Author Topic: My first Dresden Files / Fate character. Can I get some feedback/advice?  (Read 4602 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Therein lies the crux of the matter. What is meant by "meaningfully complicate"? If I was going to have my character storm the front door anyway, does that mean that it is not a Compel? If I storm the front door while the rest of the group infiltrate the compound, does it count as a Compel? The character was inclined to crash the party anyway. I have seen GMs use the player's original course of action as a litmus test for handing out Compels and FPs, thinking that since the player was going to do it anyway, then it obviously does not meaningfully complicate his life.

Pretty sure those GMs are doing it wrong. Self-compels are a thing.

For me the test is usually "is this a really bad idea?" If it is and the character does it anyway, they get a fate point.

Offline JDK002

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Transparancy is important with compels, self-compels specifically.  If a player is intentionally trying to get a FP, they should probably announce it up front toake sure the GM feels it's compel worthy.

Stepping in gum while walking down the street isn't a "meaningful complication".  Falling down an open manhole while walking down the street is.  Or if you need something a little less Looney Toons, tripping over a rock and breaking you wrist while walking down the street.

If a player does something worthy of a self-compel without realizing it, it's usually a good idea to just give them a FP, even if no one catches it right away.  Though it's not typically a good idea to throw out fate points to players when they believe they have a good plan, and it just so happens to go south.  Basically what I mean is bad dice rolls or failure to gather vital pieces of information on the players part doesn't constitute a FP IMO.

Offline toturi

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For me the test is usually "is this a really bad idea?" If it is and the character does it anyway, they get a fate point.
For me, the question usually is "does this restrict the player's options for the character?" If it is, then the player gets a FP. When I GM, the threshold for "meaningful complication" is pretty low; as long as I can find some form of negative implication, no matter how minor, I'd give the FP.

Stepping on gum walking down the street can be a meaningful complication. The gum causes your shoe to emit a squeeking sound, thus alerting the security guard. Or it leaves a residue on the floor, forensics can match it to the gum on your shoe.
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Offline Elkhorn

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I know I'm a couple of days late to the party, but had a couple of thoughts for you.  Great character concept!

  • Is there a reason you're jumping straight to the supernatural levels of strength?  You open up 4 refresh by only taking them at Inhuman to start with (and gives your character room to grow/advance).  With the 4 extra refresh, you could tack on recovery as well, and still take a couple of stunts.
  • On the topic of stunts, the skill-swapping stunts are a great way to get extra mileage out of a single skill.  Armed Arts lets you pick out two weapons to use with the Fists skill.
  • You can also buff up your Fists with the Lethal Weapons stunt(making them an effective Weapon:2), or if you want to bring in more of the St. Patrick curse thing, see if your GM will let you take the Holy Touch power (makes your Fists Weapon:1 against critters with the Faith/Holy catches, in addition to satisfying the catch)
  • Agree with the comments that high Might is superfluous with Strength powers in play.
  • The Infuriate stunt would be a good spend as well (and allow you to dial back your Intimidate skill)

I won't make any recommendations on your skill tree, because a lot of that will depend on what you do with your refresh.

Just remember that if you've got an Aspect to call on, you don't need to have the skill quite as high.  That can help you to get more skills on the table from the get-go without majorly hamstringing yourself by forgoing +4 and +5 skills.

Anyway, that's my $.02.  Enjoy!
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