Author Topic: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.  (Read 13495 times)

Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2013, 02:27:40 AM »
12 posts about the topic, followed by 17 about the Laws.

I have a proposal.

One big huge Law thread with links to every previous Law thread we can find. Sticky it or put it on the Resources board, and divert every Law discussion to it.

Because this topic eats threads. It deserves to be quarantined.

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2013, 02:35:08 AM »
It is. But not the first law.
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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2013, 02:38:13 AM »
The First Law deserves it's own thread.
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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2013, 03:39:44 AM »
12 posts about the topic, followed by 17 about the Laws.

I have a proposal.

One big huge Law thread with links to every previous Law thread we can find. Sticky it or put it on the Resources board, and divert every Law discussion to it.

Because this topic eats threads. It deserves to be quarantined.

Agreed, good sir.
The First Law deserves it's own thread.

Also agreed. Perhaps 7 different sticky threads, each one about a different law? That might be helpful.

Back to the topic at hand... I'm trying to think of a way to put a cool supernatural twist on the classic dogfight. Any thoughts?
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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2013, 03:53:11 AM »
Back to the topic at hand... I'm trying to think of a way to put a cool supernatural twist on the classic dogfight. Any thoughts?

I don't know much about Warhammer 40k but I was told that Orc vehicles work because they BELIEVE it will work.  What about Fae (or something else from the Nevernever) that created planes somehow mashed together randomly but happen to be able to fly?

The big problem will be the wizard in the group.  You could always choose to not compel his aspect much, or you can counter the thought with an indebted gremlin.  WWII pilots used to talk a lot about gremlins interfering with things.  What if one is caught or bound or a trade is made and these gremlins happen to be able to keep the plan up when they want?

Offline Wyntonian

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2013, 04:32:05 AM »
RE: 40k, the Orks have a kind of collective group psychic energy that lets them subconsciously make things happen. For example, they all believe that red vehicles go faster. So, their red ones go faster. Same with guns, there's a scene in one book where the humans check an ork's gun and see it's out of ammo. Then an ork picks it up and shoots someone with it.

Also, sorry to derail the thread, my bad  :-[.

Offline Auspice

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2013, 04:41:54 AM »
RE: 40k, the Orks have a kind of collective group psychic energy that lets them subconsciously make things happen. For example, they all believe that red vehicles go faster. So, their red ones go faster. Same with guns, there's a scene in one book where the humans check an ork's gun and see it's out of ammo. Then an ork picks it up and shoots someone with it.

Also, sorry to derail the thread, my bad  :-[.

No, that's very good.  It fits well with a possibility of using creatures of the Nevernever and tech-- especially in a dogfight.

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2013, 07:50:22 AM »
Don't forget about the Knights of the Blackened Denarius. Many would have been active during WW2.

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2013, 05:07:45 PM »
Incorporate "Mad Jack" Churchill into the campaign, just because he was insane and awesome.
Compels solve everything! My first book: "Brothers of the Curled Isles"

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #39 on: February 01, 2013, 07:56:58 PM »
The big problem will be the wizard in the group. 

Who says there's a wizard? The group consists of the Winter Knight, a were-cougar, a minor talent (psychometry), and a pure mortal demolitions expert. There may be a fifth member joining, but not sure.

I do like your idea about the fae making something though. I could see the summer fae making some big dragonfly looking fighter, possibly to help out the failing Luftwaffe.
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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2013, 04:35:41 AM »
So, in an attempt to revive this thread, I have a new question in regards to the game.

Does anyone have an interesting idea for a mystical sort of superweapon that the Germans may have in their possession? One of the things that I and at least one of my players would like to do would be to steal that from the Germans, probably from one of the castles that you always see in the movies. I've been trying to figure out a good item from research and what-not, but so far haven't come up with anything beyond the Spear of Destiny. I'm hesitant to use the spear, because it's a bit cliched, and I keep finding wildly divergent ideas about what sort of powers it would possess/grant.

Also, if anyone happens to know offhand of a good German castle, feel free to mention it.
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Offline Sanctaphrax

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #41 on: February 12, 2013, 04:46:27 AM »
If the Spear of Destiny is too cliched, how about using Odin's spear Gungnir?

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2013, 05:55:36 AM »
To go with a really dark version steal a page from The Atrocity Archives by Charles Stross and have some sort of awful necromantic artifact powered by the holocaust. Probably involving Kemmler some way, given that guy's involvement in most of that sort of thing. Though that's likely more a 'destroy' than 'steal' sorta thing.

Gungnir or another Norse mythos artifact are indeed good choices given the Nazi fascination with that particular mythos. Thor would be very unhappy if the Nazis had Mjollnir, but that doesn't mean they don't have that...or Brisingr, Freya's belt, or a dozen other possibilities.

Other possibilities would involve any mystical item native to an area the Germans have conquered or are conquering, which is quite a few, really...

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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #43 on: February 25, 2013, 06:15:07 AM »
So, in an attempt to revive this thread, I have a new question in regards to the game.

Does anyone have an interesting idea for a mystical sort of superweapon that the Germans may have in their possession? One of the things that I and at least one of my players would like to do would be to steal that from the Germans, probably from one of the castles that you always see in the movies. I've been trying to figure out a good item from research and what-not, but so far haven't come up with anything beyond the Spear of Destiny. I'm hesitant to use the spear, because it's a bit cliched, and I keep finding wildly divergent ideas about what sort of powers it would possess/grant.

