I'm not sure that's a really good...example? Why would placing a veil on a carrot just to see the carrot even happen? Just peel them, boil them, and throw some brown sugar on the whole thing...sheesh.
Also, if I am reading correctly, your example is saying that someone would overcome the block aspect of The Sight by throwing a veil on something - in that case wouldn't they be casting the veil through the block? The two actions don't seem to be working together, in that case the block would apply. This is ultimately up to the GM of course - I would hope a table could agree on what constitutes cooperative actions with the Sight though.
However, if someone is attacked by an invisible force I would find it acceptable to open The Sight, identify said force, and then have the ability to counter it while the Sight is open without the block applying. Those two actions seem to cooperate to me and, per the rules, is allowable.
Do you have an issue with the cooperation rules? Do you believe the block should always apply?
Except when it doesn't, as per the rules and whatever the GM/table agrees to. I believe the difficulties should still be roleplayed even if the block is not applying as per the rules on YS225. Just because you CAN pull off the action with comparitive ease doesn't mean you still aren't wrestling with the sight of existence laid bare - and of course, there's always the aftermath.