Author Topic: Hotel California  (Read 8136 times)

Offline Taran

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2013, 07:06:29 PM »
This is how I'd run it.  The Master (Mistress) made a deal with a demon for eternal life.  With that agreed, the demon must be summoned up every "X" number of years so that he can feed on people.  In return, a small portion of the power the demon receives from feeding goes to the Mistress so that she continues to stay young and beautiful.

She runs a brothel and has a Henchman: the captain, Nightman and lots of prostitutes.  The brothel is a normal building, but if you go through one particular door, it opens up to a very extravagant, palace-like place.
The Captain and the Nightman are some kind of supernatural creatures.  Maybe servants of the demon.  The Captain is her body guard and the Nightman is the only one who can open up the demense to where the actual brothel is(the palace).  She has some WCV's working with her as well.  They feed off lust, in general, and generate much of the energy needed to fuel the ritual and they bring in potential customers.  The rest of the prostitutes are will become fuel for the ritual to summon the demon.

The Nightman can be a Fae.  He will only open the Way if you make a deal with him ("you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave)

So, in the Masters Chamber, there's a huge Ritual/orgy where the Demon gets summoned.

If she fails to do the ritual, she will grow old and be taken  - kicking and screaming into "down below".

Enter the PC's.  Their car breaks down and there is no other building for hundreds of miles around.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 07:08:51 PM by Taran »

Offline Sjappo

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2013, 07:25:39 PM »
Nice take. How does the doorman enter the story. Any ideas on what his motives are? Why does he play along? Is he just an hired help?

I'd rather see the girls as a victim not as the perp but it does fit nicely. She is Tiffany-twisted and has the Mercedes-bends.

Offline Taran

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2013, 07:32:32 PM »
The doorman?  Is that another character at the beginning?  He's the final challenge after they get out.  He chases them back to their car ;)

Yeah, she's the perp.  She's "twisted".  She's made a pact with a demon.  She has money and youth and all that.  She's probably a sorceress.

"she has lots of pretty-pretty boys she calls friends"  these are the WCV's.  They don't all have to be boys, of course.

She has something on the Nightman.  Some kind kind of deal was made between her and the Nightman...or she has something on him that makes him work for her.  If the PC's help him get free of the Master (by killing her or getting what he needs) he'll let them out. 

The Captain is a henchman to the Demon.  Maybe a Demon Scion.

The Brothal has a spell on it.  It's veiled most times but at night, it casts a spell on folks and makes them sleepy and need to stay.

Offline Sjappo

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2013, 08:07:58 PM »
Damn. I like your story better than mine. Mine has a to mechanical feel to it.

I'll start on fleshing out the antagonists a bit. I'd like to run it as a one-shot adventure. As said before I don't have any experience running FATE, nor do the rest have experience playing FATE. Still the system is forgiving enough to just run with it.

I'd like to play a low refresh game and stay away from magic. That can of worms is to complicated to open for one night. It should be a demonstartion of cooperative storytelling, no grid combat and lots of screwing around with aspects.

Mortals with mortal stunts and some supers with clearly defined powers should be fine and not so complicated. I'm not so sure on how mortals will fare against demons, WCW mooks and a sorceres. Any advice on that?

There should be several solutions to getting out.
- Killing the Master will set them free
- dealing with the nightman should get them out
- killing the Beast does nothing but enrage the Master
- start walking into the never-never should be fun

BTW, doorman should have been nightman. Sorry about that.

Offline Taran

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2013, 08:19:01 PM »
I'd say they couldn't really kill the demon...maybe drive it back - or ruin the ritual, but not actually kill it.  Ruining the ritual could turn the Master in to an old hag(she's a sorceress after all).  Then she'd be pissed.  She'd want to kill them before the demon has enough energy to drag her back - or more likely she's ageing super fast and will die imminently.    I think she'd be the biggest challenge in a straight out fight.

It might be neat to do something with their aspects.  Have them only choose 4 or 5 and let them choose more as the adventure goes on to represent how they are "remembering" their past...maybe things they forgot since being in the Brothal.  "some dance to remember - some dance to forget"

Offline Sjappo

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2013, 08:33:14 PM »
Nice. You are good at this.

I was planning on doing charactercreation as we go along. As people start to get how things work things should start to get more permanent. Aspects are things that are so weird for the avarage DnD-player, myself included, that it takes some getting used to. I can imagine that they are very reluctant to write flaws into their character. Hopefully they see that flaws are fate-point magnets and are actually useful. The dance would be a nice way to give them an opportunity to rewrite and add aspects.

What do you reacon. Pure mortals or some minor powers for the players?

Offline Taran

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2013, 08:34:11 PM »
Oh man...just had a thought.

Start them in the brothel.  They don't know why they're there, but it feels pretty normal for them to be there.  They are waiting for a big "party" to start in a "couple of hours" or "a day"  whatever - you set the time.  Then as they go about the place exploring, have weird stuff happen to them and have them slowly remember things - like showing up there after their car broke down - until they finally figure out that they don't actually want to be there and need to figure out what's going on in order to leave.  The remembering stuff can be points at which they gain new aspects.

Offline Sjappo

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2013, 09:45:18 PM »
No, this is not dead. My dnd group is currently in a bit of a rut. Some discussion about the current campaign. So this might be a good time to take over for a bit and try out DFRPG.