Also, if anyone happens to know offhand of a good German castle, feel free to mention it.

Don't know of any German castles offhand. As for the super weapon question, though... How about throwing a curveball at them? Instead of being a super weapon the nazis plan on employing in the fight, it's something holy relic that they plan on desecrating and thus unleashing a mystical s**t storm? This would give them two reasons for trying to obtain it. My suggestion would be that the item in question is one of the Swords. The magical community in general knows about the Swords, and if they find out the nazis want to do something to them there would great interest in the outcome. (Obviously, if Denarians found out about the nazis having possession of a Sword, the nazis wouldn't have it for long so it'd have to be kept quiet.)

This is kinda funny; this thread was started the day after I ran character creation for my gaming group and my own Dresden Files campaign set in WW2. I'd been running a wild west d20 game, taken a break to run something else, and came back to the western only to hit a creative block. It frustrated me because I wanted to run the western again. So I asked my group what they might want to play. One immediately put forth Dresden because he had run the rpg for us a while back but didn't get to actually play. I wasn't too keen on running a modern setting - despite how much I LOVE Dresden and how well I know the books - so I suggested combining Dresden with the old west. Technical stuff came up regarding magic and such (like what would the Murphyonic field affect), and we moved on to talking about other choices. I like WW2 as a setting and proposed that, then I immediately remembered Kemmler being active during that time and ideas just started coming to me. Just ran the first session tonight and I had fun (I don't usually - I hate GMing; everyone in our group has a game they run and we take turns).

My group is composed of a Russian Emissary of Power (his patron is a Russian dragon with a hard on for gathering powerful artifacts), and average Joe military intelligence officer (capitalized the Joe on purpose - he's American), an American Jewish minor talent potion maker who also serves as the group doctor, a French were-raven, and my NPC: a clued-in mortal British intelligence officer who's superiors don't believe him about the supernatural stuff. He's basically the Murphy of British intelligence. The Emissary's patron has him on constant lookout for the Sword of St. George, the dragon slayer. And I must say it's awesome that the Emissary's player knows Dresden almost as well as I do: I have him thinking that St. George's sword is Amorrachius. MWAHAHAHA!!!

In my game, Kemmler is behind the scenes for now, but like someone else suggested doing with secret histories, I added him. With all the death and suffering the concentration camps caused, that would be A LOT of dark energy at his disposal. I've toyed with the idea of him being the one to suggest building camps. For now, though, my players will be dealing with minor stuff and building up to an endgame (which I so want to have happen in Dresden, Germany for sheer giggles). Their current situation involves Paris, nazis, the Eiffel Tower, and a 7 foot tall giant in the employ of the nazis. The giant is actually Frankenstein's Monster. The goal of the nazis in Paris is to seek supernatural aid. The nazis don't know about it yet, but the Eiffel Tower is actually acting as a giant, super-warded, bank vault door blocking a portal to a highly dangerous area of Faerie. The Tower is made out of steel, which we all know Fae can't stand.

I have so many ideas right now on where to go with this campaign.

Oh, and while I have the White Council staying out of the war, I do them fighting amongst themselves and a lot tension existing among them. Namely among the Jewish members and the German members that still feel loyal to Germany. That could be another reason why they stayed out of war: they were too busy fighting among themselves.
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Re: Dresden Files: WW2 edition.
« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2013, 04:21:05 PM »
kinda on topic, kinda

Why not do an Alternate WW2 or later? This is what i'm doing in my fate Core game at the moment

It's 1959 and the US and the Nazi's have had an Uneasy Truce, there's no out right war, but a new kind of war a "Cold War"
Instead of developing Nuclear Energy (that's just the crackpot rambling of this German guy named AL something or other) the US instead, with the help of Tesla and HP Lovecraft, opened a portal to the Other side and made contact (*cough* Cthulhu *cough*) at the Air Base known as Area 51. They made contact on June 6th 1944. D-Day shortly before the start of the landing
No one knows what happened, but they know the after effects. Japan, as a country ceased to exist. To the bedrock of the Ocean the entire island of Japan was erased from the Map. The remaining Japanese Forces offered a ceasefire and relocated to Taiwan. The Germans signed a Peace Treaty with the Allied Powers but they claim half of Paris and parts of France as their own, the US agrees and the Nazis start construction on the Parisian Wall. Russias collapsed, and a New Russian Empire was Born in Moscow lead by Queen Anastasia, but it only controls the areas around Moscow and is trying to reunite the rest of the country (think the Balkans) effectively making it impotent on the world stage. The US took credit for Japan but won't give out the details and Access to Area 51 is blocked by strange Men in Black suits claiming to work for the Government.
There have been rumors the Nazi's are working on a new kind of Rocket that can reach America from anywhere in the world, it's due to be launched in 3 days. There have also been Rumors of the Thull Society doing a new kind of magic involving something called "Nuclear" power?
It's up to your Motly Crew of Wizards and what not to get over the Parisian Wall, into Nazi Territory stop  the Rocket Launch, find out more about this "Nuclear" energy/magic and make it out alive.

(In this world the D-Day landings was used a sacrifice for a magical ritual that erased Japan)
Also you tell your players its a ICBM missile but really its a Rocket that's doing a moon landing mission of the Dark Side of the moon, where they will detonate a nuclear weapon and unleash some super natural force on the US (because the Nazi's can totally control a Dark Power they don't understand, what could go wrong)