Author Topic: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest  (Read 7080 times)

Offline LCDarkwood

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OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« on: May 14, 2013, 04:19:22 PM »
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 04:33:04 PM by LCDarkwood »

Offline wyvern

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2013, 09:32:00 PM »
Hm.  I may have to take a stab at this.

In the meantime, though - I'm not sure pinning this thread is actually helping it; I know I at least don't even look at the pinned threads when I'm trying to see if there's something new & interesting; only found it because I was thinking "Surely someone has posted a link to the contest already," followed by "maybe it got pinned?" - if I hadn't already known the contest existed, I would never have found this thread.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2013, 10:09:06 PM »
I'll sit this one out. I defer to Deadmanwalking's takes when it comes to canon characters.

In the meantime, though - I'm not sure pinning this thread is actually helping it; I know I at least don't even look at the pinned threads when I'm trying to see if there's something new & interesting; only found it because I was thinking "Surely someone has posted a link to the contest already," followed by "maybe it got pinned?" - if I hadn't already known the contest existed, I would never have found this thread.

I find it helps to visit the last page of every pinned thread. That way if there's a New tag on a thread, it catches your eye.

Offline vultur

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2013, 02:41:39 AM »
I guess we post them here?

EDIT 5/15: I'm assuming we're allowed to edit our entries until the deadline. If not, I'll undo my changes.

High Concept: Wizard Private Eye
Trouble: The Temptation of Power
Other Aspects: My Mother's Silver Pentacle; Epic Wiseass; Warden of the White Council; Molly, My Apprentice; Linked to Demonreach

Fantastic: Conviction
Superb: Endurance
Great: Discipline, Intimidation, Lore
Good: Alertness, Contacts, Investigation
Fair: Athletics, Presence, Rapport, Weapons
Average: Empathy, Fists, Might, Resources, Scholarship, Stealth

Listening (Investigation): +4 to Investigation rolls to hear things, but Alertness drops to Terrible while Listening.

Evocation [-3]
Refinement [-5]
Sponsored Magic: Soulfire [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight/Soulgaze [-1]
Wizard's Constitution [-0]

Evocation: Elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit); Control: Earth +1, Fire +1, Spirit +1; Power: Fire +1.
Thaumaturgy: Control: Divination +1. Strength: Crafting +2.

Fuego - Weapon:7 single-target fire attack. Creates a jet or blast of flame. Requires blasting rod.
Forzare - Weapon:6 single-target spirit (force) attack. Creates an invisible kinetic blast. Requires staff.
Shield - 6-shift defensive spirit (force) block. Fantastic defense, or cast with one shift in persistence for Superb defense. Requires shield bracelet.

Focus Items
Staff - +1 Offensive Control with Spirit
Shield Bracelet - +1 Defensive Control with Spirit
Blasting Rod - +2 Offensive Control with Fire

Enchanted Items
Duster - Superb block or Armor:2, 3 uses per session, lendable  (2 slots)
Little Chicago - Legendary divination to find/track person in Chicago, 1 use per session (3 slots)
3 potion slots

Mental OOOO +1 mild consequence
Physical OOOO +1 mild consequence
Social OOO

Total Refresh Cost: -16
Remaining Refresh: 1

Major milestones = FM, GP, DM, BR, WN, SmF (skill cap upgrade), TC.
Significant milestones = DB, PG, "Heorot", TC.
17 Refresh, 46 skill points.
1 Refinement spent on Earth evocation, 1 Refinement spent on Evocation specializations, 1 Refinement spent on Thaumaturgy specializations, 2 Refinements spent on item slots.
I don't think his High Concept and Trouble change until Changes itself.
By this point, Harry has redeemed himself from Lawbreaker (First), probably when he put his own life on the line to defend/mentor Molly in PG.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 01:10:32 PM by vultur »

Offline Shaft

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2013, 03:22:07 AM »
My take on it is a little different:

