No, this is not dead. My dnd group is currently in a bit of a rut. Some discussion about the current campaign. So this might be a good time to take over for a bit and try out DFRPG.
I will be showcasing the system a bit. So no complicated overarching plot. The Master/Beast is the BBEG. She, the Captain and the Night Man are prisoners just like the rest. They are cooperating so they are exempt from the Feast.
The pcs will wake up in the bar and meet the Captain. From their they can explore, get in combat, work with temporary aspects and whatnot.
Both me and the players will be new at this so we'll see how it goes. Next session is in two weeks. I'll try to be ready. So here it goes.
The Captain
Supernatural bartender, we haven't had that spirit here since 1969, what's your poison, I can never leave, that reminds me.
Great. Empathy and rapport
good. Presence and discipline
Fair. Intimidate and alertness
Average. Fists and weapons.
Stunts and powers
The social graces, empathy
Teflon personality, presence
Let me tell you a story, rapport
Emotional vampire, confusion
Incite emotion, confusion
This man is set up for social conflict. They'll have to really work on this guy to get any information. Seeing as he feeds on confusion he'll go for a lot of misdirection.
Waddaya think?