Author Topic: Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"  (Read 2640 times)

Offline cold_breaker

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Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"
« on: April 23, 2013, 04:45:32 PM »
OK, so I'm struggling with my setting. I'm playing a low powered campaign and I have a lot of ideas, but parts of it seem kind of boring.

The city is actually a geographical area - and probably a large one compared to most. Southern Ontario. Specifically Waterloo region (which gives us several cities to work with - Waterloo, Kitchener, Cambridge and Guelph was tossed in for good measure.) We're calling this setting "The fractured cities"

Our Themes/Threats are "The fracture," "New school vs. Old School" and "Breeding ground for mediocrity"

The fracture: This is a threat, drawing on a combination of a real political situation in the area of cities merging, but still refusing to give up their individual identities. We've combined this with a magical geographical feature. Basicly, we're surrounded on 3 sides by the great lakes. As well, we've decided that overall, several powerful lay lines travel through the region and are split by the lakes into a massive net made up of tiny, useless tributaries. This net creates a sort of distortion field that effects everyone differently, mostly just grounding out magical power from outside the area. More on this later, but I will mention it's only a threat, not a change to the mechanics of the Dresdenverse.

Breeding ground for mediocrity - Basicly, the distortion field of the fracture drove out the traditional political powers and as a result, outsiders look at Ontario as the badlands: a human group is the dominant political power, Wylde-fae live here to avoid the pull of summer and winter, and Were wolves make up the other major faction.

Old School vs. New School: We've decided that the 'human' faction that dominates politics here is actually the large population of Mennonites in the region (that was a shock to me, but an interesting twist when I got over it) basically controlling things from the shadows. Too their credit, there has been no real organized crime in the region thanks to their over zealous meddling throughout history. Now however, thanks in equal part to the uprising in technology made possible by the fracture (see the universities) and the newly formed paranet, knowledge of the supernatural is getting around and a new school of mortal is forming. With this new awareness, the politics of the Mennonites is in question...

The factions:

The Mennonites: Our region has a large population of Mennonites. Some are true Amish, but many blend in with society and rule quite effectively from the shadows. Composed of pure mortals, they pulled a chapter of hunters over  early on as their leaders became aware of the supernatural and effectively took control of the supernatural world. With the Jagers keeping outside influances in check, the Mennonites effectively became the dominant political group in the area and kept the place clear of organised crime - both the mortal and non-mortal varieties. Still, in the supernatural world many consider them akin to a hate group when it comes to Fae and Magic users, or any other supernatural creatures. Old habits die hard, and no where is that more true than in Mennonite society.

The Universities - One major effect of the distortion field is grounding out static energy caused by mortal practitioners. While this isn't perfect, it has given local tech companies a distinct edge. Tech companies mean universities,  and universities mean scientists and students. As a result, the universities have slowly grown up in the region and are only now beginning to study the fringes of the normally taboo never-never. This has given the universities a new view point recently, and some have become aware of the true political landscape. As a result, the Universities have begun to challenge the rule of the Mennonites, although they don't fully realize the extent of what they deal with...

The Wylde-Fae: The fracture tends to ground out the pull of the summer and winter courts - something aligned fae hate. Unaligned fae however, who are constantly feeling the pull, love the fracture. Although they have no real political ambitions, many have come here and live mostly in peace: their children tending toward scions rather than changelings. For the most part, they've been driven out of politics by the far more zelous mennonites and, for the most part, they're happy with that. Their children, however, are always unpredictable... As a note: the local Fae recognize the accords and respect them, even if most of the mortals do not. The rest of the factions have only recently become concious of the accords as there has never been any need for them here.

The Jagers: Before immigrating to Canada, the Jagers were a German guild of hunters who secretly specialized in the supernatural - everything from witches to werewolves, the Jagers helped keep the German countryside safe from that which went bump in the night by killing non-mortals without exception (and even some mortals, if suspected of the black arts). So, when the local Mennonites noticed a population of werewolves in the region, they pulled Jagers from Germany over to help here. Modern day Jagers are much more civilised these days however and only really hunt if a creature has become a threat: more of a policing paramilitary than bloodthirsty systematic killers they once were. They still have a tendency to be a bit overzealous though, especially since most of their members are Mennonites. Using mostly raw training and the odd artifact captured over the years, the Jagers are more than capable of dealing with any local werewolf or Fae that decides to get out of hand, without ever even recognizing the accords.

The Paranet: another new face on the field, the Paranet only recently formed but has become a radical new faction here, with much more power than in most places. The Paranet represents a new unification of all of the lesser factions that the Mennonites have kept down all these years. Led by a council, this group has recently started calling the Jagers to account for their actions, and the Mennonites have begrudgingly respond with justifications, lest their political power waver. For the most part, they merely educate, but they've already shown to be a major political danger to the rest of the factions.

