So, just to test the waters, we were messing around with the example in the book of an Autumn Court of Faerie, with her being a last survivor type character and me being her champion. I went with the Emissary of Power template with "Marked by Power -1" in the "Musts" section. We then started doing the phases, one of which involved her making/giving me a charm that allows Channeling (I -think- it was Item of Power +1 because of the size, with Channeling -2 on it). I'm still unsure of how this plays into my refresh points with all the other options I picked (99% sure I messed it up).
We just followed the Submerged Power level with Superb skill cap, 35 skill points, and 10 base refresh level.
For the Stunts and Powers:
Inhuman Recovery -2 (Catch: 0, just general constant recovery)
Inhuman Toughness -2 (Catch: 0, again, just general amped up toughness)
Supernatural Strength -4 (forgot if there was a catch on this, I didn't write one down though)
Marked by Power -1
Item of Power +1 (With the Channeling -2 bonus) ***Not even sure if this needs to go here***
So with this do I have -8, or does the Channeling add into it and go over my point allotment?
Also, how do you go about picking stunts? The book was very thorough on what they do, but not how many you are allowed to pick or how many points they cost, if any. Do they just inherently come with your skills? Say I wanted the "Wall of Death" stunt, would I have to give up other powers?
Character Items: How does this work? Do you just state "My character has this weapon, this piece of clothing..."? If they have 'extras' like imbued powers how do you go about that?
For my skills I have:
+5: Weapons
+4: Endurance, Discipline (chose this for mental defense... which I figured was magical defense, but doesn't seem like it on the Stress section)
+3: Athletics, Scholarship, Alertness
+2: Contacts, Driving, Might, Survival
+1: Stealth, Resources, Fists, Lore, Investigation
I just followed the pyramid pattern on Dresden's sample sheet, but I've seen a few posted characters on here don't follow that. Are there multiple ways/rules of doing this?
Consequences... I don't even...