High Concept: Irreverent Warden of the White Council
Trouble: Who Can I Trust?
Other Aspects: My Mother's Silver Pentacle; If Chivalry is Dead, I Can Raise It.; Subtlety be Damned, Friends are Family and Family comes First; A Problem With Authority

Fantastic: Conviction, Discipline,
Superb: Endurance, Investigation,
Great: Intimidation, Lore, Presence 
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Contacts 
Fair: Fists, Guns,Performance (Guitar)
Average: Rapport, Scholarship, Weapons

Fleet of Foot (Athletics): +2 when Sprinting
I know Just the Guy (Contacts): +1 to Contacts when Gathering Information, 1 time increment faster
Infuriate (Intimidation): +2 to any roll when deliberately trying to get someone angry

Demesne (Demonreach) [-1]
Evocation [-3]
Refinement [-4]
Sponsored Magic: Soulfire [-3]
Supernatural Sense: Clairaudience +4 to Investigation rolls to hear things (can even filter out heartbeats and around corners and in rooms close by), but Alertness drops to Terrible while Listening. [-1]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight/Soulgaze [-1]
Wizard's Constitution [-0]

Evocation: Elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit); Control: Fire +1, Spirit +1; Power: Fire +1, Spirit +1
Thaumaturgy: Control: Divination +1. Crafting +1  Complexity: Divination +1. Crafting +1

Fuego - Weapon:7 single-target fire attack. Creates a jet or blast of flame. Requires blasting rod.
Forzare - Weapon:6 single-target spirit (force) attack. Creates an invisible kinetic blast. Requires staff.
Shield - 7-shift defensive spirit (force) block. Epic defense, or cast with one shift in persistence for Fantastic defense. Requires shield bracelet.

Focus Items
Staff - +1 Offensive Control with Spirit
Shield Bracelet - +1 Defensive Control with Spirit
Blasting Rod - +2 Offensive Control with Fire

Enchanted Items
Duster - Fantastic block or Armor:2, 3 uses per session, lendable  (2 slots)
Little Chicago - Legendary divination to find/track person in Chicago, 1 use per session (3 slots)
3 potion slots

Mental OOOO +1 mild consequence
Physical OOOO +1 mild consequence
Social OOOO

Total Refresh Cost: -20
Remaining Refresh: 1

20 Refresh, 56 skill points.
1 Refinement spent on Fire & Spirit evocation specializations, 1 Refinement spent on Thaumaturgy specializations, 2 Refinements spent on item slots.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 03:57:23 AM by Shaft »

Offline HobbitWarrior

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2013, 05:28:33 AM »
The following is a co-operative effort by HobbitWarrior and SilverBlaze

Character: Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden

High Concept: Grey Council Detective
Trouble: Temptation of Power
Other Aspects:
1. Epic Wise Ass
2. "I'd Die For My Friends, Unfortunately I Might Have To..."
3. "So I'm a Warden now...Yeah."
4. "I Won't Let My Darkness Control Me, but Sometimes I Let It Out."
5. I've Got an Apprentice Now, but I'll Die Alone.

Fantastic: Conviction
Superb: Endurance, Intimidation
Great: Discipline, Lore
Good: Alertness, Athletics, Contacts, Investigation
Fair: Guns, Presence, Rapport, Weapons
Average: Empathy, Fists, Might, Resources, Scholarship, Stealth

Listening (Investigation): +4 to Investigation rolls to hear things, but Alertness drops to Terrible while Listening.

Evocation  -3
Thaumaturgy -3
Sponsored Magic: Soulfire  -3
Lawbreaker (First) -1
The Sight -1
Soulgaze -0
Wizard's Constitution -0
Refinement  -4
*( Demonreach: Sponsored Magic: Place of Power - This is Intellectus.) -3

Evocation: Elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit);  Power: ( Fire +1 )
Thaumaturgy:  Control (Divination +1)

Fuego - Weapon:6 single-target fire attack. Creates a jet or blast of flame. Requires blasting rod.
Forzare - Weapon:5 single-target spirit (force) attack. Creates an invisible kinetic blast. Requires staff.
Shield - 6-shift defensive spirit (force) block... [Armor 3]. Creates hemispheric shield in front of Harry; acts as armor or a block. Requires shield bracelet.
Ventas Servitas- Weapon : 4 Single-target air attack. Creates a gale force gust of wind to move objects or damage objects; as well as hurt foes.