The Wardens: For mortal practitioners, casting magic is like breathing on Everest - it takes time to acclimatize yourself, but once you do it is possible. This process is an extremely slow process, so as a result, the white council has left several active wardens in the area to keep an eye on things. Since the Jagers generally do a good job of keeping threats taken care of, this long ago turned into a joke position: essentially a title and little else. Most are recruits from the region who would struggle with casting anywhere else anyways. Still, this contingent is maintained just in case: since the fracture seems to effect different types differently, you never know who might build up an army here in secret if the region were to be left unchecked. Today: the local Wardens are more or less a joke: pencil pushers who check in every once in a while to keep tabs on local events, but little else.

The Weres: No ones fully sure why, but there does seem to be a large population of Were's in the area: humans who through bloodline or by chance have learned to transform themselves into local animals. No ones quite sure why, but the tradition is a long one. The local Were's are more of a demographic than a faction here: disorganized but a bit more aware of things than most. For years, this was the primary concern of the Jager's: and with the paranet and Universities, this job is only getting harder as the Were's slowly realize just how many of them there are...

Other: No ones quite sure what else might be here, which is part of the reason why we have so many wardens here, joke or not.

So, for anyone who feels like reading, any thoughts? I'm sure I'll see some concerns right away which I can explain how I intend to handle them. Please bear in mind this setting was only partially created by me, so I am just working with what I've got ;)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 06:51:09 PM by cold_breaker »

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Re: Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2013, 07:26:01 PM »
Here are some thoughts off the top of my head.  Given some time, maybe I can think of more.  I'm somewhat familiar with the area having hung out in kitchener/Guelph and Waterloo in my university days.

- RIM:  Of course Waterloo is the home of RIM, so you should probably have something like that as a faction.  I always like deals with the devil.  So yeah, magic isn't that powerful, but given the proper pacts, maybe the rise of certain groups could be a result of some otherworldly creature. 

Or even, what are those scientists doing with the technology?  Given the were-creatures, you could have a military or private company who kidnaps supers and experiments on them.  Melding technology with Fantasy (a la Buffy's The Initiative who, BTW, were hidden under the University).
I have mentionned this in another thread, but I like the idea of a group like this.

If you can somehow create super-soldiers/spies, you can use them to take out the competition or sell them to the government!

- Fomor:  The St.Laurence leads into the Great Lakes and the Lakes, themselves would give the Fomor a strategic position in-land.  Given your location, it would make for a great staging ground since it's central to all the lakes.

Also considering that magic is grounded out, they would have less to worry from the White Council.  In fact the council would have to employ other assets to deal with the mortal assassins...or perhaps local were-types?

- Were-creatures.  Look to First Nations Folklore.  Lots of shapeshifting - especially werewolves.

EDIT:  if the werewolves are First Nations, they would see the Mennonites as interlopers - or historically, they would have been.  Are there any reserves around the area?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 07:43:15 PM by Taran »

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Re: Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2013, 07:56:39 PM »
RIM: I'm gonna integrate them into the universities. I purposely avoided RIM due to the company being in an unstable market position ;) - The universities and by extension RIM could still do that sort of thing though. I do have a half formed idea in this vain though, and I agree with you. I need to come up with an original take on it though.... hmm...

Fomor: this is an idea I haven't really considered. Part of me wanted to do more with the Grande River, which is a major geographical feature here, so that's a good idea. I'd also like to develop a river spirit of some sort there... not sure exactly what though.

We don't have any reserves in the immediate region, and first nations are honestly not a major group around here, which irks me a little as several of our major NPCs are of native origins. I don't really expect, or even want, to get into too much nations politics in our games. I have been looking into folklore however for ideas, although I haven't really come up with many ideas honestly, except one which I will not mention here in case one of my players reads this.

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Re: Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2013, 02:34:40 PM »
Please feel free to give feedback! I'm, new at this. I'm gonna gradually post up NPC write ups for each of the faces, since so far this has been my best write up of the setting.

Jacob Seagram:
HC: Devote Bureaucratic monster
TA: Product of my Humble Beginnings
A: There's a certain way things are done.
A: Do as I say and everything will work out...
A: God will protect me.
A: No exceptions.
A: No one to impress but God.

Jacob is the face of the Mennonite faction. He's by no means the de-facto leader - the Mennonites are far too humble to put one person in charge. Instead, Jacob is a manipulator - an expert in convincing people to do things his way, even if you don't agree with his motivations. He's not a bad guy: just good at what he does. Religiously devout and intolerably strict, most politicians in the area can't stand him... but are terrified to cross him. Born into the Amish community, he's actually relaxed his rules and is simply a Mennonite now: although a particularly by the books one by most standards.

