Well put up a link when you do it and remember not to freak out after you hit the final save and publish button. In about 12 hours you can frantically rush back in and make changes to all those little things that have you worried.
Also if you have any issues with the formatting of your file screwing the e-book fonts. Just let me know. My brother knows how to set it up nice and pretty.
Make sure to put up a link!
The Deposed King
Thanks, everyone!
Scrivener seems to have done a flawless conversion, except for eating the acknowledgments page. I've already crapped myself and uploaded a version with some corrections. Did it first thing this morning, so it's live now. I expect when the royalty payment comes, I shall purchase a pony made of diamonds.
Or, more likely, a grape, maybe...
In any case, it's exciting as hell and I'd like to thank everyone for the encouragement, general advice and such.