Author Topic: Interruptions: The Universe is Talking  (Read 4689 times)

Offline kingaling

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Interruptions: The Universe is Talking
« on: January 20, 2014, 02:34:15 PM »
When you sit down and stare at the blank page, trying to get things from your mind to the screen, and people text and kids interrupt and people knock on the door. I think it's the universes way of reminding you to keep adding conflict after conflict and adversity as much as you can. Make your characters suffer in their existence as much as you're suffering to make them exist.

Yknow. Once you reply to the text, respond to the kid and answer the door.

This is just my two cents. I literally woke up, finished some thoughts and then got up to write. Text followed by kid followed by knock at door. It's 6:00 AM, come on!
Son of Blampira and father to the vampire in her sig.

"It's good to be King." - Mel Brooks

"I have an idea! An idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin