affect how much latent energy is available to work with and how effective a spell is. It's not trivial but it's not that bad to code, either.

There wouldn't be much point in it for purely roleplay purposes, though.
But it can accent everything with a bit of flair!  If you do a bit of fiery magic in a room that's laden with fire energies, its potency could be a lot more visible.  This wouldn't be too hard to do, really.  Every room (and zone) can have their own fluctuations, changed by the weather, player interaction, and so on.  Doing fire magic would draw some of that pooled energy.

What I had planned to do (and should be simple enough in theory) is just adapt the introduction code that was already in the codebase I was working from to identify people by scent. That codebase already had a fairly extensive tracking system so it'd mostly just be a matter of tying it together than then deciding how you wanted it displayed on the map (assuming you were using one).

It would be fairly easy to apply a 'scent' description on rooms or objects if the builder wanted to use those for clues about an area.  Making that kinda dynamic would be an interesting problem but you might be able to hack something together with mob/room progs.
I'm mostly done with my introduction code, so it shouldn't be a tremendous task to add scent to it, as well.  How did you imagine it working?  Seeing someone as "a being smelling of sewer", then being able to recognize them as "George" when you later discover the smelly-being's name?  Perhaps something as simple as giving everyone a 'scent appearance', and depending on the viewer, use one or the other. 

Smell could be influenced by where a character spends their time (sewers add to their foul odor, for instance).  Objects/rooms could definitely have scents as well, and a "sniff" code could be similar to some sort of tracking, but instead pulling scents from nearby rooms/people/things.

Ideally this system would just be built from the ground up, and making it dynamic wouldn't be too tough.  I've a few ideas already, just need to detail out all what the purposes would be.

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #92 on: July 21, 2011, 07:30:09 PM »
I started a forum, temporarily dubbing the game 'Semiautomagic'.

I haven't had much of a chance to fill in the forums or anything, but anyone interested is more than welcome to pop over there and add their thoughts.  You do need to register before you can view the sections.

Again, any input is most welcome!  I hope we can great discussion going on.

Offline derek

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #93 on: July 21, 2011, 07:43:49 PM »
Xanaphel, I'll hop over to your forum to talk about mechanics and such over there.  Doubt I'll have much time to chew the fat this evening but I'll be along.

Offline Linnemir

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #94 on: July 21, 2011, 08:16:45 PM »
Registered for the forum, though I'm not a techie. My only coding is in html :)
A mind is a terrible thing to lose ... now, where the heck did I leave mine?

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #95 on: July 22, 2011, 04:56:58 AM »
Registered for the forum, though I'm not a techie. My only coding is in html :)
Techiness not required!   ;D

Ideas, interest, and fun.  That's the goal.  Brainstorming and progress, too!  I realize I might be doing all the code myself - it wouldn't be the first time.  That's alright.  I just want to make sure other folk have fun too.

Offline Jin-Shei

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #96 on: July 24, 2011, 02:02:43 PM »

Sorry to butt into the topic so late but we've been working on a Dresden 'verse mush for a little time now and are anticipating a closed beta test shortly.  It seems silly to duplicate effort and we'd welcome interest over our way if folks care to.

We're using MUX #1, have got a grid, wiki, CG (based on the RPG), and looking to have mortal, magic and shifter spheres.

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #97 on: July 24, 2011, 05:12:41 PM »

Sorry to butt into the topic so late but we've been working on a Dresden 'verse mush for a little time now and are anticipating a closed beta test shortly.  It seems silly to duplicate effort and we'd welcome interest over our way if folks care to.

We're using MUX #1, have got a grid, wiki, CG (based on the RPG), and looking to have mortal, magic and shifter spheres.

I've actually been making some good progress and have been enjoying working on a game, so I think I may be keeping up with it.  CG is finished, short of stunts and powers (I want to make an in-game editor for all those so more can be easily added).  Otherwise, CG is done a la the DFRPG.  I also want to add scent customization for it, which'll be a straightforward task, but probably saving it for last.

Do you have a website folk can poke around at for more information?

Part of the reason I dove into this was for the eagerness to make a game, particularly a DF one.  Cell phones, banks, email/snail magic, magic (of course), scents, tracking... all the good fun stuff!

Offline Jin-Shei

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #98 on: July 25, 2011, 09:54:15 PM »
For sure.  I think you are aiming at mud whilst we are heading down the mush route - more IC RP than code base for us :)

Very much a work in progress, with some text to be removed from it - we want to encourage people to buy the books, so will be only putting up bare bones stuff.

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #99 on: July 26, 2011, 02:37:24 PM »
For sure.  I think you are aiming at mud whilst we are heading down the mush route - more IC RP than code base for us :)

Very much a work in progress, with some text to be removed from it - we want to encourage people to buy the books, so will be only putting up bare bones stuff.
Sort of, yep!  Entirely RP-centric, but with a codebase to provide people with a large assortment of tools to work with if they so choose.

I keep thinking over what sort of tools would make a great toolbox.  Cell phones to call friends in other places (though they'd be wonky for wizards), bank records for law enforcement to investigate questionable activity, spellcrafting for practitioners to employ their talents.  Ultimately, though, a superb set of RP utilities-- the ability to append a temporary descriptions to rooms, your own desc, customization for equipment, layered equipment (wearing socks under boots, etc).

Offline xanaphel

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #100 on: July 31, 2011, 11:07:55 PM »
At this point, largely looking a tgetting in a grid of the city - the specifics of which are to be determined still.

If you are interest, any support would be fantastic.  You can register and contribute here--  Otherwise, welcome to send me a PM/email and we can discuss anything/everything through there!

We'd welcome any good input of any kind, but that in particular.  If you want to chime in, play away, would be happy to have you.

If you're interested in working on the area, definitely check out that forum and add some thoughts there.  Both need the city specifics worked on, as well as the actual building - builders are welcome!

As soon as stunts/powers are in, creation will be complete.  There's no spellcasting or combat or anything yet, but that can all be happily left up to roleplay - and when it does go in (if combat does), it'll be so in a balanced, fair form.  After creation, my goal is going to be an extremely versitile (and easy-to-use) dice-roll command, to allow for taking circumstances, stunts, powers and the like into consideration.

Offline Jin-Shei

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #101 on: June 17, 2012, 04:06:41 AM »

We're open for Beta testing.

Offline Jin-Shei

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Re: Dresden Files MUSH
« Reply #102 on: July 16, 2013, 09:12:15 PM »
*necros more*

We're through beta and opened fully with 20 active players, and three plots happening already.

In a world where Vampires roam, where shifting shape is possible in many ways, and where those with magic have a council watching over them, Dark Spires MUSH aims to provide a world where horror, danger and politics lurk in even the simplest of interactions.

Welcome to the world of the Dresden Files.

Set in Oxford, England, where the universities, churches and city conceal a hotbed of politics and dangers for the unsuspecting and careless - and for those who think they know the truth. A place where your lover might be revealed to be a spy, a Red Court Vampire or somebody's dinner.