Physical description: Jacob stands about 6'1" with the build of a linebacker. Despite this, he is not normally very imposing, just hard to ignore. His hands are calloused and his skin rough and tanned from years of working in the field underneath his suit clothes: to most, he looks like an old fashioned farmer from a hundred years ago in his church clothes. His voice is gruff and just what you'd expect.

Personality: Jacob comes off as the unappeasable father. He's above everything, and will scoff at pretty much everything. Though he comes from what should be a humble culture, his sin is certainly pride, and he's too proud to admit even that. If you're perfect, he'll make a point to be displeased by those you keep in your company. If you're proud of a work, he'll be sure to point out a flaw. That's not to say he's unreasonable: he knows the differences between breaking the law and doing something he or his religion disapproves of.

Powers/Stunts/Skills - True believer powers, a decent might score but otherwise built for social skills.

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Re: Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2013, 03:15:31 PM »
Next up?

Mara Dufraine:
HC: Feminist Bitch Professor
TA: Whadda ya know, there IS a conspiracy!
A:New kid on the block
A: I don't care if you like me, just do what I say
A: My voice is oddly compelling, I think I like it
A: The students are the future, and therefore priority number 1
A: In a monagomous relationship... with my work.

Mara is the face of the Universities in the region. While not strictly in charge, she's got her finger in every political pie to do with the universities, the city or the local businesses - including the Paranet council. Quick to temper and slow to drop a grudge, she's butted heads with more than a few local politicians and has politically ruined more than one due to her legendary grudges. Only recently has she been clued in, and has quite quickly grabbed political power by the balls, mostly because she's rallied support from so many people. These people are the same ones that the Mennonites have secretly and systematically alienated over the years: the young, the technologically advanced and the minor talents of the supernatural community. Herself a weak fortune teller, the forming of the Paranet was a wake up call for her and she quickly used it to cement personal power in order to work.

Physical description: Mara is in her mid forties but looks a decade younger. She is fair skinned and keeps her hair tied back in a tight bun, dressing in business attire constantly. Most of her students, when they actually see her, remark that she dresses more like a lawyer than a professor, with her heels and modest but tight skirt and blouse. She has a beak like nose and sharp, intelligent eyes.

Personality: Mara is a viciously over protective mother like figure, who sees violations of personal freedoms in the same light a literal mother bear might see intruders approaching her cubs. On a more personal level, she's a man hater, and easily takes personal offence to males in positions of authority over her. She likes the sound of her own voice and will occasionally get carried away on a rant, and will often go too far to avoid admitting she was wrong.

Powers/Stunts/Skills: Minor talent with ritual(divination) - Mostly social and acedemics skill and stunt wise.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 03:23:11 PM by cold_breaker »

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Re: Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2013, 04:43:48 PM »
Note: Up next are Skullcap and Sonya - both faces of a Wylde-Fae for the setting. That's right, there are two in this case. If it makes people more comfortable, consider Skullcap as THE face, while Sonya is just a major NPC that is technically affiliated with the group.

HC: Retired but not forgotten leader of the Wylde-Fae families
TA: Ailing Elder
A: I don't have time for this, think for yourself
A: Reluctant, but not without power
A: I am the respected storyteller
A: I aint no pretender

Despite his withdrawal from society, Skullcap is considered one of the oldest and most respected elders of Wylde-Fae society. Theoretically, he could retreat into the Never-never like so many other old fae who are tired of the mortal world, but chooses to stay with a group of other old, retired fae here in the supposedly abandoned Preston Springs hotel, where he can keep an eye on the descendants of his bloodlines. No ones particularly sure anymore which of the bloodlines are considered his descendants, but Skullcap doesn't seem to care. It is said that he's as old or older than the Winter and Summer Mothers, and although no one is sure of this, they have been known to send each other gifts of sweets every few years. The notes that are sent are informal and kind - fond even. Beyond that, Skullcap is a recluse and rarely entertains visitors - and even then it's usually Wylde-Fae children, invited to hear fables and fairy tails. Such visits are considered a right of passage for the kids. Adults actually speaking directly with Skullcap is rare and considered very dangerous, but does happen on occasion - such events seem almost random and often results in a messy death. Skullcap lives with a small cavalcade of other reclusive and old Wylde-Fae who usually are far safer to speak with and will often relay his messages for him. They make up a sort of Fae old-folks home.

Physical description: Skullcap usually sits in an ancient wicker wheel chair. He's physically small and looks like some sort of pale goblin with his wrinkled white skin, large, slightly pointed ears and proportionally huge nose. He's bald, but does have occassional warts and blemishis with patches of body hair sticking out. Basicly, he looks like a tiny, angry, old goblin.

