Thanks for the information you have. I'm always hoping that he'll return to those grinding schedules he had at the beginning of the series where he kept up the amazing rate of one a year. But alas, I think that herculian schedule is a thing of the past. His most recent schedule seems to be a little faster than one every 1.5 years, which is still a respectable rate, but it appears it usually takes him about 6-8 months of writing dresden to make a book, so the longer we were going without a cinder spires book (or even an announced publication date), the more I was getting worried that trying to write this new genre might seriously impact the schedule of the existing series. I'm really hoping not, and would love to see (but not expecting) a return to the one book a year. If you're right, that makes 2013 a dark and gloomy year, as it is the first year since he started the series in 2000 that there hasn't a Dresden novel. (though in confirming that stat I see a that Wiki has an unsupported Dec release date listed).
Yes indeed, a dark and gloomy year.
When Jim made his "long shot", his career has ended up with more demands on his time for things other than writing novels. Additionally, he has mentioned that as he has aged, marathon writing sessions have become more physically painful to his hands/wrists.
That and any other mitigating circumstances aside though, his track record is that when he has a 3rd person perspective alternate series to go to between Dresden books, he actually has a much better rate of Dresden story weaving.
Waiting can suck, but remember to be encouraging. I've seen plenty of authors including Jim get a little downtrodden dealing with passive agressive fan missives to write faster.
regarding the wiki dec release date, sorry:
Make this the year you reread the series if you don't already do that 
Glad you covered that. And yah, there's always rereads (just finished my rereads of SmF and DM to facilitate betaing the currently being produced 15th book which follows the pattern of those 2). In the mean time *goes and checks* Benedict Jacka's next Alex Verus book comes out in September and...
Holy crap, the latest Iron Druid book (
Hunted, Kevin Hearne) came out 2 days ago. Time to go nomnom