Author Topic: Shawn Spencer from Psych  (Read 2160 times)

Offline timorzo

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Shawn Spencer from Psych
« on: June 07, 2014, 12:43:02 PM »
How would one create Shawn Spencer?

So far here is what I have

Shawn Spencer

High Concept
"Psychic" Detective

A little too hands on

Other Aspects
Daddy's Little Monster, Psychic Detective,

Fantastic (+6)
# of slots: 2 Empathy, Investigation
Superb (+5)
# of slots: 2 Alertness, Rapport
Great +4
# of slots: 2 Deceit, Performance
Good (+3)
# of slots: 2 Athletics, Burglary
Fair (+2)
# of slots: 2 Conviction, Endurance
Average (+1)
# of slots: 3 Contacts, Presence, Stealth

Stunts & Powers

-1 Best Foot Forward
-1 Corner of My Eye
-1 Document Forging
-1 Honest Lies
-1 I Know Just the Guy
-1 Impersonator
-1 Listening
-1 Personal Magnetism
-1 Pick Pocket
-1 Quick Eye
-1 Read the Surface
-1 Scene of the Crime
-1 Won't Get Fooled Again

Quick Eye:
When examining a location for clues, your eye is quick to pick out the visual details. Your first Investigation roll to determine deeper details about a scene is two time increments faster than usual.

Scene of the Crime:
You have a practiced eye when combing over a crime scene. In such a circumstance, you gain +1 to your Investigation roll and arrive at your findings one step faster than usual on the time table.

You can tune out your other senses and simply focus on your hearing, making you able to pick up faint sounds with astonishing clarity. Gain a +4 on your Investigation roll when Listening; however, your Alertness drops to Terrible while doing so, due to the exclusion of your other senses. If a conflict begins while you are Listening, it will take a full exchange for your Alertness to return to normal once you stop.

Given a few hours to study someone's behavior and modes of speech, you may imitate their mannerisms and voice, using Performance instead of Deceit to convince someone you are that person. Without strongly controlling the circumstances (e.g., impersonating someone over the phone), such impersonations won't last very long. If combined with the Makeup Artist stunt and plenty of preparation, you may use either Performance or Deceit to pull off a full impersonation, using the better skill for all relevant rolls and getting a +1 against Investigation rolls trying to penetrate the disguise.

Personal Magnetism:
You have a calm confidence that others find appealing. When rolling Presence to establish a passive reaction to you, make the roll at +2.

Best Foot Forward:
People just like you, especially when you're deliberately trying to make a good first impression. You gain a +1 on your roll to make a good first impression, and failing that roll cannot give you a negative temporary aspect or make the situation worse.
 Read the Surface:
You can get a sense of someone quickly when trying to read them. Your first attempt to read someone takes less than a minute of interaction, instead of the usual ten. Any subsequent efforts with the same person do not enjoy this benefit.

Won't Get Fooled Again:
It only takes once for someone to lie to you before you start to wise up to it. Once you've discovered a particular person's lie for what it is, you gain a +2 on any future Empathy rolls when dealing with that liar. (This requires a small amount of book-keeping, but the benefits are worth it!)

Document Forging:
You are trained in the forging of official documents (such as ID, birth records, and the like) or letters. You can roll Deceit to create these documents, but using them or planting them where they will be of use (like in a library or government office) might require the use of other skills, such as Burglary or Stealth. Anyone exposed to these documents gets an Alertness or Scholarship roll to spot the deception; the difficulty is equal to your roll to make the document. Likewise, your roll is also the difficulty for any Investigation rolls to suss out your forgery.

Honest Lies:
Whenever incorporating a real, valuable piece of the truth (however marginally valuable it may be) into a lie, you gain a +2 on your efforts to pass off the untrue parts.

Pick Pocket:
Whether it's a simple bump-and grab or something more complicated, you're adept at getting people to pay attention to other things while you or an accomplice liberates their pockets of their contents. You may use the Deceit skill to perform pick-pocketing with no increases in difficulty. This includes the filching of small items from a desk or someplace similar. Targets of this action usually oppose with Alertness.

