Author Topic: NeverNever story seeds  (Read 1938 times)

Offline McNulty

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NeverNever story seeds
« on: July 02, 2013, 11:11:50 AM »
In our next session I'm going to introduce the NeverNever to my group. I already have the MacGuffin: Ur-Magpie steals magical Faberge egg that the players just acquired and escapes back to NN. Now I'm looking for some interesting elements that I could incorporate to this story.. something/someone that helps or hinders them, some cool locations or anything to flesh out the NN really. Mind you that we are not familiar with the original books.


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Re: NeverNever story seeds
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2013, 03:20:51 PM »
It depends on where in the NeverNever they end. For example, in my Odyssey game, I have create a region called the Border that if there were a geography class for trhe NeverNever would be wedged between Earth and Faerie/the rest of the NeverNever. Faerie is one of the largest (I believe it is said to be the largest) single region in the NeverNever. I take a lot of latitude with it myself and am aiming to include many areas of myth and legend from our world (like Hells, for example, or Wonderland).

TLDR: Faeries...lots of faeries.

What did you have in mind? I'm always interested to hear thoughts about the NeverNever.

(For more about my NeverNever so far, feel free to take a gander if you'd like:,37752.0.html

Offline cold_breaker

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Re: NeverNever story seeds
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2013, 05:44:10 PM »
Take some ques from the Aspects on the scene they're traveling from. Deep dank cellar? They find themselves in a region of caves on the other side. Crossover from the mall? Welcome to the Fae marketplace! Back room of a stripjoint? Well, expect a lot of lust in the new location. I'd look at your themes and threats for some ideas on how to make each location unique. If your cities main theme is Zombies, you might want to place a lot of graveyards and crypts in the background. Personally, I'd keep it a more or less sensible landscape (a 500 sg. ft. bar isn't miraculously in a 40 sq. ft. crypt for instance - but it's a good place to start.

Some other thoughts? Rolling hills! A Jungle filled with man eating plants! Toss in a ramshackle Hag's Hut suspended on stilts in the middle of a huge pool of murky water. Perhaps a rundown and ancient looking version of a local building. A cat's idea of hell. A seaside cave only accessible at low tide. A version of King Arthurs castle made of red jello.


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Re: NeverNever story seeds
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2013, 05:48:24 PM »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: NeverNever story seeds
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2013, 12:27:33 AM »
There's some appropriate stuff on the wiki.