Depending on how much you believe psychomancy can alter physical states of the brain you could (drop your consciousness into a trance which slows your heart rate and breathing or something similar) then you could also use internal psychomancy to justify doing things to your own body to promote healing, slow down poisons or eradicate diseases, etc.
Internal psychomancy could also split your consciousness, leaving you the ability to concentrate on more than one thing at once. Depending how effectively you split it you could literally have your left hand not knowing what your right hand was up to.
Psychomancy also seems like a good way to justify getting smarter, so mental and maybe social skill spells are available. At the very least you can jack up your perceptions and processing power even if you can't pull facts out of thin air (Though depending on your paradigm maybe you could). I imagine that's also the realm were you start to be able to control your dreams, so ramp up the power of your dreams and go ahead and create a demesne in the Nevernever. Since your dream self is in the Nevernever at that point you could also go exploring the whole place at large via astral projection essentially. Just don't die, but even if it looks like you're about too then just snap yourself awake. Depending how you did it, you could potentially leave the Nevernever and scout out the real world via this disembodied dream self too. Of course there's also the Inception route.
Summoning. Okay, essentially a theme allows you to perform all the functions in a specialized way. So that means that you could summon up your vices or virtues, depending on the amount of power in the spell you might be able to justify them manifesting. Even if you can only call them up in your mind though there have to be some decent uses for that. It would also give you pretty much unlimited access to your subconscious, but he might be kind of a jerk like Harry's. I don't see why you couldn't alter your subconscious' primal drives. Rather than survival and propagation maybe rewire it to focus largely on some other purpose
I'm curious how the mental constructs that get created in a mental battle work. Molly was able to have hordes of them ready and it seemed to be implied that she was building them in her spare time.
If you extend beyond internal psychomancy then you also get the option to work with animals on a pretty much unparalleled level. Either get them to perform tasks for you or tap into their heads and take a ride along to do scouting. You don't have to take over people's minds to get them to work with you either, use suggestions on them. Tap into Jung's collective unconscious, or maybe the Akashic records. Run roughshod over the wills and minds of supernatual critters. Mess with people's perceptions. Build panic inducing wards...