Author Topic: Home is Where I Hang My Hat (power)  (Read 4326 times)

Offline Taran

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Re: Home is Where I Hang My Hat (power)
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2013, 11:59:59 PM »
Cool.  Although I think I'll add the catch thing but make it a harder check to add that perk.  Make it a +1 or +2 to the difficulty because it takes more care...although, making a declaration and tagging it would negate that maybe it doesn't matter.

Here, like this?  I need to improve some wording.

-1 Home is Where I Hang My Hat
Affects: Conviction

Requirement: You need some kind of physical threshold - like a room, a cabin, the light of a camp-fire, a small clearing - to represent the boundry of the threshold as well as a symbolic link, like a hat hanging at a door or a campfire to act as an anchor.

Using conviction, you bless an area  imbuing it with an effective threshold of 2.  The base difficulty for this is Fair +2 and takes one hour(on the time chart) but it can take less time if you put extra shifts in reducing the time.  Likewise, if you fail, you can take more time.  Additional zones can be affected by adding +1 to the difficulty of the roll for each additional zone.  So, a small cabin with 3 rooms (3 zones) would have an effective difficulty of +4.

The threshold lasts until the next sunrise or until the anchor is removed from the location.  The threshold is stationary.

The strength of the theshold can be affected or improved by powers like "Bless This House" or can be used to place wards.  Wards disappear at sunrise when the threshold goes away, regardless of the duration of the wards.

Santuary: By adding +2 to the difficulty you can attune a threshold so that it satisifies the catch for creatures who enter the warded area.  The anchor for your threshold must be an item that satisfies the catch for the creature you wish to ward against.  For example, using a holy symbol as an anchor would satisfy a holy catch or an iron nail would satisfy the catch for a fey.  A threshold of this type can only satisfy a single catch.

« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 12:16:39 AM by Taran »

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Home is Where I Hang My Hat (power)
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2013, 05:11:49 AM »
Looks okay to me.