Author Topic: Cuz' Injun Joe is awsome...  (Read 4624 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Cuz' Injun Joe is awsome...
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2013, 11:16:52 PM »
The Idea is to put transformative magic of the scope Listens to Wind uses within reach of a Submerged, Wizard/Practitioner Template PC.

You're not the first to want to do that. I can rustle up some links if you want.

But there's a problem. LtW is not Submerged. He's much stronger. So obviously you can't equal him at Submerged.

Regardless of your intentions, what you have here is just free Refresh. That's not good.

The game already models the complementary abilities of magic and shapeshifting quite well; you can buy both Spellcasting and Shapeshifting Powers for the same character. It's expensive, but it's probably worth the price.

If you want to drive that price down, you'll have to accept some weaknesses. The Limitation, Magical Self-Enhancement, and Variable Abilities Powers might be useful for that. They're on the list.

Alternately, you could just model your shapeshifting with maneuvers. Grab some Power that lets you use Biomancy with the speed and methods of Evocation, and you're golden. Superior Biomancy from this list might be suitable for that.