Author Topic: Anything stopping me from making a weapon 6 always on enchanted item?  (Read 4383 times)


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Re: Anything stopping me from making a weapon 6 always on enchanted item?
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2013, 07:43:50 AM »
The main differences between the books:
-Always-on enchanted items
-The "Lethal Weapon" stunt gets completely negated by any armor in the old book, whereas in the new one it gets incrementally negated.

Regarding the topic:
-Crafting does have one major advantage: Your Conviction skill becomes completely irrelevant for the purposes of Weapon rating. A Weapon:6 attack with 3x/session takes 2 enchanted item slots at crafting complexity 6 (easily doable with Lore 5 and a specialization/focus), and can be aimed by either Discipline or Weapons. The latter makes it a melee attack, but Strength powers apply, so ymmv. The tradeoff is: your accuracy cannot be enhanced by foci, so you cap at your maximum skill rating, whereas an evoker can easily get skill+3 at chargen.
-You don't actually need Always-on items. If an item runs out of uses, you can still use it by inflicting 1 mental stress on yourself. My Shield Bracer (Block:6/Armor:3 3x/session) has proven handy in games, and thus far, I've run out of uses twice.

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Re: Anything stopping me from making a weapon 6 always on enchanted item?
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2013, 10:18:17 AM »
As has been mentioned, weapon ratings aren't meant to be objective descriptions of lethality. They're more like narrative guidelines on how dangerous they are in a fight.

That said, YS isn't clear on the subject of swords. The book states that a sword is a +2 weapon, but Warden Swords and Amoraccius (when neither are using their supernatural powers) are both +3. I'm inclined to overlook the discrepancy though and simply agree that large or extremely well-made weapons can inflict more Physical Stress than a basic model of their type.

As for the OP, whatever about the rules, you might be able to make a ridiculously powerful enchanted item, but there will be plenty out there who'll want to stop you using it.  ;)

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Re: Anything stopping me from making a weapon 6 always on enchanted item?
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2013, 08:53:35 PM »
Quote from: voidronin
Is there a way to tell if your book is the revised edition? or is there a link to the revised PDF?
Between the preorder/playtest and published/final versions, pages 2 and 3 of the table of contents have different layouts. Of the two, page 3 offers the most dramatic difference. This is the easiest visual way to distinguish the two versions.

Table of Contents, Page 3, there is a lot of white space under the first column, the sticky note sidebar spans column 1 and column 2. Chapter 14, 15, and 16 each receive their own column.

Table of Contents, Page 3, the sticky note sidebar is entirely within column 1, Chapter 15 is in column 1 (half-way down), chapter 16 is in column 2 (half-way down) and the only major white space is in column 3.

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Re: Anything stopping me from making a weapon 6 always on enchanted item?
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2013, 09:52:40 PM »
With Lore 5, making base item strength 5, and then spending 7 more slots to up the power to 12,  is there any reason I can't have a weapon:6 item with no limit to number of times used?

If so, why would a wizard ever need to use a damage spell? For 2 refresh you have weapon 6 item that doesn't require stress. You could get the required 8 item slots from channeling and ritual meaning that (other than the Lore 5 requirement, which can be fixed upon earning your first skill point) an "Up to your Waist" character could start the game with this.

Furthermore, as the warden sword, an enchanted item, gets around the First Law, would said weapon:6 enchanted item also not be subject to the First Law?

Thanks in advance for your help.

IIRC, the hard cap on the power of an enchanted item is twice your lore (with the arguable exception of possibly being able to break that from aspect tags). Additionally, 'half power always on' was dropped from the final rules, so bringing it back is a house rule in and of itself.

In other words, no, there is nothing stopping you from ignoring the power cap on enchanted items and adopting a house rule for always on items.

That out of the way, there isn't really a good reason to do it. You are blowing a LOT of refresh on something of questionable value. A variety of power 8/3 use (Lore 5, +3 craft power, +2 craft frequency) enchanted items will give you a lot more millage and usually be more effective. Above and beyond that, enchanted items are much more effective at blocks, uncontested maneuvers and utility rituals than they are at attacks. Enchanted weapons don't help with your targeting rolls, and while it can be useful to drop the occasional WR 8, Zone buster, unless swarms account for the vast majority of your opposition, you can relegate that to a potion slot.