I will be showcasing the system a bit. So no complicated overarching plot. The Master/Beast is the BBEG. She, the Captain and the Night Man are prisoners just like the rest. They are cooperating so they are exempt from the Feast.

The pcs will wake up in the bar and meet the Captain. From their they can explore, get in combat, work with temporary aspects and whatnot.

Both me and the players will be new at this so we'll see how it goes. Next session is in two weeks. I'll try to be ready. So here it goes.

The Captain
Supernatural bartender, we haven't had that spirit here since 1969, what's your poison, I can never leave, that reminds me.

Great. Empathy and rapport
good. Presence and discipline
Fair. Intimidate and alertness
Average. Fists and weapons.

Stunts and powers
The social graces, empathy
Teflon personality, presence
Let me tell you a story, rapport
Emotional vampire, confusion
Incite emotion, confusion

This man is set up for social conflict. They'll have to really work on this guy to get any information. Seeing as he feeds on confusion he'll go for a lot of misdirection.

Waddaya think?

Offline Taran

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2013, 09:49:28 PM »
There's also a good chance he'll be able to discover something of the PC's plans and inform the others...

Offline g33k

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2013, 05:07:20 PM »
This is looking pretty good.  One thing, though:  someone suggested Mab would have an agent here.   :o

It's clear to me that any Faerie involvement would be from the Summer court, or a Summer-flavored Wyldfae.  Hotel California ain't no Winter experience, baby!   8)   The folk of Summer may seem "nicer" than the folk of Winter, but in the end they're all tricky and dangerous Faerie-folk!

But I think it'll work better with FEWER supernatural agencies, given (a) this seems to be a Feet-In-The-Water level game & (b) the PC's are all non-supernaturals, facing multiple supernatural foes.  You've got a sorceress (mortal wizard bidding for immortality), you've got the demon she's dealing with... that (and their respective henchies) is probably plenty for the PC's!

Offline Sjappo

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2013, 10:46:53 PM »
Nah. I'm going to tone it way down. I see this as not connected to the Dresdenverse at all. I'm aiming for feet in the water. 6 refresh? No complications. Just exploring the system as GM and player. The big bad being the beast who's controlling everyone else. She, Captain and Night man willing accomplices.

I'm just going to let the players interact and play through the story as it is presented in the song. If they're willing to play along.

Offline g33k

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2013, 11:00:16 PM »
Nah. I'm going to tone it way down. I see this as not connected to the Dresdenverse at all. I'm aiming for feet in the water. 6 refresh? No complications. Just exploring the system as GM and player. The big bad being the beast who's controlling everyone else. She, Captain and Night man willing accomplices.

I'm just going to let the players interact and play through the story as it is presented in the song. If they're willing to play along.
Oh by all means, *DO* put this into the Dresdenverse.  Sorceress, deal with a demon, the Hotel itself a Nevernever portal, the Nightman as some sort of gatekeeper there, etc...  It's a good fit!

Just don't expect the PC's to "interact and play through the story as it is presented in the song;" expect them to make a sharp left, apply liberal amounts of both brute force and low cunning, and multiply the result by sqrt(-1).  I *seldom* expect players to play through a scenario "as presented".  They're ornery cusses, players are.  >:(
But really... this is a good thing!  ;D

Offline Sjappo

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2013, 01:11:52 PM »
Oh by all means, *DO* put this into the Dresdenverse.  Sorceress, deal with a demon, the Hotel itself a Nevernever portal, the Nightman as some sort of gatekeeper there, etc...  It's a good fit!

Just don't expect the PC's to "interact and play through the story as it is presented in the song;" expect them to make a sharp left, apply liberal amounts of both brute force and low cunning, and multiply the result by sqrt(-1).  I *seldom* expect players to play through a scenario "as presented".  They're ornery cusses, players are.  >:(
But really... this is a good thing!  ;D
Yeah. They'll probably stomp all over it. No mater.

Tying in with the Dresdenverse is indeed easy. But I'm the only one who'll get the references. So any supernatural world will do.

Offline g33k

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2013, 04:38:39 PM »
Tying in with the Dresdenverse is indeed easy. But I'm the only one who'll get the references. So any supernatural world will do.
Ok; I guess it depends whether you want to get them playing DFRPG, or FATE in any MUF setting...
If you're going for DFRPG, I'd set it there to begin with.  Continuity, etc... changing from one MUF setting to another MUF setting, when neither is well-known to the players, is liable to be confusing/frustrating/annoying.  IMHO & all that...

Offline Sjappo

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Re: Hotel California
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2013, 10:04:32 PM »
New twist. I've been reading up on games recently and had a look at Fate Accelerated Edition (FAE). Which is way cool if you ask me. So I transfered what I had, not much really, to FAE.

I intend to add a few things to FAE. A second stress track and Declarations to start with. I will adapt some powers to FAE and have the players choose from that, if they want. They'll start with the basic 3 FP and 3 stunts.

If you don't know FAE, check it out at Evil Hat. Other than that nothing to add. Except this:

I wrote my notes as a kind of module which can be found on Dropbox. Any and all tips and ideas are welcome. I'm mostly finished. Need to finisch She and start with the Master and the Masters Chamber. Just FYI, English is not my first languages. O, and it might contain a tiny bit of closed content. If that is a problem I'll remove it pronto. I'm guessing it's covered by fair use.