Focus Items
Staff - +1 Offensive Control with Spirit
Shield Bracelet - +2 Defensive Control with Spirit
Blasting Rod - +2 Offensive Control with Fire
*Sword Cane - +2 Offensive Control with Earth

Enchanted Items
Duster - Fantastic block or Armor:3, 3 uses per session, lendable  (2 slots)
Knuckle Duster of Force Rings: Weapon 5 - 5 uses per session.
2 empty potion slots

Mental OOOO +1 mild consequence
Physical OOOO +1 mild consequence
Social OOOO

Total Refresh Cost: -16 * -19
Remaining Refresh: 0

16 Refresh, 50 skill points.

1 Refinement spent on learning to use Earth magic, 3 Refinement Spent on item slots

Showing our work: Took advice from page # 137 in "Our World" to determine major and significant events.  Then decided from a sum of all short stories, graphic novels, and Turn Coat: that Harry Dresden should have an additional 15 skill points and 7 refresh.

Explaining his skill placement/increases: We increased his general template to reflect a constant threat from the Red Court war and his own personal training with his supporting cast.  We also considered adding Deceit at Average, but left it off.

*Demonreach: Was so far ill defined by Changes - therefore we decided that using Sponsored Magic to gain Intellectus would cost 3 Refresh.  Harry would enter Sponsor debt (much like he did for Hellfire) to gain access to demonreach.

*Harry's Sword Cane:  Infused with magic and used primarily for magnetism spells, this cane was purchased from merry old England and is capable of doubling as a weapon 2 sword.  The weapon is rarely used due to Harry's preference for fire magic and therefore was left out of the math for character creation.  If the situation calls, simply switch his blasting rod for the cane.  We'd say whatever building you're in would thank you for the switch, but come on, it's still Harry Dresden.

Building a better Force Ring: The ring started as a humble weapon: 4  ( 3 with an extra slot for power).  Per White Knight he had increased the power of the ring to three bands over one and had one ring on each of the fingers in his right hand.   This increases damage to the power of his current lore rating of 4 plus one extra for power and increases the number of uses by  four to represent each of the new bands.  This also represents his ability to launch ghouls and break their backs in White Night.

Changes to Focus Items: Harry built a better blasting rod after one of the numerous times it was destroyed. Harry built a better shield bracelet with numerous braided metals and shield shaped charms. This is why we decided each of those items deserved a better control bonus.

The elusive silver bear belt buckle: This has been explained as a spell or a one time use item.  We left it out. 

Little Chicago: Best left as a plot device.  Along with the highly controversial topic of who fixed it.

Dresden seems low powered?: We kept with the spirit of the original writeup to balance him with other NPC's.  We low balled it.

Potential Susan related aspect:  If it pleases our mostly benevolent overlords at Evil Hat to think that the beginning of Changes includes the phone call - change his trouble aspect to: Harry they have our Daughter.

Fun with aspects: We wanted to do something different, yet stay true to the character.
High Concept: Grey Council Detective - Harry clearly lost his faith in the White Council due to policies and traitors within.  He joined with Ebenezer McCoy to form the beginnings of the
Grey Council.  He is of course still the only Wizard Private eye in the yellow pages.

Trouble: Temptation of Power- Jim Butcher kept the theme of tempting Harry with a cost.

Epic Wise Ass - Some things never change... (also needed to avoid buying Infuriate stunt)

I'd Die For My Friends, Unfortunately I Might Have To... - Harry has a near fanatical loyalty to his friends and family.  Also, who doesn't love foreshadowing.

