Author Topic: HomebrewAt2046  (Read 4613 times)

Offline ReaderAt2046

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« on: May 20, 2013, 11:00:06 PM »

So this is where I'll be posting my homebrew Stunts and Powers.

I'll open up with a couple of Powers.

Electrics-Friendly (-1). You have a magical affinity for technology, and your powers get along fine with it. You do not accidentally hex technology.

Were-Trousers (Okay- maybe this needs a more serious name) (-1, requires Beast Change or True Shapeshifting) You have learned to extend the morphic fields of your shapeshifting power to encompass your clothes and equipment. Whenever you change, they are incorporated into the change and are restored unaffected when you shift back to your human form.

And a couple of Stunts:

Sniper: (Stealth)Whenever you make a ranged attack against a target from hiding, they must make an Alertness check (opposed by your Stealth) to spot you. If they fail the check, they are not aware of your location and their defenses remain mediocre against you.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2013, 11:17:10 PM »
Accidental Hexing is the product of Compels, and nothing else.  Immunity to it is not worth refresh.  Compels are cost-neutral.

Pretty sure the same can be said of 'Were-Trousers'.

I suspect Sniper to be rather more powerful than stunts should be, but I'm not certain.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2013, 02:04:44 AM »
Accidental Hexing is the product of Compels, and nothing else.  Immunity to it is not worth refresh.  Compels are cost-neutral.

Pretty sure the same can be said of 'Were-Trousers'.

I suspect Sniper to be rather more powerful than stunts should be, but I'm not certain.

For the most part I agree, except I can think of some non-Compel things that Were-Trousers could help with. Not enough of them that I'd charge a full Refresh for it, though.

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2013, 05:45:18 PM »
I referred to the second of those as "Shifter's Hammerspace", and there are a number of things it's useful for; a zero point version would cover lightweight clothes and maybe a wallet or cell phone, while a one point version might allow you to have a backpack and several different outfits in an extradimensional storage space.  ...Of course, that storage space actually exists, somewhere, in the nevernever.  Better hope no mischevious fae find it...

For the first, I'd agree that immunity to accidental hexing isn't worth a refresh; it just needs a really good justification.  Like, say, you're not human.  Or you're using some form of special sponsored magic.  (Consider, for example, fomori magic - which we know isn't impeded by running water.  I'd imagine someone who really knew what they were doing could accomplish something similar to make their magic flow with technology instead of against it.  Of course, they might then have some other manifestation of accidental hexing - like the fomori's odor of mildew, maybe mixed with a tendency for things to rust...)

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2013, 09:12:26 PM »
If it goes free then Electric-friendly might need to specify a specific subset of technology that the caster does not damage, for example "electronics" or "fluid systems (gas, combustion engines, etc)" or "modern weaponry"

The Were-trousers thing can become a much better thing when you are talking about a full-blown wizard like LTW who has magical focii and IoP's that it would be advantageous to be able to carry with him in shifted form.  Would also raise the question of whether a focus/IoP becomes dormant while you are shifted.  I shield bracer that you can still use while you are a hawk or raging bear would be much more useful than just one that you dont have to stash or carry while in animal form.
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Offline ReaderAt2046

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2013, 11:43:05 PM »

A new stunt or two:

Diamond Mind (Discipline): Whether due to training, personality, or talent, you are a master at defending your mind from external influences. Gain +2 to Discipline rolls to defend against mental manipulation (attacks, manuvers, or blocks) from supernatural sources.

Rain of Blows (Fists): Whenever you could make a Fists attack against an opponent, you may instead make two such attacks, each at a -1 penalty.

Offline Tedronai

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2013, 12:28:03 AM »
Rain of Blows (Fists): Whenever you could make a Fists attack against an opponent, you may instead make two such attacks, each at a -1 penalty.

You're going to need a heck of a lot more than a stunt to justify shattering the action economy to bits.
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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2013, 12:40:22 AM »
Rain of blows:  You may make spray attacks using fists as long as all targets are in the same zone.

Maybe add something?

...Additionally, you get +1 to your attack if any of your targets are unarmoured.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2013, 01:54:09 AM »
These are from the list.

Mind of Steel: Magical mental influence is useless against your fortress-like mind! Add two to your Discipline skill when using it to defend against supernatural mental attacks.

Storm Of Punches: A great warrior fights as well against a thousand enemies as he does against one. You may make spray attacks with your Fists skill.

They have similar effects, so they're relevant to the thread. But what really interests me is how similar the names are. What's up with that?

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2013, 11:14:44 AM »
I'd guess that the similar names are because there are only so many obvious ways to give a descriptive name to:
A ) A hardening om the mind to increase resistance to influence - use a material that we associate with strenght.
B ) A series of fast punches - use a word that either describes swiftness (like Storm) or abundance (like Rain). The word "flurry" could also have been an option, but to me personally it feels a bit overused, maybe others feel that aswell.

Offline ReaderAt2046

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2013, 02:00:30 AM »

A couple of new things I thought of

First, a new stunt for Wizards: Exclusive Power (needs a better name)(Discipline): You have gained a measure of control over zone-effect spells. When casting a spell that targets everything in one or more zones, you may exclude a number of targets equal to half your Discipline (rounded up) from its effects.

Second, a cluster of powers: Spell Resistance (-2), Improved Spell Resistance (-4), and Greater Spell Resistance (-6). All spells cast on you are reduced in power by 2, 4, or 6 shifts depending on which level you purchased. If this would reduce a spell's power to 0 shifts, it has no effect whatsoever. You may choose to attach a Catch (specifying a certain kind of magic that you are not immune to, or specific circumstance under which your Resistance is negated), but it is not mandatory.

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2013, 01:56:06 PM »
Spell Resistance should have a mandatory Catch, since it can be stacked with Toughness powers to make you virtually immune to magic, which would make it theoretically more powerful than Physical Immunity.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #12 on: July 04, 2013, 05:16:26 AM »
I disagree. Full immunity to magic costs only 3 Refresh. Spell Resistance is too weak, compared to that.

I'm kind of wary of Exclusive Power, though. Zone attacks are already really good. I'm not saying it's overpowered, it just makes me a little nervous.

Offline ReaderAt2046

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2013, 02:26:55 PM »
I disagree. Full immunity to magic costs only 3 Refresh. Spell Resistance is too weak, compared to that.

Thing is, Physical Immunity (Magic only), which is what I assume you mean, only protects you from spells that inflict stress or consequences. SR is designed to also render you resistant to Maneuvers and possibly let you push through magical blocks.

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Re: HomebrewAt2046
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2013, 08:48:16 PM »
Why wouldn't physical immunity protect you from magical maneuvers?