I guess one of the things I'm asking is how quickly could the company in question see a return? Something like this would have a larger budget right off the bat, because I think the work would be a "Work for Hire," as the universes are not the author's own.
Assuming an 80,000 word novel, this is a cost of between $2,800 to $4,000 before editing, formatting, getting a cover, buying an ISBN, and the like. That's a steep hill to climb, as that makes the budget $5,000 - $7,500 per novel. That means it would take sales of between 800 and 1,200 Ebooks at $8.99 (At Amazon's 70% royalty rate) to break even. That doesn't include the POD, because I'm not sure of the royalty rate for something like that.
Am I missing something?