So I'm A Warden Now...Yeah...- Harry never liked wardens in the first place.  He is by his own admittance one of the last people who should be one.  Yet, here he is, wearing a grey cloak, the position is largely honorary and only came about due to dire straits. 

I Won't Let My Darkness Control Me, but sometimes I Let It Out - Harry has touched a lot of dark powers; well beyond his scope.  It has left a stain.  Sometimes that power comes out to play, even when he doesn't want it to.

I've Got an Apprentice, but I'll Die Alone - Molly brought the doom of Damocles with her.  Dresden feels responsible for her for a large number of reasons.  he has conflicted feelings about this relationship.  He was also, of course, cursed to "Die Alone!"

Compels for the new aspects:
Grey Council Detective - Dresden has had his eyes opened to the fact the White Council had been corrupted from within.  This forces the man to keep secrets and secret alliances. At the very least this makes Harry juggle his loyalties.  At the most, well, Harry will finally get to see the Merlin genuinely happy.  For about ten seconds before the Doom falls on both him and Molly.

I'd Die For My Friends, Unfortunately I Might Have To... - There are just some things Harry Dresden doesn't tolerate.  And unfortunately for him there are some things out there that know this.  More than once something from the spooky side has used his friends against him.  Either as hostage or bait.  But don't forget the flip side to that, Harry is more than willing to bring a wrecking ball to a masquerade ball when pushed too far.  Those creeps would do well to remember that.

So I'm a Warden Now...Yeah... -  Humor aside, Dresden takes his position as a Warden with a big grain of salt.  Harry is willing to do the work, but when a problem gets dropped onto his lap that comes into conflict with what he feels is right, he'll do what he thinks is best.  This has almost led him to blows with the council in the past, but hey, at least there's a steady paycheck in it.

I Won't Let My Darkness Control Me, but Sometimes I Let It Out - Nightmares, crippling headaches, horrible images that will never fade and oh yeah, years and years of physical therapy for his hand.  Harry is the sum of what he's run up against and over the years its taken its toll.  But for better or worse he's still Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, conjure it at your own risk.

I've Got an Apprentice, but I'll Die Alone.  Dresden may have Molly when he needs her, but this comes with its own set of problems.  Including but not limited to the Doom of Damocles, an unrequited love and her own willingness to go into situation beyond her abilities.  Not to mention there's still the lingering doubt in his own mind to the last words of the former Denarian Cassius.  This hangs over Dresdens head every bit as much as the Doom and often forces Dresden to act impulsively or purposely withdraw from his friends and family.

Also, we spent so much time working on aspects we decided to mention a few that never made the cut.  We also considered writing all aspects in haiku! (Not even kidding)

Blood and Fire, Family is Sacrifice ;), Winter is Coming, My Apprentice is a Handful.... (shut up Bob!), I Got 99 Problems...and all of 'em are women, Don't need a gun, got a Mouse!, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility....and so on. 
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 05:30:16 AM by HobbitWarrior »
Rogues do it from behind.

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2013, 08:48:54 PM »
Ok, here is my take on Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, as of the start of Changes.

High Concept Aspect:
Warden of the White Council
Trouble Aspect:
He Died doing the Right Thing is my epitaph
Other Aspects:
My Mother’s Silver Pentacle
Epic Wise-ass
Bound to Demonreach
Not So Subtle, Still Quick to Anger
The Grasshopper is my Apprentice

Alertness: Good (+3)
Athletics: Good (+3)
Burglary; Fair (+2)
Contacts: Good (+3)
Conviction: Superb (+5)
Deceit: Fair (+2)
Discipline: Great (+4)
Empathy: Average (+1)
Endurance: Great (+4)
Fists: Average (+1)
Intimidation: Great (+4)
Investigation: Good (+3)
Lore: Great (+4)
Presence: Average (+1)
Rapport: Fair (+2)
Scholarship: Average (+1)
Stealth: Average (+1)
Weapons: Fair (+2)

Listening (Investigation): +4 to rolls to hear things , but Alertness drops to Terrible while Listening.

Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [–0]
Sponsored Magic (Soulfire) [-3]
Wizard’s Constitution [–0]
Lawbreaker (First) [–1]
Refinements x4 [-4]
Evocation: Elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Spirit);
Power (Earth +1, Fire +1)
Thaumaturgy: Control (Divination +1)

Rote Spells:
Fuego (fire attack , five shifts): directs a tight beam of magical fire (Weapon: 5) at a target. Requires his blasting rod to cast.

Shield (spirit block, six shifts): creates a hemispheric shield in front of Harry ’s wrist and acts as either Armor or a
block. Usually, Harry uses one shift for persistence, so he can do something else in the following exchange without
renewing the shield. Requires the upgraded shield bracelet.

Forzare (spirit attack as force, four shifts for a Weapon: 4 attack): sends out waves of force attacking a nearby
enemy. Has the added benefit of not setting everything on fire.  Usually.

Focus Items:
Staff (+1 Offensive Control for Spirit)
Blasting Rod (+1 Offensive Control for Fire)
Upgraded Shield Bracelet (+2 Defensive Control for Spirit, +1 Defensive Power for Spirit) - uses two slots

Enchanted Items:
Four linked, triple-banded Force Rings (force attack Weapon: 3 usable 4 times per session) -uses two slots
Harry's Leather Duster (Armor: 3, usable once per session, can be used by others) - uses five slots
3 slots kept open for potions and other “consumable” items.

Mental: OOOO, +1 Mild Consequence
Physical: OOOO
Social: OOO

Total Refresh Cost: –16

Since the end of Storm Front up to the beginning of Changes, there have been approximately four Significant Milestones and seven Major Milestones.  Little Chicago was excluded from the list of Focus and Enchanted Items because that seems to be more of a plot-level device, at least for now.  It also could be modeled as a form of long duration Thaumaturgy ritual intended to aid some Divination rituals.  For similar reasoning, the $3,000 summoning circle that Harry had svartalves craft and engrave for him with twisted bands of iron, copper and silver was also excluded. 

Kill the Child, Doom the World...  Or is it, Kill the Child, Save the World?

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My results:

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2013, 09:21:49 PM »
Name: Harry Dresden

High Concept: Most Infamous Warden of the White Council
Trouble: The Temptation of Power
Epic Wiseass
Can't win them all–Doesn't mean you stop trying.
I Refuse to Die Alone
The Building Was On Fire and It Wasn’t My Fault
The Za Lord of the Guard


Fantastic (+6): Conviction
Superb (+5): Discipline, Endurance
Great (+4): Intimidation, Alertness, Lore
Good (+3): Athletics, Investigation, Contacts
Fair (+2): Deceit, Guns, Fists, Weapons,
Average (+1): Burglary, Rapport, Presence, Scholarship, Stealth


Listening (See sheet) (-1)


Refinements [-7]
Evocation [–3]
Thaumaturgy [–3]
Sponsored Magic: Soulfire [-3]
The Sight [–1]
Soulgaze [+0]
Wizard’s Constitution [+0]
Demense (Demonreach) [-1]

Total: -19 Refresh


Evocation: Elements (Air, Fire, Earth, Spirit); Power (Spirit +2, Fire+2), Control (Spirit+1, Fire+1)
Thaumaturgy: Control (Divination +1); Crafting (Strength +1)

Focus Items:
Shield Bracelet [+2 Defensive Control with Spirit]
Blasting Rod [+2 Offensive Control with Fire]
Wizard’s Staff [+2 Offensive Control with Spirit]
Little Chicago [+3 Complexity Divination]

Enchanted Items:
Force Rings [Four Weapon: 4 (One for each finger) Attacks with Discipline] (2 Enchanted Item Slots)
Enchanted Duster [Three Strength 4 Blocks or Armor Value 2, can be worn by others] (2 Enchanted Item Slots)


Fuego: 8 shift Fire Attack requiring Blasting Rod. Fiery beam of death. The bane of buildings everywhere. Defend with Athletics.

