Author Topic: For guys and clever women.... help  (Read 41692 times)

Offline BookLover♥

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2007, 12:30:39 AM »
Something that bothered my husband when we were dating was the use of nail polish or polish remover in his presence - he has an acute sense of smell, and it drove him crazy; but he didn't tell me until we'd been together about a year.  Ditto about perfume, even a small amount.  'Course, I was only painting my nails and wearing perfume to be more attractive to him.  Go figure.

Sports obsessions/rivalries are always good.  My husband has learned to live with the fact that I am a die-hard Notre Dame fan (Domer, '90).  He might even root for the Irish now and then.  Or, at least, not root against them.  I'm just hoping that sometime during my lifespan, ND beats Ohio State in football.  *shakes head pessimistically*   :'(

Things that still bother him?  I tend to get a little 'absorbed' when reading a book, or get a bit obsessive about certain films, TV series, actors, or books.  I tend to repeat the same stories (especially 'old' family stories) over and over.  And over.

...I'm sure there's more, but for my own peace of mind, I'll stop here.   ;)

Edited for flow/clarity
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 01:39:30 PM by BookLover »

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2007, 05:32:58 AM »
Do you know what the ND fight song is I forgot.
"What would they do to me," he asked in confidential tones, "if I refused to fly them?"
  "We'd probably shoot you"
  "We? What do you mean, we? Since when are you on their side?"
   "If you're going to be shot, whose side do you expect me to be on?"

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2007, 01:37:51 PM »
Is the Pope Catholic??  Do I remember... sheesh... I've been singing it since I was 5...

The Notre Dame Victory March
Rally sons of Notre Dame
Sing her glory and sound her fame
Raise her gold and blue
And sing with voices true
Rah rah for Notre Dame

We will fight in every game
Strong of heart and true to her name
We will ne'er forget her,
And we'll cheer her ever
Loyal to Notre Dame

Cheer, cheer for Ol' Notre Dame
Wake up the echoes cheering her name
Send the volley cheer on high
Shake down the thunder from the sky
What thou the odds be great or small
Ol' Notre Dame will win overall
While her loyal sons are marching
Onward to victory.

Offline CarolM

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2007, 04:16:25 PM »
This is going to sound odd, but my gf says that coffee speeds up her period, is it true?
Err, no, but it's as good a theory as the if "you drink Gin and Tonic you'll bring on a late period" idea.
Well actually I guess they both work, but onlty if it was going to happen anyway, it can be a good excuse for a couple of G & Ts though ;).

PS I was VERY confused for a minute to see a song supporting a cathedral in France, I had to read two more posts to find out that it is (I presume) an American Football team. (I doubt if it's a REAL football team, you know what the US and Canada calls soccer. ;D)

ETA Yes meg_evonne  we have Starbucks in England, infact there's a new one just opened in Coventry city centre where I live. I don't need PMS/T to get a craving for chocolate, besides I'm rather hoping I'm passed PMS/T now. Yes coffe/chocolate or any craving might be a symptom but not a cure for PMS/T. Nice idea though, curing PMS/T with chocolate. ;) ;D
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 07:20:39 PM by CarolM »

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2007, 05:36:46 PM »
Might be my imagination but pre-menstral cycle will guarantee to bring on "extreme caffeine need" usually via anything from Starbucks coffee (Carol M do they have Starbucks Coffee in England? or chocolate.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't bring IT on, but it will herald it's arrival.  Some claim that the caffeine crave actually makes PMS worse.

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2007, 02:45:00 AM »
Well my girlfriend hates starbucks cause they send Israel money to fight palestine, but thats for the politics thread.
I guess she will try anything during her period.
"What would they do to me," he asked in confidential tones, "if I refused to fly them?"
  "We'd probably shoot you"
  "We? What do you mean, we? Since when are you on their side?"
   "If you're going to be shot, whose side do you expect me to be on?"

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2007, 04:14:57 AM »
Well my girlfriend hates starbucks cause they send Israel money to fight palestine, but thats for the politics thread.
I guess she will try anything during her period.
i got one question why is that wrong? their fighting each other so what if starbucks supports the Israel . does she not pay her taxs too?
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2007, 04:33:40 AM »
i got one question why is that wrong? their fighting each other so what if starbucks supports the Israel . does she not pay her taxs too?

she might be palestinian?

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2007, 04:40:46 AM »
she might be palestinian?
thought so. still i sopport Israel and think it should be a country and that we should make sure it is.
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2007, 05:10:20 AM »
Starbucks does not really support Israel so much as it wants to KILL palestinians maybe I did not make that clear. Oh and post replies in politics thread, please. Sorry for being harsh.
"What would they do to me," he asked in confidential tones, "if I refused to fly them?"
  "We'd probably shoot you"
  "We? What do you mean, we? Since when are you on their side?"
   "If you're going to be shot, whose side do you expect me to be on?"

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2007, 05:20:46 AM »
no thats ok you weren't harsh you were fine just a last parting word my family was part of the ira when we were fighting the war of the black and tans we probeley would still be over there fighting if it wast for the fact that we had to leave to stay alive. now there both fighting and trying to kill each other and over there in Israel. they both think its there right to have it (the jews were there first) but in all honesty you cant expect the muslumis to just give up their holy land. we need to come to an agreement of some kind but ever time we do someone does something to the other party and the war starts all over again. now no offense to your friend but i feel much safer with Israel in charge than the muslumis because Israel doesn't want my country dead and some Muslims do. but your friend is entitled to her or his opinion. and im going to shut up now.

(bear with me with the spelling)
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2007, 05:46:46 AM »
  Doesn't make it right though. Just makes it easier for the US. My family was Jewish and yes its good that the Jews got "thier" country, but "we were here first" isn't an excuse for having a 7 year old Palastinean getting run over by an Israeli tank. Its a war between 3 old religions. They all want to have Jerusalum so they can say " we are right, we are the true religion of God".They are willing to fight for it too. Which apparently means the children too. I can honestly so I have no fing clue what we can do about that that will satisfy them.

PS that 7 year old really did get run over by an Israeli tank.I don't make this up.
"What would they do to me," he asked in confidential tones, "if I refused to fly them?"
  "We'd probably shoot you"
  "We? What do you mean, we? Since when are you on their side?"
   "If you're going to be shot, whose side do you expect me to be on?"

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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2007, 04:10:35 PM »
i know i heard the story sad but hey its war sh*t happens. does it make it alright no, i don't know the circumstance of what happen but if i was the front of a collom and a kid got in my way and id keep going cause if i stop and get taken out i could have screwed the rest of my collom . and they all could have died  im sorry to say if teh kid didnt get out of the way id do the same thing now i wouldn't be happy about it and it would more than likely haunt me for the rest of my life but id do it.
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2007, 04:11:47 PM »
ok were done cause we've taken this thread hopelessly off topic if you want to pm me to discuss more that would be fine.
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Re: For guys and clever women.... help
« Reply #29 on: July 10, 2007, 04:00:56 PM »
Starbucks does not really support Israel so much as it wants to KILL palestinians maybe I did not make that clear. Oh and post replies in politics thread, please. Sorry for being harsh.
Actually, it ought to be in an "Internet Hoaxes" or "Urban Legends" thread, since there is no truth in it whatsoever.
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