I got some ideas while responding to your first post before your second post was out. I did a rewrite from that and your writeup. It makes a few of the points I wrote out irrelevant, but I'll leave them in. The full writeup with a few additional notes and questions is at the bottom.
Wait, you can do that?
Yeah, I remembered adding it, but it appears I only noted it in a half sentence below the actual powers as an idea. Sometimes I'm in my head to much and forget to specify such things. Sorry
The idea was this: Powers like potent attack or massive attack (maybe some others as well) are supposed to be bought multiple times and you can activate it a number of times per spell equal to the number of times you have the power. So if you wanted to do a weapon:8 attack against 2 zones, you'd need potent attack 3 times (adding 6 to the weapon rating) and massive attacks 2 times (one for each zone) and spend 5 shifts of casting stress on it.
There might be something to be done about those numbers, it sounds quite high. On the other hand, it takes you 5 refresh just in upgrades, and you will need to take a mild consequence to pull it off. Add to that the 3 basics, thaumaturgy and the sight required for a wizard, that's 12 refresh. I think a 12 refresh spent wizard who dedicates all his resources to it should be able to do this.
It's more like 4-5 stunts. 1 to use Discipline instead of Fists to attack unarmed (making the Fists skill pretty useless), 1 to make your unarmed attacks weapon 2 under some circumstance, 1 to extend the weapon rating bonus to all attacks, 1 or 2 to add range. How far is the range, anyway?
Breath Weapon is too expensive, but it's not that much too expensive.
You can maneuver with any skill, using whatever justification your GM is willing to accept. Expanding the scope of a skill's maneuvers is nice, but it's not 1 Refresh nice.
I see your point about Evocation maneuvers, but...standard Evocation maneuvers being lackluster doesn't make me want to spend a point of Refresh on something of such questionable usefulness.
Well, both powers together are pretty much breath weapons, only with one more possible element. Though I admit, I'm not sure if I will leave the elements in or just make them fluff entirely. I wouldn't put a fixed range on it (I ignore it on breath weapons as well). You can make the shot more difficult by the number of zones you are away from your target, which is something I thought about doing for guns as well.
But the question is, how would you split those things up to make them each worth their 1 refresh? My plan was to make the basic powers together worth 3 refresh, so they'd cost the same as evocation does now. Though I come to realize, it might be better to keep the evocation the 3 refresh package it is and just change the use of the skills and how specializations and items are used.
Regardless of what it's supposed to be, it's an "I spend 1 refresh to defend with my apex skill" ability.
Defending with your apex skill is one of the major perks of being a physical character. It shouldn't be handed out so casually.
Then how about sticking to blocks as the main use, but give the wizard the choice to defend with conviction when doing a full defense. I am considering making him lose the +2 you usually get for a full defense when he does this. What do you think?
I would just use Item of Power/Item Limitation.
If you don't like that, maybe you could have foci reduce the stress costs of spells cast with them?
I like that.
Oh. Neat idea. I'll take a shot at re-wording that.
Much obliged.
Eh. Seems too good to me. Elements aren't usually that big a deal.
Though I suppose you could change that.
Well, it is pretty much what channeling does in regards to evocation, I think. You are a bit more limited because you can't build a pyramid with your specializations, but that's pretty much it. But I have an idea how to tackle this.
Okay, here's my take.
Think I fixed the problems I mentioned.
Might have created more, though.
Let's see. I like it so far, although it isn't exactly where I wanted to go. Refined Casting is very nice, I'll take that. Defense, see above. I like the idea of limiting the number of purchases to the lore skill, makes sense. Can you elaborate your enchanted items again? It sounds kind of weird like that.
EVOCATION [3]Description: You can cast spells. Duh.
Note: If you have multiple iterations of an upgrade, you may use that upgrade multiple times on a single roll. The stress costs of the upgrades stack, so if you use Refined Casting twice and Potent Attacks once on a single attack then you take a single 3-stress hit. You can't mitigate the stress costs of this power with armour or with mental Toughness powers.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Effects:Spellcasting. You may manipulate elemental forces with your mind. This allows you to perform attacks, maneuvers and blocks on anything you can see.
Attack: Roll your discipline to do a weapon:2 attack with the magical elements you know.
Maneuver: Roll your lore skill to do maneuvers with the magical elements you know.
Block: Roll conviction to put up a block using the magical elements you know. If you are in full defense, you may use your conviction instead of athletics to defend against attacks, if you can justify this with the application of your magical elements.
Elements. You can manipulate 3 elements. Every action you take with this power must be narratively expressed through the manipulation of one of your elements.
Additional Elements. [-1] You can manipulate an additional element with your magic.
Refined Casting [-1]. You may take a point of mental stress before making a roll with this Power. If you do so, add 1 to your Conviction or Discipline skill for that roll. You may purchase this upgrade a number of times up to your Lore skill.
Potent Attacks [-1]. You may take a point of mental stress before making an attack with this Power. If you do so, add 2 to that attack's weapon rating. You may purchase this upgrade a number of times up to your Lore skill.
Massive Attacks [-1]. You may make area attacks with this power. Such attacks cost 1 mental stress for each zone targeted. When you target multiple zones, each targeted zone must be adjacent to another targeted zone.
Focus Items [-1]. You may chose one upgrade power each time you take the focus item upgrade to attach this power to a focus item for a specific element. As long as you have the focus item, all spells with this element can use the chosen upgrade power without spending a point of mental stress. You may purchase this upgrade a number of times up to your Lore skill.
Enchanted Items [-1]. During milestones you may create enchanted items. Enchanted items are objects invested with Power Points. Whenever you would take a point of mental stress in order to use this Power, you may expend a Power Point from an object that you have on hand instead. You may purchase this upgrade a number of times up to your Lore skill. The number of Power Points you have invested in items may not exceed twice the number of times you've purchased this upgrade.
-I took a lot of what you wrote, since it sounds a lot nicer than what I come up with.

-Enchanted items is in brackets, because I don't completely understand what you wrote there. I think you mean "2 points per instance of the power to use between each milestone", but that doesn't come out right.
-I removed magical defense and added the alternate version I brought up before. I think it might remove most of the hassle on that.
-Do you think massive attack should only be bought once and then just be adjusted by the amount of stress you spend? You could do a lot of damage with that, even at low refresh levels.
-Channeling would work the same as Evocation, it would just cost 1 refresh less, and I would say you can only buy each upgrade once, which keeps it pretty well in line with the existing power, I think.
-I'd like to keep the cost for additional elements as in the original. It makes you chose between more power and broader applications, and most people will probably chose more power, which is a good thing, so not every wizard has to have all the elements at his disposal.
-I'm thinking of administering a punishment for losing a focus item, but I am not sure how yet. I am thinking of keeping the -2 on the element you have chosen for the focus item.
-Will focus items be too powerful like this? Maybe limit it to "once per element"?
-Evocation could grant a specialization, like it does now, that would do the same as my writeup for focus items, without the item. It would distinguish it from channeling a bit more, but it might, again, make it too powerful.
Your thoughts?