Forzare: 8 shift Spirit Attack with Staff. Straightforward hit with invisible force. Defend with Athletics.

Defendarius/Riffletium (he uses both words. Same effect): 8 shift Spirit shield against nearly all forms of attack. Needs Shield Bracelet.

Ventas Servitas (we haven't seen this one as much lately, but we still do occasionally): 5 shift Air Attack. Summons a gale of wind. Defend with Athletics.


Mental: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Physical: OOOO (+1 Minor Consequence)
Social: OOO
Armor: By spell or item effect.

Notes: 11 refresh and 15 skill points later, Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden kills you dead. 8 shift attacks ignoring one Toughness level mean that generally, you're taking consequences–if you're important enough. Great initiative even technically lets him start to tie with people with Inhuman Speed. The fact that he's the Za Lord generally means that he can find you relatively easily, too, as evidenced by how often he uses Toot-Toot lately. Don't start with his city. He's ruthlessly determined, and messing with his friends/protectorate means death by fire (as evidenced by I REFUSE TO DIE ALONE). Otherwise, he's a pretty nice guy.

Justifications: Okay, I'm personally of the opinion that every book is a major milestone for Harry (up until Changes, of course, where all bets are off). The books Grave Peril (the start of the War), Blood Rights (Thomas), Proven Guilty (Molly), and White Night (redeeming Lash) are all particularly monumental, so they each get Significant Milestones as well. His skill cap got a bump in Small Favor, after his chat with Mr. Sunshine. I think he redeemed Lawbreaker, either when he saved Molly or when he redeemed Lash (after all, what's Black Magic temptation next to Fallen Angel temptation?). His Intellectus with Demonreach plus his ability to manipulate its environment with a thought is represented by the auto-declarations and Discipline attacks given by Demense. This leaves Harry as a 21 Refresh character with 50 skill points and a cap of Fantastic.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 12:42:18 AM by narphoenix »

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2013, 11:22:19 PM »
When will the winner be announced?

Offline Silverblaze

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2013, 01:34:00 AM »
I'm wondering that myself at this point.

Not upset.  Just excited to see who won and for the new supplement.

Offline Chee

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2013, 02:33:48 AM »
Since we could post them any old public place, I don't guess they would be mad if I linked my entry. I'm one of the winners, btw :p

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2013, 03:38:06 AM »
Congrats, Chee.

Do you have links to the other winning entries? The blog says...

Joshua Lutz and Marc Le Guen, congratulations! You are our winners! You both will receive a hardcopy of The Paranet Papers and immortality in the form of credit in the book.

We would also like to give a shout-out to two honorable mentions, from whom I couldn’t resist the temptation to crib an aspect: Travis Casey and Julian Stanley (who submitted as a team) and Matt Hewes!

But I don't know who those people are. For all I know they could be in this thread.

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2013, 11:55:38 AM »
Naw, I don't have one to Marc's or the honorable mentions. I can't tell you which bits of mine got me pick, either, 'cause I don't know. Can't wait to see how it all comes out, though.

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2013, 06:12:49 AM »
I'm Marc.  My entry is listed in this thread, but I've linked to it for your convenience.,38025.msg1868199.html#msg1868199

Chee, your writeup looks awesome.  I can't wait to see how they blend our ideas.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2013, 06:15:25 AM by Shaft »

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Re: OFFICIAL Harry Dresden Statblocking Contest
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2014, 01:17:59 AM »
-4 putz
-2 over moralizing
 -1 self doubting
-3 super putz (the ability to not gain abilities)

I'd add more stats but as the books have gone on he has become well the same. Each enemy makes him look weaker then the last, his develepment as a character has been overshadowed by the develpment of his cool sub conscience him..which i am sure most of wish was the actual harry.