Author Topic: New Power: Inspire Emotion  (Read 2212 times)

Offline Pantheras

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New Power: Inspire Emotion
« on: March 07, 2013, 09:40:19 PM »
Here's a new power I'd like suggestions on how to improve.  I looked for something similar in the list but didn't find it.

Inspire Emotion [-1]
Description: You are able to inspire certain strong emotions in a target – usually emotions of hope and faith.  Good and morally “pure” emotions (love, courage, hope and others) are the usual ones available.  Emotions created by this ability are real, but not True, so True Love, Courage, Hope, and so forth are off the table.  Agents of Good use this ability to help mortals resist the temptations of evil, to rekindle hope, and to bolster their courage to take Right action.
Musts: You must have an Aspect that identifies you as an agent of goodness.
Options: as per Incite Emotion, p.YS172, except positive emotions: love, hope, faith, courage, trust, etc.
Skills Affected: Conviction, Presence & Empathy
Emotion-Touch: If you can touch someone, you can inspire him to feel something.  You’re able to do maneuvers at +2 to your roll (Empathy for hope and love, Presence for courage) that inspire an emotion in a target (as a temporary Aspect), so long as you’re in the same zone as your target is and you can physically touch him.  The target can choose to resist with his Discipline.  You may be able to prevent the target from taking other actions as well if you do this maneuver as a block (page YS210) instead of a maneuver.
Additional Emotion [-1]: as per Incite Emotion page YS173.
At Range [-1]: as per Incite Emotion page YS173.
Area Effect [-1]: your maneuver affects everyone in the zone, from a point of origin of your choosing.
Divine Guidance [-1]: If you increase the refresh cost of this Power by 1, you are able to grant your target a +2 bonus to their skill rolls for actions that are in accordance with this Inspired Emotion (resisting a seduction attempt from someone other than their Love, getting up the Courage to carry on, having the Faith to do what's right, not giving up and having Hope, etc)

I'm unsure how to word something similar to Lasting Emotion since I don't see this an attack per se.

Many thanks!
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Re: New Power: Inspire Emotion
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2013, 09:58:33 PM »
This is what is on the list. I dont know much about it and I didnt really look at your power so I dont know how they differ.

Quote from: Custom Power List
Description: You can do a thing. A special thing, which cannot be done by most people. Maybe you can control clouds of smoke; maybe you can inflict fear by shouting. Or maybe you can summon the aid of two thousand invisible squirrels. Whatever.
Skills Affected: Any.
Incite Effect. Pick a type of effect and a skill that's related to that type of effect. You can use that skill plus two to perform maneuvers and blocks related to that type of effect against anything you can touch. At the GM's discretion, this may also enable Declarations.
At Range [-1]. You may use Incite Effect on anything within your line of sight.
Incite Limited Effect [+1]. (Requires At Range) Do not add two to your skill when using Incite Effect. This upgrade is not compatible with Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect.
Incite Physical Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict physical stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then targets must use their Endurance to defend against these attacks. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may use whatever skill they would use against ordinary Fists attacks instead.
Incite Avoidable Physical Effect [-0]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect At Range) The targets of your Incite Physical Effect attacks defend with Athletics.
Incite Mental Effect [-1]. You may use Incite Effect to perform attacks that inflict mental stress. These attacks have a weapon rating of 2. They use the same skill as your maneuvers and blocks, but without the +2 bonus. If you have the At Range upgrade, then targets must use their Discipline to defend against these attacks. If you do not have the At Range upgrade, then targets may use whatever skill they would use against ordinary Fists attacks instead.
Incite Potent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) Attacks that you make with Incite Effect are weapon 4.
Incite Protective Effect [-1]. You may use your the skill that you use for Incite Effect to defend against physical attacks.
Incite Restrictive Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may use Incite Effect to grapple targets within the range of this Power, using the skill that you use for Incite Effect. Grappling with a physical effect inflicts physical stress, while grappling with a mental effect inflicts mental stress.
Incite Mass Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Physical Effect or Incite Mental Effect) You may make spray attacks and zone-wide attacks with Incite Effect. If you attack your own zone, then you are affected normally by the attack. Even if you lack the At Range upgrade, targets defend against your zone attacks as though you had it. This upgrade does not affect your ability to maneuvers, and no penalty is incurred when attacking a zone with it.
Incite Explosive Effect [+1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You may not make non-zone-wide attacks with Incite Effect.
Incite Selective Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) You do not harm yourself when attacking your own zone.
Incite Persistent Effect [-1]. (Requires Incite Mass Effect) When attacking a zone with Incite Effect, you may take an accuracy penalty (before rolling) in order to extend the duration of the attack. For each point of accuracy sacrificed this way, the attack is reapplied at the beginning of another exchange. You may take actions to extend this effect as though you were an evoker extending an evocation.
Incite Additional Effect [-1]. You may select another effect to create with this Power. You may also select another skill to use that effect with. If the other upgrades that you have are appropriate for the new effect, you may use them with it. You may also upgrade the new effect separately.

Offline Pantheras

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Re: New Power: Inspire Emotion
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2013, 10:07:39 PM »
This is what is on the list. I dont know much about it and I didnt really look at your power so I dont know how they differ.

Yeah, I saw that power, but ... it looks it's geared towards inflicting stress on other people.  I wrote Inspire Emotion as a way of Helping other people, instead of hurting them.
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Re: New Power: Inspire Emotion
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2013, 10:15:42 PM »
Incite Emotion can help people: for example, a Fear maneuver someone tags to help a fight/flight response.

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Re: New Power: Inspire Emotion
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2013, 10:19:11 PM »
You don't have to take the attack upgrades, you know. In fact, you can't. Because they're not narratively appropriate (according to you) and Powers have to be narratively justified.

So yeah, I don't see why you couldn't just use Incite Effect. Divine Guidance could be handled with maneuvers and tags.