Okay, I am working on a new character, and would like some ideas. This is a character coming in to an existing group, so I can't really tie my aspects in the normal way for now. The overall idea is a junior warden from a Scandinavian country who has inherited one of the silver swords from a recently (apparently) slain parent. I posted ideas on a FB group, so I'll just copy them here.
So far I have the high concept of "Junior Warden" and the trouble of "Warden Jr." Yes, my mamma wore combat boots, and those are some big shoes to fill.
My 'family' aspect is also connected to that: "Queen of Swords, Knave of Staves". I inherited both my warden sword and my Conviction from mother, and of course this aspect is also based on a couple tarot cards.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_Swordshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight_of_Wands'Wands' and 'Staves' are interchangeable terms for the suit, and 'knave' is another name for the 'jack' playing card which is what became of the 'knights' in tarot. I'm not sure if this means dad was just mundane, or somehow dishonourable. The Knight of Staves is a symbol of wanderlust, so along with the 'combat boots' on one side, dad's boots were apparently made for walkin'.
My last aspect is currently 'Immigrant Song'.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBmueYJ0VhA Like Eddie Murphy in 'Coming to America', I'm not from 'round here. Unlike his character, I didn't come entirely by choice, and I'm quite a bit more pale, so for me the story title is 'Exiled to Vinland'. My mother's sword was found in the wreckage of the White Council's outpost at Archangel, and while my reaction to her apparent death gave me motive to hunt the Red Court, my inexperience could be more of a liability than an asset, so the Council moved me somewhere out of the way (a city of about 90k in the US).
I'm considering whether to give him an aspect that makes him a bit of a berserker, and whether I want him to be a metal musician. I don't know that he has room in his skills for a decent Performance, or if it even makes sense to be able to play around electrical devices like amps and speakers. Maybe playing calms him to the extent that he doesn't short out the equipment?
Having a skill cap of 29 and not able to put anything at 'Superb' does make it somewhat more difficult to build the skill tower. Besides the Conviction, Discipline, and Lore needed for spellcasting, he also needs Weapons and Might in order to sweep a sword around effectively. Add in Alertness, Athletics, and Endurance to round combat needs out, and there's not much room left.
Does the warden sword and cloak cover all my magical gear? If I wanted to use runes for thaumaturgy, how would I represent that?
Hmm... being a big guy may make people assume you're stupid, so that could be a temper trigger. Then there's the tendency for a big guy to be targeted by those looking to make a name for themselves... that could piss you off a lot. Add that to having one parental role model missing and the other (probably) recently killed... having a tendency to flip out and break some shit is quite understandable. Now I just need a better aspect name than "would you like some making fuck", and to decide whether I want to make the berserking my 'trouble' aspect since that's something likely to get one in a LOT of trouble.