Author Topic: Building locations!  (Read 1888 times)

Offline cold_breaker

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Building locations!
« on: June 29, 2013, 06:47:19 PM »
So, I'm trying to build a location with a lot of aspects - I'm trying to teach several players the game and would like a fight scene where I hand them their asses unless they can figure out the fighting para-dime - aka stop directly attacking and work as a team, setting up lots of big attacks instead of kamikaze attack strategies. I notice however that there aren't any resources for this, so I figured nows a good time to start a thread, getting people suggesting different scene aspects.

The nice thing about scene aspects is they're easier to write then character aspects - there's no set number required in a scene, but the more you have the better.

Off the top of my head:

Rickety 300lb chandelier
Gas main
Dark and shady forest
Obscuring brush
Camping garbage
Piles of kegs!
Hard Ground
Soft Ground
Unstable ground
Fresh dew
Angry birds
Hidden hatch
Shoddy electric
Boarded up windows
Cluttered floor
Piles of boxes

Please suggest more! I don't normally list the required assessment because more of them I would allow for almost any type of roll, but create different difficulties depending on how related they were. For instance, if a player really wanted to do an assessment using their 'driving' skill, I'd allow them to discover 'weakened wall' at a fairly high roll - after all, they'd know they could probably be able to drive through that wall fairly easily if push came to shove, which might mean they could use that knowledge to their advantage.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Building locations!
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2013, 08:47:43 PM »