Author Topic: New Fully Realized Character?  (Read 3080 times)

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New Fully Realized Character?
« on: March 11, 2013, 07:42:31 PM »
Ive noted as of late... save for VERY few authors... that Characters are just rehashed versions of something else.  It seems like no character is truly new?  I hope that doesnt sound harsh.. but I also think that many of the stories are the same.  For some reason  all the back stories.. story ideas... all of it just seems to be the same to me. 

Is it just me?  Am I alone?  Its making me afraid to write about some of my characters and stories. 
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Re: New Fully Realized Character?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2013, 08:06:30 PM »
Is that a bad thing?  They haven't come up with a whole new Musical note in centuries, but the new Music is still decent.  If you are waiting for a character that doesnt in any way resemble any other character ever, or a story that has absolutely no events or themes in common with any other story that has ever been told, I think you will be waiting for a very long time. 

My advise would be to not stress over how your characters might be similar to other one, but rather on what makes them new and unique.  You can retell shakespear forever, but if you make it new and fresh each time people will still enjoy it and get something out of the work. 
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Re: New Fully Realized Character?
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2013, 08:12:45 PM »
What exactly would count as a wholly new and fully realised character for you, then ?

I'm not the best person in the world at telling what makes a character sympathetic to people who aren't me, but it seems that a certain degree of being able to follow a character's thoughts and feelings, understand them, or imagine thinking and feeling the same in the same circumstances is usually part of that, and if you're going to provide a character with recognisable bits of the human condition, to some extent they pretty much have to be familiar bits of the human condition.

There are some story shapes that do crop up again and again, and reading TVTropes, or any of those various arguments that claim there are only three/six/twenty/four fundamental stories and everything is one of those, it can be a bit of a downer.  To my mind, most claims that there are only n fundamental stories, which are A, B and C... tend to use such broad definitions of A, B and C as to be pretty much useless, if not downright meaningless, for considering one's own story.  I mean, "stuff happens" covers pretty much every imaginable story but not in a helpful way.

It doesn't make me particularly afraid to write about my characters and stories, because to my mind, genre SF is a mature field with depth and complexity and context and that's a thing to be used in my favour.  If somebody reading my current work in progress, for example, had never seen an episode of Star Trek, it should work as a fun story in and of itself; if someone reading it has seen a fair bit of Star Trek they might notice the places in it where I have thought "this particular bit of world-building here is a corner of the universe that Star Trek glosses over or handles in ways I do not find particularly satisfactory so I have done this with it instead and if it succeeds it will work better."  That kind of level of influence seems legitimate to me, though very much a thing of which i want to be conscious.
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kittensgame, Sandcastle Builder, Homestuck, Welcome to Night Vale, Civ III, lots of print genre SF, and old-school SATT gaming if I had the time.  Also Pandemic Legacy is the best game ever.

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Re: New Fully Realized Character?
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2013, 08:40:50 PM »
Ive noted as of late... save for VERY few authors... that Characters are just rehashed versions of something else.  It seems like no character is truly new?  I hope that doesnt sound harsh.. but I also think that many of the stories are the same.  For some reason  all the back stories.. story ideas... all of it just seems to be the same to me. 

Is it just me?  Am I alone?  Its making me afraid to write about some of my characters and stories.

I make very good chocolate chip cookies. That is not my opinion but the opinion of almost anyone that has eaten them. I am asked (and sometimes begged) to bring them to parties, work potlucks, friends houses for no particular reason, etc. The fact is that my recipe contains the same ingredients as almost any other chocolate chip cookie recipe namely Semi-sweet chocolate, sugar, brown sugar,butter, eggs, flour, salt, baking soda and vanilla. I do add just a pinch of cinammon. The fact is that it is not the ingredients, although I do try to use the best and freshest ingredients. It is the little things that make the difference. I melt the butter before I use it. I use kosher salt so that there is a tiny bit of salt crunch to counter the sweet in the cookies. I use chocolate chunks instead of chocolate chips and as I mentioned before, I use a hint of cinammon.

In many ways writing a story is very similar. It is more important that you use the best characters for what you are trying to write than that your characters be unique. It is your skill in using these characters that will make the difference in how good your stories are. You are probably aware of the fact that few if any of Shakespeare's plays were new. He took already established stories, characters and ideas that seemed average and made them great with his writing skill.

Find Jim's story about how the Codex Alera came about. In that case they were talking more about plot tropes than character tropes but the basic idea was similar. Jim took the side that it was the story teller's skill more than the uniqueness of the idea that made the difference in how good a story was. I think the same applies to the uniqueness of the characters.
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Re: New Fully Realized Character?
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2013, 10:28:35 PM »
Another thing to bear in mind is that there are trends in published fiction, as in everything else. Right now, zombies are very hot for some reason (personally, I find them dull, but that's just me) and a LOT of authors have jumped on the braaainwagon. A few years ago it was angels, before that, vampires, though they finally appear to be on the way out. If you concentrate on a single genre of fiction, such as urban fantasy, it can often appear that everything is riffing on everything else, but a really skilled author can take familiar tropes, put a little twist on them, and make it all feel fresh.

ETA: the Tragic Backstory is another very common, and IMO overused trope, especially in law enforcement procedurals; it's almost impossible to find a cop protagonist who isn't the sole survivor of a violent crime, a rape/sexual abuse victim (I hate this one) or had a loved one brutally murdered. It's like Insta-Angst: just add water and stir!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 10:34:41 PM by LizW65 »
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Re: New Fully Realized Character?
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2013, 04:23:03 PM »
The character or characters really I am working on will be Urban Fantasy based.   Most of them will be out of the norm not following the trends as of late as mentioned above.  For example one of them is a human demon prison who deals with a few side issues due to that.  The setting I am keeping with familiar places Ive been like NYC, Chicago, and Upstate NY.   I just wish I would stop second guessing myself.. Im to old to be doing that.
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