Author Topic: Washington DC  (Read 1795 times)

Offline Mayhawk

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Washington DC
« on: May 27, 2013, 04:23:37 PM »
I'd like to know what you guys think of these ideas. I have a few locations and faces fleshed out already too. I'll post some of them later if people are interested.

Theme: Center of the Free World

Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States of America, the one remaining global superpower and the country that has been considered the leader of the free world since World War 2. Much of what takes place in Washington D.C. has ripple-effects that influence events around the world. Congress passes laws and the President issues orders that set the agenda for the entire country. Then Pentagon and the CIA just south of D.C. in Virginia set the agenda for the entire world. Ambassadors flock to the city to represent their respective nations and attempt to sway U.S. foreign policy in their favor, or at least maintain good relations with the nation that is capable of devastating any country that stands in it’s way.

As the Capital the city is home not only to top authorities in the nation, but between the Smithsonian, the Library of Congress, the National Museum of Art and the National Archives it also contains many of America’s most precious national treasures. Majestic architectural edifices and towering monuments serve to remind everyone in the city that this is a major center of global power.

It should come as no surprise then, that there should also be a strong concentration of supernatural power here as well. A number of powerful ley lines flow through the city carrying magical energies to empower the actions of those who know how to tap into it. Since the prehistoric era the Courts of the Fae and other supernatural creatures have fought bitter battles against one another for control of these supernatural energy, and those wars continue to rage into modern nights. Then there are also supernatural entities and organizations that covet the influence wielded by the Federal Government and seek to gain control over it.

The fact that this city is the capital of the free world shapes so much of what goes on the city. The majority of people working in the city are connected to the Federal Government in some way, and it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Because of the power wielded here almost every decision made by those in power has major consequences, and so the power struggles here, both mundane, and paranormal, are much higher stakes than those of other cities.

Theme: Conspiracies Abound

It has been said that in D.C. you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a Secret Society (nevermind that the only people who probably swing deceased felines around would most likely be members of some weird secret society with bizarre symbolic ritual). Between the Skull and Bones, the Shriners, the Free Masons, and the Jesuits it is sometimes difficult to find a person in power who does not belong to some kind of clandestine organization, or a place of power that isn’t controlled by some such group.

Since this city is one of the most powerful in the world it should come as no surprise that secretive organizations invested in controlling or changing society through the power wielded by old men in suites within the halls of government. Seldom does anything of consequence happen in the city or the Federal Government without some plot at work behind it, so those attempting to investigate or get in the way of such events should beware, they may only be scratching the tip of the iceberg, and will quite likely end up facing a vast network of conspirators the had not initially reckoned on.

Conspiracies and secret societies can be either mundane or supernatural in nature and are often a combination of the two. Some of them are recent invetions of powerful and charaismatic personalities created to help them rise to power, but others have ancient roots and have been operating for centuries working slowly towards a set of goals that only those at the top of the organization are truly aware of. This latter type are the truly dangerous organizations as their true intentions are often impossible to decipher, and even more difficult to work against because their well placed connections and lack of reliance on a single central leader.

Threat: The Rise of the Dark Lord

For longer than anyone can remember the mysterious sorcerer known has Phaeton has been a powerful member of D.C.’s supernatural community and has won the support of much of many, particularly those who have no love for the White Council. Unlike most wizards who hold the Masonic Brotherhood in derision, he has been a long standing member and risen through the ranks to the 33rd degree. He has formed an alliance with the Winter Court, which rules the Nevernever realms around D.C. and has made deals with the vampire courts as well. Of course he claims that these dealings with the Nevernever creatures have been made for the greater good, and no hard evidence has ever been found of wrong doing on the part of Phaeton. In fact Phaeton’s reputation is such that he was selected to be Keeper of the government buildings at Washington’s core, to ensure that other supernaturals do not meddle with national leaders and agencies.

There are some, however, particularly the White Council and their allies, who are highly distrustful of Phaeton and ask who is making sure that he himself is not dabbling in the national government he claims to be safeguarding. Accusations have been made that he has even gone so far as to enthrall government leaders in order to influence the national agenda according to his wishes. Some have even gone to the point of calling him a Dark Lord. However, as usual in the case of Phaeton, no evidence of wrongdoing has been found, and his supporters accuse the White Court of spreading vicious lies against the Keeper on account of his refusal to join their esoteric brotherhood. To be sure, Phaeton does interpret the Laws of Magic much more loosely than the White Council Wardens, claiming that there are cases when certain Laws may justifiably be bent. However, he still supports the Laws in most situations, and even many members of the White Council question the rigidity of its enforcement of the laws.

For good or ill Phaeton has become a power-player in Washington, and his influence continues to grow. To those willing to accept his ways of working outside the parameters of the White Council’s approval he represents a potential extremely capable ally, but any who would attempt to catch him in wrong-doing, or somehow stand in the way of his goals will find him to be a powerful enemy.

((If you are interested in a play by post adventure set in DC go to and post in the OOC forum letting us know you'd like more information.))

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Washington DC
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2013, 02:37:35 AM »
Sounds good to me.

There's a Resources board thread for campaign settings, you may want to link to your take on Washington in it.

Offline Mayhawk

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Re: Washington DC
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2013, 01:42:53 PM »
Thanks, I'll do that.