Judging by the most recent interlude, I underestimated Lung. Ah well.
So now I'm going to write up Prism and Myrrdin. We don't know much about either of them, so these writeups are gonna be pretty guess-work-heavy.
I've thought about it some and I'm pretty sure the best way to represent Myrrdin is with Self-Sponsored Magic. He never does ritual stuff on-screen, but we don't know for sure that he couldn't have done so. And hey, maybe his brand of Sponsored Magic doesn't grant much in the way of rituals.
I'm not going to write it up fully, but I do have an extra benefit in mind for it. It lets him cast Evocations that block everything a target does by removing that target from existence temporarily. Until the spell ends or the target manages to overcome the block with an action, the target is trapped in a pocket dimension and impossible to attack or otherwise interact with.
I dunno whether Myrrdin's staff is actually a focus or not, so Myrrdin may or may not deserve Behemoth's Internalized Foci Power. That's why there's a question mark there.
He might also deserve Magical Compartment, but maybe his Sponsored Magic can handle that.
Myrrdin (Submerged)
High Concept: Superhero "Wizard"
Trouble Aspect: Head Of Boston's Protectorate
Other Aspects: Manipulates Pocket Dimensions
Superb: Conviction, Discipline
Great: Presence, Lore
Good: Endurance, Athletics
Fair: Contacts, Might, Alertness
Average: Rapport, Investigation, Empathy, Intimidation, Fists
Wings [-1]
Sponsored Magic (Pocket Dimensions) [-4]
Refinement [-2]
Internalized Foci [-2]?
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total:
Prism (Submerged)
High Concept: Self-Triplicating Superheroine
Other Aspects: Ex-Gymnast, NYC PRT, Sort-Of Dating Triumph
Superb: Athletics
Great: Guns, Fists, Alertness
Good: Endurance, Alertness, Conviction
Fair: Discipline, Rapport, Presence
Average: Empathy, Contacts, Might
Multiple Bodies [-7]
We Are Many [-1]
Hive Mind [-2]
Limitation (Must take an action to create clones, can't sustain clones from scene to scene) [+2]
Inhuman Strength [-2]
Inhuman Speed [-2]
Limitation (Must recall clones to use Inhuman Speed and Strength for a turn) [+3]
Total Refresh Cost:
Refresh Total: