Just wanted to confirm which parts of that you still subscribe to after our discussion in this topic. As I previously mentioned, I'm still not convinced Mab has access to foresight. You mentioned in this topic that you don't think Mab can see how her actions will change the future away from what she saw, to which I pointed out that well, other beings who can see the future have been shown being able to tell exactly how their words change the future (Angels and Fallen) or have WoJ confirming that they have that skill (quoting: "Odin saw you coming last year, and he made his countermoves to what you're doing right now a week and a half ago.").
Do you still believe Mab has personal access to future knowledge, and if so, what evidence makes you think so? Do you still think it works differently from Angels and Odin? And if she does, why wasn't she using it prior to the big final fight in Cold Days? She kinda didn't see much coming that day.
If she can't see the future... can the rest of that topic stand without her having foresight?
Also, I don't think that topic answers my question about who's plan the Summer Fire attack on Winter's Wellspring was. I personally believe that the attack resulted in the Gate being unguarded for some time as every member of Winter rushed to AT, so it just doesn't make sense as something for Mab to have actually intended, you know? What are your thoughts on this?
(Actually, it does make sense to me, but I'd rather hear your thoughts first, rather than bias them with my own idea).
I still believe Mab can see the future, and is very good at it. She's just not perfect though, because the Dresden universe is a non deterministic one- no one in that universe, even a cosmic level god, can see the future 100% IMO.
seeing the future, and interpreting it, are two different things. I don't know if you've ever read Thomas Covenant, but I know Jim has ( he's lamp shaded in the books) and a big part of it in that series (which has a lot to do with free will, much like this one) is there are two parts:
Seer, who has visions of the future
and Prophet, who can tell you what those visions mean.
now all the rest is IMO:
Mab is a very good Seer- she can foresee very well often years in advance, but doesn't always understand why things will happen the way they do. And she knows she could be wrong.
and she play chess against someone with the exact same limitations. Currently Mab's up on position but down on points, losing Maeve hurt a lot.
some people wonder why N left Maeve so much of her own free will and let her direct some of the action, while he just took over cat sith. Its because N understood Mab loves Maeve, and as long as there was even the smallest chance that she could be saved, would be willing to risk her own life to try and do so. In some messed up way, its Mab's biggest weakness.. she can still love.
as to how Mab sees the future, I think she has several methods. But I believe a major one is that the mantle of the queens was once one thing, before it was split; first into three pieces and then into six when the courts split into summer/ winter.
Being a far more advanced and powerful version of the archive, all persons who wear it,
in all times, are somewhat connected; to each according to their gifts, and from each according to their intellects. So much like in the ancient Celtic myths of old, Mab can remember not only what past wearers knew but also foresee what future members might know.
Its the Once and Future.. Queen.

So do I think Molly goes back in time and becomes Mab? nope, not anymore. I think Mab goes into the future and becomes
If Book 20 doesn't end with 'all hail queen Molly' ill eat my bill.
As Mab approaches the point of change, her future memories of Molly become more clear, and having fresh human emotions, more strong. Thus the 'mine, mine, mine' in Changes, and the whole speech at the end of CD about how Harry raised Molly. It may have been about her training, but what it was relay about was how much Molly/ Mab loved Harry, and how little he loved her, and how much it hurt them.
was it unfair? yes, certainly. but it was also very real.
probably the scariest things is, if I am right, Molly/ Mab is damn close to losing it.
The two of them need Harry right now, and since he has his head up his ass to the point where he can smell out his belly button, they aren't likely to get him.
Back OT, I doubt summer fire had anything to do with N and im sure it didn't leave the gates unguarded. The forces that were called back were Mab's border guards, and her reserve force, under the command of the Erlking. That's what, a 1/1000 th of her total force?
I joked in another thread that while we've met Odin and Herne, where are Cerne, Arawn, Lugus.. Jokes aside, Jim mentions there are lots of kings of winter, and I suspect some of them are in command of the gates.
as to the end of CD.. I think a lot of it came out 'within spec'. Mab didn't get exactly what she wanted ( Maeve restored) but she knew the odds on that were always damn long to begin with.
As to the comments of what she intended for Molly.. of course she didn't intend Molly to take Maeve's place. Molly is supposed to someday take
hers. Sarrisa was meant to take over Lilly's. The solution that came out was less then ideal, but its still workable.
on the other hand, she did lure her enemies to attack DR directly, which unknown to them had a fully functional and operational warden. (cue imperial music). that, with the wild hunt and two sidhe kings/ generals put the enemy right between the rock and the hard place.
it cost the enemy dearly too- as outisders must be summoned by mortals, there is a limit to how many they can field.
kind of hard for Mab to:
- introduce Harry and DR in SmF
- Make her potential knight warden in TC (without N knowing)
- Broadcast his knight Dom in changes, very loudly
- arrange to get him killed , again very publically
- while sitting here
- and diverting the bullet from his head to his heart
- and catching him in the water
- getting rid of that silly death curse
- towing him to the isle, with which she had a deal
- let her enemies get their plans underway
- give them enough rope to hang themselves
- and turn their own trap against them
if she cant have fore seen at least some of that, right?
I mean, heck, Batman cant pull off plans like that, and he's one of the worst mary sue's in history.

ps- as to the WG, im not sure how much he's even involved. I do think Mab and Uriel have come to an 'understanding' and that Mab is not happy about it, one bit.