I Know Just the Guy:
When you're looking to gather some information from your network of contacts, you have unerring instincts for finding the right person, fast. When using the Gathering Information trapping, your efforts are at a +1 and are 1 time increment faster.

Corner of My Eye:
When successfully rolling Alertness passively to pick up on details, gain an additional 2 shifts. This reflects the ability to pick up on more pieces of information, but it does not improve the depth of that information (which would take things into the realm of Investigation).

Am I on the right track or is he significantly under or over powered?


Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Shawn Spencer from Psych
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2014, 04:49:51 AM »
I don't know anything about this guy so I can't comment much. But I can point out that he seems to have the PSYCHIC DETECTIVE Aspect twice.

Also, I'm not sure Impersonator is appropriate for someone whose Performance and Deceit are equal.

As for overpoweredness/underpoweredness...11 Refresh spent and 43 skill points is really a huge amount. That'd make him one of the most competent mortals on the planet, by my lights. But he's the opposite of optimized, so he's weaker than you might expect from those numbers. How powerful is he meant to be?

Offline timorzo

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Re: Shawn Spencer from Psych
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2014, 11:40:34 PM »
I guess I wouldn't say he is one of the most powerful mortals alive, but I would say he is a very talented detective. I changed some of his aspects and stats after revisiting some of the details from the show. I would think that 1% or less detectives operate at the level he functions at despite his inexperience with the supernatural.


High Concept
"Psychic" Detective

Rules, what rules?

Other Aspects
The Gift, I'll Believe you, Plenty of other peoples money

 Superb (+5)
# of slots: 1 Empathy
Great +4
# of slots: 3 Alertness, Investigation, Rapport
Good (+3)
# of slots: 3 Burglary, Contacts, Deceit
Fair (+2)
# of slots: 3 Conviction, Presence, Stealth
Average (+1)
# of slots: 3 Athletics, Driving, Endurance

Stunts & Powers

-1 Best Foot Forward
-1 Corner of My Eye
-1 Honest Lies
-1 Pick Pocket
-1 Quick Eye
-1 Read the Surface
-1 Scene of the Crime
-1 Won't Get Fooled Again

Quick Eye:
When examining a location for clues, your eye is quick to pick out the visual details. Your first Investigation roll to determine deeper details about a scene is two time increments faster than usual.

Scene of the Crime:
You have a practiced eye when combing over a crime scene. In such a circumstance, you gain +1 to your Investigation roll and arrive at your findings one step faster than usual on the time table.

Best Foot Forward:
People just like you, especially when you're deliberately trying to make a good first impression. You gain a +1 on your roll to make a good first impression, and failing that roll cannot give you a negative temporary aspect or make the situation worse.

Read the Surface:
You can get a sense of someone quickly when trying to read them. Your first attempt to read someone takes less than a minute of interaction, instead of the usual ten. Any subsequent efforts with the same person do not enjoy this benefit.
 Won't Get Fooled Again:
It only takes once for someone to lie to you before you start to wise up to it. Once you've discovered a particular person's lie for what it is, you gain a +2 on any future Empathy rolls when dealing with that liar. (This requires a small amount of book-keeping, but the benefits are worth it!)

Honest Lies:
Whenever incorporating a real, valuable piece of the truth (however marginally valuable it may be) into a lie, you gain a +2 on your efforts to pass off the untrue parts.

Pick Pocket:
Whether it's a simple bump-and grab or something more complicated, you're adept at getting people to pay attention to other things while you or an accomplice liberates their pockets of their contents. You may use the Deceit skill to perform pick-pocketing with no increases in difficulty. This includes the filching of small items from a desk or someplace similar. Targets of this action usually oppose with Alertness.

Corner of My Eye:
When successfully rolling Alertness passively to pick up on details, gain an additional 2 shifts. This reflects the ability to pick up on more pieces of information, but it does not improve the depth of that information (which would take things into the realm of Investigation).

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Shawn Spencer from Psych
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 02:48:39 AM »
So he's Submerged now?

Sounds about right, for someone better than 99% of all detectives.

Offline AstronaughtAndy

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Re: Shawn Spencer from Psych
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2014, 05:49:06 AM »
He needs an aspect for Gus.