Author Topic: Trying My Hand at Statting Codex Characters [SPOILERS:FLF]  (Read 1706 times)

Offline narphoenix

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Trying My Hand at Statting Codex Characters [SPOILERS:FLF]
« on: April 07, 2013, 02:09:45 PM »
Ok, so I had made a thread a while back about debating the niceties of furycraft mechanics. I went through the thread, and reread bits and pieces of the Codex. So, I have two characters ready for posting. Feel free to tell me what you think (I probably messed up a fair bit). This is characters as they are at the end of First Lord's Fury

First up is Isana:

Rillwaterus Isana

HC: Watercrafter of Rillwater
TA: Mess With My Family Only Over My Dead Body

Ridiculous Empath
Kindly Conniving
Confident Leader
Quietly Perceptive


6: Lore, Conviction
5: Discipline, Empathy
4: Rapport, Presence
3: Endurance, Alertness
2: Deceit, Weapons, Intimidation
1: Scholarship, Contacts, Athletics


Honest Lies


Read the Surface

Social Graces 

Won't get fooled again


Ritual (Watercraft) [-2]
Channeling (Water) [-2]
Refinement [-1]
Exceptional Supernatural Sense (Emotions–Lore) [-2]

Focus Items:

Rill (+2 Defensive Control Water, +1 Defensive Power Water, +1 Offensive Power Water, +2 Complexity Watercraft)

Base Refresh: 17
Refresh Cost: -12
Starting Refresh: 5

I made her more defensive with Rill because of that little thing where she fended off MULTIPLE attacks FROM A HIGH LORD with her watercraft. Part of it is the fact that she has Fate Points to burn, but there still needs to be a fair base to work from. She probably can get Mimic Form, but she shows no evidence of it. That extra thing in Supernatural Sense just gives her a +2 to work with, which makes sense, given that she sense emotions other High Ladies aren't able to (for example, she senses Gauis's awareness of his death when Aria doesn't, and she sense HIB's emotions when Invidia can't, and I'd stat Invidia as a Water Specialist).

And now for High Lady Placida:

Placidus Aria

HC: High Lady Placida
TA: Hating These Little Games

Really, Really Cool
Forthright and Kind
Calmly Capable of Violence
Genuinely In Love with Sandos
Head of the Dianic League

7: Lore, Conviction
6: Discipline, Weapons, Alertness
5: Endurance, Presence, Empathy
4: Resources, Fists, Intimidation
3: Contacts, Rapport, Scholarship, Investigation
2: Might, Athletics, Bows, Deceit
1: Stealth, Survival, Performance, Driving, Burglary, Craftsmanship

Skill Point Total: 85

Footwork (Weapons)


Evocation (Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Metal, Wood) [-3]

Thaumaturgy [-3]

Refinement x32 [-32]

Supernatural Strength [-4]
Supernatural Speed [-4]

Incite Emotions (Lust, Calm, Agitation) at Range [-4]

Supernatural Senses (Lore–Emotions, Metal, Things Beneath the Earth) [-2]

Mental Flight [-1] (As Wings, but with Discipline instead)

Mimic Form [-2]


          Power:        Control:
Fire:       5                   6
Earth:    3                    4
Water:   3                    4
Air:        1                    2
Metal:    1                   2
Wood:   1                   2 


                   Complexity:    Control:
Watercraft:          3                  1
Firecraft:              3
Earthcraft:           2
Aircraft:               2 
Woodcraft:         1
Metalcraft:          1


Fire Falcon (+3 Offensive Power and Control Fire)

Lithia (+3 Offensive Power and Control Earth)


Mental: OOOO (+2 Mild)
Physical: OOOO (+1 Mild)
Social: OOOO (+1 Mild)

Starting Refresh: 57
Refresh Cost: -56
Base Refresh: 1

This is why one emphatically DOES. NOT. FUCK. with the High Blood of Alera.

I made Aria a fire specialist, because we see that fire falcon a lot. She's extremely potent primarily because she's explicitly mentioned to be an asskicker, even among the other High Lords. 15 shift offensive evocations. Casually. Be afraid.

I think Furycraft has a Thaumaturgy component, as the various High Lords are mentioned to be able to scry throught Alera, as well as healing stuff. The various forms of furycraft are perfectly appropriate thematic specializations, too.

Paranet 2250

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