Other Jimness > Cinder Spires Books

1st person or 3rd person?

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--- Quote from: Sully on July 28, 2013, 12:32:12 AM ---Not sure how I would distribute it without breaking copyright laws and encouraging piracy. :P

Besides, I don't own the e-books, only the hardcovers.

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Solution: just post a list online of PoV by chapter.


--- Quote from: Sully on July 28, 2013, 12:22:39 AM ---On switching perspectives:

You know what I would LOVE to see?

e-books being used to somewhat full potential.

Since we're talking about Codex Alera, why do I have to read the chapters sequentially? I like Amara's chapters in FLF.  Why can't I just read all of her chapters, right in a row?

It would be child's play, technologically.

edit: This would be utterly amazing in ASoIaF, as well.

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I actually did this for Tavi's chapters. I have a list somewhere that shows what order I need to read the chapters in to only read the story that includes Tavi. It is a lot of fun to read his entire adventure in one fell swoop.


--- Quote from: bookwormsam on July 29, 2013, 12:55:49 PM ---I actually did this for Tavi's chapters. I have a list somewhere that shows what order I need to read the chapters in to only read the story that includes Tavi. It is a lot of fun to read his entire adventure in one fell swoop.

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THIS i put post it notes on the first page of each chapter that started a characters perspective, like all of Tavi's chapter had a green post it note at the start, and all of Amara's had a blue post it. works like a charm.

Just throwing out another series that manages multiple Third perspective without ending up a confusing mess.  The Grimnoir Chronicles, by Larry Correia.

Personally, I hope Butcher changes his multiple 3rd person format, so it's more a marathon of perspectives, rather a jumble of time skips.  I'm not sure if I'll be interested in following another series like Codex.

It's really interesting how people had a problem with rapidly changing perspectives in CA, I think it might be because they tried to take their time and enjoy it :)

I usually go through Jim's books the day I get them so a chapter cliffhanger is resolved in minutes instead of hours or maybe days :) 


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