Personality: As expected, Skullcap has an incredible temper. In addition, it's damn near random: sometimes you could shout insults at him and he'd laugh it off, the next he's about to kill you because you used the wrong turn of phrase. He seems fond of the young and very protective of his kin: particularly changelings and scions that visit him. Despite all this, he seems surprisingly lucid - especially by Fae standards.

Stunts/Powers/Skills: OH GOD WHAT?!? (Probably just about every topped out physical boost - dudes respected by Mother Winter for a reason! Think refresh of 30 or 40 and then some)

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Re: Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2013, 05:50:24 PM »
Sonya (Last name not given, as this is based on a real person whom I doubt would appreciate being assosciated with our fictional version.)

HC: Spiteful Hag of the Huether*
TA: Wannabe power monger
A: I AM the Wylde-Fae in this town!
A: No one talks to me like that!

Sonya sees herself as the de-facto leader of the Wylde-Fae in town, and indeed even Skullcap backs her claim to power from his seclusion, but the fact of the matter is that the Wylde-Fae are just a collection of bloodlines that doesn't follow any central authority. Some look up to her as a sort of Idol: as a particularly powerful scion of a bloodline of Hags, she's done quite well for herself, but no one truly follows her or does what she says. Despite this, Sonya feels the need to be in charge. This is why she long ago became a business owner of the Huether Hotel and, when it was formed, jumped at the chance to represent all the local Fae on the Paranet's council. Still, her lust for power is not yet satiated and knowing this, every politician she comes in contact with is wary of her.

Physical Description: Sonya is part Hag and actually changes her appearance to suit her needs. Her normal distinguishing features are overly thick, stringy hair and piercing blue eyes that seem to percist regardless of the skin-suit she uses. Those that have seen her true form claim she looks like a particularly lanky and awkwardly tall teenager with bad skin and teeth, but it's rare to see her outside of her skin suits. She tends to favour two main appearences: that of the old lady who officially owns the Huether, and a beautiful young woman in her early twenties who often claims to be her daughter. Although Sonya isn't true Fae (only a scion) she is very long lived and is expected to fake her death at some point and have a younger version step up to inherit everything.

Personality: Sonya is a very nice person... provided you have something she wants. Deals with Sonya always benefit her in some way. She's spent her life learning to turn every situation, no matter how mundane, to her advantage. Unlike other major players in the political scene, Sonya is not out to represent any greater groups or political ideals, and she's not very good at hiding it. She'll do anything, use anything and if possible extort anything to climb another wrung on the ladder of power.

Powers/Stunts/Skills: Social skills, Flesh mask, Wizard template.

*Huether is a local hotel

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Re: Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2013, 07:35:37 PM »
Sonya (Last name not given, as this is based on a real person whom I doubt would appreciate being assosciated with our fictional version.)

HC: Spiteful Hag of the Huether*

LoL.  I probably wouldn't want my name associated with that as well! ;)

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Re: Setting ideas for the "Fractured cities"
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2013, 08:08:24 PM »
Hehe, it stems from the stories one of my players got from his friends, so I figured a Hag might be an interesting take on her. Wouldn't want anyone searching for her name and getting this though. :)

Any ways, next up is...

William Schmitt Jr.
HC: Hot-headed top hunter of the Jagers
TA: My father is a little Jaded and a lot in charge.
A: To hell with non-humans. I don't need magical powers to kick your ass.
A: That aint a crossbow. THIS! This is a real weapon.
A: I could track you through the cement jungle from a helicopter

William Sr. is the official top brass of the Hunters, but for all the real work William Jr. is the man. Borderline racist against non-humans, Jr. (as he's teasingly referred to by the other hunters) is the head hunter and spends his time trying to balance out living up to his father's expectations - which mostly involves indiscriminate killing of any non-mortal who crosses his path - and not starting a war with the never-never. As a result, he, and by extension the hunters - are a brutal but coherent police like force - albeit one that everyone is afraid of accidentally crossing.

Physical description: William stands about 5'11" with an athletes build. Short cut, dark brown hair and a fairly attractive smile - all straight white teeth and award winning smile. William doesn't seem imposing so much as capable.

Personality: William is hot headed and not really good in social situations, but is an excellent leader and strategist - as well as a dangerous combatant. He tends to be easily bored in conversation and extremely dismissive of non-mortals. He's also extremely competitive, and likes to prove he can outdo the supernatural despite his lack of powers.

Powers/Stunts/Skills: Pure mortal, low social skills but high survival and weapons skills.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 08:12:55 PM by cold_breaker »