Author Topic: A new breed of Vampire  (Read 3129 times)

Offline ReaderAt2046

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A new breed of Vampire
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:06:59 AM »

So I had an idea for a new breed of vampire, which could either be used as Jade Court (I'll refer to them as such for the rest of this post) or as a completely homebrew court, or possibly a new sort of vampire that has just been created. Anyway, the base concept is thus:

Jade Court Vampires are humans infected with a bizzare, semi-magical virus that alters their fundamental metabolism, accelerating it immeasurably. While this grants them Superhuman Speed, Inhuman Strength, and Mythic Regeneration (as baseline abilities!), their bodies also age at the accelerated rate. Without outside intervention, a Jade Court Vampire created at twenty years of age would die of old age within two years. In order to survive, Jade vampires drain the youth from their victims, reversing the effects of aging on their own bodies while prematurely aging their victims. In order to use this ability, the vampire lays their hands on the victim's heart and forehead, skin-to-skin. The victim usually must be drugged or bound to prevent it struggling, as the process does not paralyze or in any way immobilize the victim. A vampire actively feeding can drain about 1 year of youth every ten seconds. A new Jade vampire is created by introducing the blood of an existing one into the blood of a new victim. The infection, benefitting from the hypermetabolism, usually overwhelms the victim's natural functions within days.

Like their White cousins, Jade vampire's essentially human nature makes them resistant to most of the conventional vampire countermeasures. However, strong Christian faith has proved able to disrupt the disease's hold on its victims, stripping them of their powers and halting the accelerated aging. There have even been rumors that a sufficiently powerful symbol of faith,  connected with the free choice of the vampire in question, could kill the disease entirely and cause the vampire to revert to humanity. These rumors remain as yet unconfirmed.

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: A new breed of Vampire
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2013, 03:09:21 AM »
Could be interesting. I think we have too many Jade Courts, though. Maybe make these guys the Yellow Court or the Pink Court or something.

By Superhuman Speed, do you mean Supernatural Speed or Inhuman Speed?

And have you given any thought to the mechanics of these fellows, beyond the three physical Powers?

Offline ReaderAt2046

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Re: A new breed of Vampire
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2013, 01:04:01 PM »
Could be interesting. I think we have too many Jade Courts, though. Maybe make these guys the Yellow Court or the Pink Court or something.

By Superhuman Speed, do you mean Supernatural Speed or Inhuman Speed?

And have you given any thought to the mechanics of these fellows, beyond the three physical Powers?

Supernatural Speed. And as you'll note, I was considering make them the Yellow Court or something. As for mechanics, their form of feeding dependency is a bit more difficult to represent mechanically, because it doesn't behave like needing food, the way the rest do. A Yellow vamp can go for several months without feeding and be just fine, and their powers are always active, so they don't really behave in the usual way for a Feeding Dependency mechanic. I think it would be a more narrative-based thing, with the GM keeping an eye on how long the vamp has been without feeding and how much it would age them.

Offline ohiowarden

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Re: A new breed of Vampire
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2013, 03:27:10 PM »
Sounds cool. i would think about having the Mythic Regeneration only active after the just drained someone of their life, and your able to have for an amount of time you drained someone.

Offline ReaderAt2046

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Re: A new breed of Vampire
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2013, 09:07:43 PM »
Sounds cool. i would think about having the Mythic Regeneration only active after the just drained someone of their life, and your able to have for an amount of time you drained someone.

I don't think that would work. The whole point of these critters is that their powers are always active.

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Re: A new breed of Vampire
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2013, 11:17:50 AM »
I love the idea of a vampire that steals youth. They're pretty powerful, though. Gonna be tough to take them down, and I can see you don't intend for them to be playable as PCs, at least unless an existing character gets enough Major Milestones and turns into one.

Have you thought about how they reproduce? Can each Yellow Vamp infect another?

Also if their Catch is Christian faith specifically, have you considered trying to tie them to New Testament lore?